Someone who is actually with it would have received the very first news updates from a smart phone and/or smart watch. The most advanced piece of technology you have to worry about is your long white Charlie socks and sandals.
When the blast happened your "....
smart phone and/or smart watch" was f****d because the massive explosion took out the cell-phone masts. Now whose the thick one, smart ass?
There was virtually a news blackout and I would suggest early news got out to the world via land lines, shipping or the military. Even the news that was coming out was just cell phone videos being posted by the MSM ..... SKY/BBC couldn't even get hold of their local journalist for about 20 mins. after I started watching events unfold. SKY flew in Alec Crawford this morning to chat to survivors.
The UK Government is discussing with their 'friends and allies' how they can help ............but Russia is already in the air with field hospitals, doctors and medics and medical aid, already on their way to Beirut apparently, according to the BFBS (BBC) news bulletin on my steam driven VHF radio.
This just shows you why my generation is so much smarter than yours. We think before we make ourselves look stupid ....... you just open your mouth and prove you are!