Just for everyone's interest.
In this economic environment Australia just announced an increase of funding to all our Security Agencies (ASIO, ASIC and Defence Signals Directorate) of 1.3 billion per annum and is recruiting an extra 500 spies and is about to inaugurate it's cyber hacking agency as a stand alone institution which will do all kinds of cool stuff like hack Chy-nese Government Websites, and major infrastructure such as Nuclear Power Plants, and Electricity Grids. This in response to a major hacking campaign from Chy-na.
Also just announced an extra 270 billion of extra Defence Funding over 10 years - investing in new jets, brand new subs, hyper-sonic missiles, and who knows what. Lot's on the shopping list.
Australian PM said this expenditure is necessary and said this period is like the 1930s in Europe with a certain fascistic regime (you all know who) starting to flex muscle in the South China Sea and preparing their military for war.
he told the Australian people that Australia must prepare for the worst, and what he means by that is war between Chy-na and the Chinese of Taiwan, and also japan which will escalate into a World War.
He must certainly believe this to increase defence expenditure by 270 Billion. Australia, Taiwan, Japan, Indonesia, Vietnam or moving forward together to contain Chy-na and Chi Chi Peanut's aspirations.
Do you think we know something about the man made Chy-na Virus?
After the Chy-nese Barley sanctions, Australia responded with calling Chi chi Peanut, Adolf Hitler and with arming the Australian Military to the teeth - apparently to actually prepare for the worst (war). Our strength lies with our unity and friends in the region (Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia who hate Chi Chi Peanut (The Fuhrer) more than we do.
We have a great PM who hasn't got his head in the sand.