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Greek forces on red alert (Turkish surveying)

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Re: Greek forces on red alert (Turkish surveying)

Postby Oceanside50 » Fri Sep 04, 2020 2:31 pm

Where’s koLordo, I miss him
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Re: Greek forces on red alert (Turkish surveying)

Postby Londonrake » Fri Sep 04, 2020 2:35 pm

Oceanside50 wrote:Where’s koLordo, I miss him

After “The Reckoning” last December he did an Eng Lang Phd and came back as a guy called Erolz.
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Re: Greek forces on red alert (Turkish surveying)

Postby Maximus » Fri Sep 04, 2020 4:09 pm

No please, the thread will get littered with youtube videos of Turkish war machines and Ottoman death march music.
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Re: Greek forces on red alert (Turkish surveying)

Postby Maximus » Fri Sep 04, 2020 4:17 pm

Someone posted elsewhere,

Someone stop Erdogan barking, every day for the last 15 years.

He is not a leader, we are sick of hearing about him.

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Re: Greek forces on red alert (Turkish surveying)

Postby Maximus » Sat Sep 05, 2020 6:51 pm

Turkey is transporting tanks from the Syrian border to the Greek border in the north west of the country.

A total of 40 tanks are in the process of being transported, according to Ahval.

There was no official confirmation of the deployment at the time this article was written. ... _entity=en

This is indicative that Endorgan's foreign policy and military adventurism has left Turkey exposed on multiple fronts and spread thin. By the time he redirects military assets from one place to the other, he exposes himself at the original place and weakens his position on those ill gotten gains.
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Re: Greek forces on red alert (Turkish surveying)

Postby Maximus » Sat Sep 05, 2020 10:13 pm

A cartoon published by The Economist portraying their take on the tensions in the med.
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Re: Greek forces on red alert (Turkish surveying)

Postby Get Real! » Sun Sep 06, 2020 2:39 am

This is for my friend Maximus...

"Η απόλυτη στρατιωτική σύγκριση για το 2020" ... i-gia-2020
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Re: Greek forces on red alert (Turkish surveying)

Postby Paphitis » Sun Sep 06, 2020 4:15 am

Maximus wrote:After lots of lashing out and accusing Greece of taking a miximalist position, while taking a miximalist illegitimate position themselves, they want to talk without preconditions.

What that means is that they dont want to base the negotiations on any internationally recognized legal framework because they know that the internationally recognized UN law of the sea supports Greece rights. They want to negotiate on a give and take basis where they take what doesnt legitimately belong to them under the treat of force and give nothing. They are predictable.

Greece is correct, there is nothing to talk about, Turkey has to just accept that she doesnt have any legal right further to what her legal rights in the east med are. They are clearly defined and she is the one searching in other countries EEZ creating the tensions. Turkeys rights are not what she claims, her claims are lies and not compatible with international law, like Endorgan so often professes. Turkey does have rights, but they stop halfway between the other countries in the neighborhood. Because they have the same rights as well.

I wouldnt be surprise if Cyprus gets hung out to dry in all this.

All the focus is on the military build up by Greece, France but the Turkish violations of Cyprus's EEZ are being ignored.

These "talks" are just the tip of the iceberg and it is better than chest beating and firing in the air like a buffoon. Once you engage with Turkey about "problems" that they create, they go on and on and on without resolution. Because they dont want to accept any law or good ethics to be included with them. You might as well be talking with a Turkey. :roll:

Yes, Greece must not under any circumstances begin ANY negotiations with Turkey unless it is under the UNCLOS framework and unless Turkey desists conducting illegal activities within Greece's EEZ.

Yes it is possible that Cyprus might be left out to dry, but so far it seems Greece and France are sending ships and planes within the Cyprus EEZ,

The dangers for us are the stupid Germans, Spanish, Italians, Hungarians and Bulgarians and also Malta.

Greece needs to assert itself and go to the next Euro-parliament sitting and make a speech insinuating that European unity is a MYTH, and that it leaves Greece with no other cause of action but to establish a GREXIT committee, to evaluate the possibility of a GREXIT. This will destroy the arseholes once and for all, and they know it too.

It's time for Greece to send the nationalists to Brussels, and tell these arseholes what traitors they are. We need a Greek farage.

Greece should also go to the next NATO summit and threaten NTO with a Greek Withdrawal. keep both the EU and NATO guessing, and give them the kind of toxic rhetoric to send them into a spin.

Let me assure you all that neither EU nor NATO want Greece to withdraw.
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Re: Greek forces on red alert (Turkish surveying)

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Sep 07, 2020 3:19 am

Al Jazeera’s take, on Cyprus; for the record.
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Re: Greek forces on red alert (Turkish surveying)

Postby Paphitis » Tue Sep 08, 2020 3:17 pm

HUD Footage released from Turkish Ministry of Defence of a low intensity engagement between Turkish Vipers and Hellenic Vipers.

Viper = F-16 all versions

The commentator in the YouTube Video was an American F-16 and F-18 Pilot. A highly experienced pilot so this guy knows what he is talking about. He dissects the footage as best he can.

Some things to point out. It isn't certain that the footage is real.

We know that the footage is edited as the read outs keep changing. One second, the Vipers are at 25,000Ft, and next second at 8000Ft.

That could be to protect sensitive and protected tactical information, or the footage was doctored and is fake.

But, all in all, the information has the appearance of being legit.

However, we do not know if the VIPER in the HUD is an actual Hellenic Viper or TAF during a training exercise. It could be Turkish Vs Turkish. The Turks though are claiming it's a Greek Viper.

The Turkish Viper was in Simulator mode, which means the AIM9 Sidewinders were still caged and even if you hit the pickle button, the gun won't fire. If it was a real dogfight, you would arm the master switch so all weapons would be hot, but it could be a situation where the Turks have Simulator mode to avoid mishaps.

These Greek Vipers were allegedly enroute from Crete to Cyprus where they were intercepted by the Tirks and the Greeks were forced to bug out.

What was interesting is that the Greek Viper did not punch off its external fuel tanks. It was not aggressively moving but the Turks are claiming a kill on guns. But it was a very weak lock and an unstable track.

There was also some banter between Greek and Turkish pilots in Greek and Turkish. So either they were talking on Guard 243.0 Mhz or it's a fake. In such close proximity, it would make sense to me for the Turkish and Greek Pilots to be speaking in English.

Anyway, the guy in the video has all the F-16 knowledge because he flew them.

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