It is true that the USS Ronald Reagan is in the South china Sea as stated by RH. Along with an entire US battle group, 5 Australian Warships, and warships from Japan, Thailand, Singapore, and Taiwan.
There is a major naval exercise between these countries in international waters. However, Chy-na is claiming these waters.
As one Australian Warship was about to join formation with the US battle group, it was intercepted by the Chy-nese navy and ordered to leave, or suffer the consequences. The Australian Ship did respond and stated it was in international waters and will continue it's course to participate in naval exercises.
The tactic so far seems to be to ignore the Chy-nese threats and continue to navigate the waters and airspace that Chy-na is illegally claiming in order to maintain freedom of navigation.
The Australian Ship was not damaged in any way but our DoD will not reveal which ship but did call the chy-nese actions an illegal provocation that endangered the maritime safety of an Australian Warship in International High Seas. All we know is that one of our capital Ships HMAS Adelaide or HMAS Canberra are part of the Australian Fleet participating in the exercises.
The exercises have started and also present are a stack of P8 aircraft.
After these exercises, the US battle group, Japan and Australia will be going to Hawaii for more exercises. Japanese warships will be entering Pearl Harbour as ally ships. Bit of history there.
I think it's time to order some Chy-nese Consulates out of Australia. 24 hours should give them enough time to get out.