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Greek forces on red alert (Turkish surveying)

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Re: Greek forces on red alert (Turkish surveying)

Postby Maximus » Wed Oct 07, 2020 12:10 pm

Turkey doesnt give a hoot about UN resolutions.
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Re: Greek forces on red alert (Turkish surveying)

Postby Mustiejodu » Sat Oct 10, 2020 11:57 pm

I am not in favour of warmongering or expansionism but if we are to condemn turkey and act like your shit don’t stink then don’t do lucrative deals with a country like Israel who have for the past 50 years have not withdrawn from the illegal occupation of Palestinian land. Now you want eu and USA to help but that’s hypocrisy at its worst in my books. Your governments are willing to do business with Israel who still to this day occupy Palestinian territory and are breaching international law. Why is it ok for one country to break international law but not another. The UN and EU are a rotten apple with double standards. That’s why we voted to brexit out of this rotten communist expansionist Ideology. I hear the EU now want a army. We got rid of USSR but now we got EU
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Re: Greek forces on red alert (Turkish surveying)

Postby Get Real! » Sun Oct 11, 2020 12:28 am

Mustiejodu wrote:I am not in favour of warmongering or expansionism but if we are to condemn turkey and act like your shit don’t stink then don’t do lucrative deals with a country like Israel who have for the past 50 years have not withdrawn from the illegal occupation of Palestinian land. Now you want eu and USA to help but that’s hypocrisy at its worst in my books. Your governments are willing to do business with Israel who still to this day occupy Palestinian territory and are breaching international law. Why is it ok for one country to break international law but not another. The UN and EU are a rotten apple with double standards. That’s why we voted to brexit out of this rotten communist expansionist Ideology. I hear the EU now want a army. We got rid of USSR but now we got EU

You've got Turkish hypocrisy oozing out of every orifice... :)
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Re: Greek forces on red alert (Turkish surveying)

Postby Londonrake » Mon Oct 12, 2020 7:44 am

Deja vu:

Turkish ship at centre of Greece row to return to Mediterranean

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Re: Greek forces on red alert (Turkish surveying)

Postby Mustiejodu » Mon Oct 12, 2020 8:26 am

Where did your little thugs disappear to last night. I though they were going to have the courage to continue through the border. They looked so tough in their black balaclava’s throwing fire bombs. What an embarrassment
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Re: Greek forces on red alert (Turkish surveying)

Postby Londonrake » Mon Oct 12, 2020 9:21 am

Mustiejodu wrote:Where did your little thugs disappear to last night. I though they were going to have the courage to continue through the border. They looked so tough in their black balaclava’s throwing fire bombs. What an embarrassment ... checkpoint

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Re: Greek forces on red alert (Turkish surveying)

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Oct 12, 2020 11:18 pm

...even more of a reason for Cypriots to gather as Cypriots, under their Flag; who would they expose: not just "them" or the "Turks" who are the same, all those who treat this Flag and the Principal it represents as a rag.
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Re: Greek forces on red alert (Turkish surveying)

Postby Paphitis » Thu Oct 15, 2020 2:33 am

Mustiejodu wrote:I am not in favour of warmongering or expansionism but if we are to condemn turkey and act like your shit don’t stink then don’t do lucrative deals with a country like Israel who have for the past 50 years have not withdrawn from the illegal occupation of Palestinian land. Now you want eu and USA to help but that’s hypocrisy at its worst in my books. Your governments are willing to do business with Israel who still to this day occupy Palestinian territory and are breaching international law. Why is it ok for one country to break international law but not another. The UN and EU are a rotten apple with double standards. That’s why we voted to brexit out of this rotten communist expansionist Ideology. I hear the EU now want a army. We got rid of USSR but now we got EU

We have no choice but to be on good terms with Israel for many reasons.

All of us are basically victims of Turkish recalcitrance. Therefore, we need to band together with the Israelis. Not just the Israelis mind you. But with Egypt, Lebanon, Tunisia and Greece as well.

Plus, we have to enter into a partnership with Israel, Egypt and Greece in order to construct the East Med pipeline all the way to Italy.
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Re: Greek forces on red alert (Turkish surveying)

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Jan 27, 2021 10:11 pm

"In this map, Turkey, whose boundaries are indicated with a dashed line, has itself outlined the border between the Greek islands and the Turkish coast. Greek islands that have often been referred to by Turkish officials expounding on the “gray zones” theory are depicted by Turkey’s Interior Ministry in this map as Greek. Among these is the islet cluster of Imia, which is shown within Greek territory, as are the Kastellorizo cluster and many other islands. With this map, Ankara is in compliance with the international agreements it is a signatory to.

The agreements are explicit on the issue of the sovereignty of the Greek islands and this map serves as further proof of Turkey’s change of stance. The fact that the government and its mapping service thus marked the border between the Turkish coast and the Greek islands, on the basis of their own data, makes it clear that there is no merit to Turkey’s relatively recent discussion about “gray zones” in the Aegean, as the stipulations of the treaties are already on the record." ... -narrative
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