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Turkey is bankrupt

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Re: Turkey is bankrupt

Postby Lordo » Tue Sep 27, 2022 1:59 pm

Maximus wrote:Who said anything about restricting money to only one sector you pleb.

When central banks stop printing money and start raising interest rates to recall it on loans and encourage more saving and less borrowing, it brings down inflation (over time) and raises the value of currency. This also increasing peoples purchasing power.

Its not that there isnt enough money around, its that the value of it is eroding because there is too much of it available. Which is what Endorgan is encouraging more of with lowering interest rates.

Are you really this thick?

You are so stupid. There is too much money in Turkey? I give up with you. Back to toilet cleaning for you.

The reason the value drops is because the finance cunts want the interest rate increased and to force it they run at the TL so it will drop which causes inflation which in return makes those at the poor end of society suffer even more.

I was reading a report the other day where back in the 80s Milk Snatcher talked to Ronald the monkey man and ask for his assistance to identify the people who were causing the pound to drop and catch them. You do like that bitch don't you boy.

Now back to the toilets boy. And this time clean it properly not like last time when you left the skid marks in place. You need to wipe them off.
You are talking bullshit and that is appropriate as you are into shit.
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Re: Turkey is bankrupt

Postby Maximus » Tue Sep 27, 2022 2:01 pm

You havent got a clue what you are talking about.

Stick to waxing hair out of peoples nostrils.
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Re: Turkey is bankrupt

Postby Lordo » Tue Sep 27, 2022 3:40 pm

Terggy's inflation over the decades. The asshole thinks war will help? To call you an idiot is an insult to all the idiots. Trend after 1974 is very revealing.,%20%205.19%25%20%2058%20more%20rows%20
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Re: Turkey is bankrupt

Postby Maximus » Wed Sep 28, 2022 12:02 am

Get back to your day job bordo.
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Re: Turkey is bankrupt

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Oct 19, 2022 10:27 pm

''According to a new Oxfam report, the wealthiest one percent owns 41 percent of the country's total wealth, making it the third most unequal country among 161 countries.'' ... -countries interesting fact.

When it comes to the ratio of the minimum wage to gross domestic product per capita. Türkiye experienced a severe drop, as the ratio of the minimum wage to gross domestic income per capita fell from 60 percent to 50 percent in the last two years. (EMK/WM/VK)

link to whole report included.
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Re: Turkey is bankrupt

Postby Maximus » Thu Oct 20, 2022 4:32 pm

Erdogan has slashed interest rates again by a whopping 1.5%.

Now at 10.5%..

At least the average Turkish borrower wont see their repayments go up while inflation keeps going through the roof, hey Bordo?
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Re: Turkey is bankrupt

Postby Lordo » Thu Oct 20, 2022 7:43 pm

Stupid is stupid does. When will you get it into your thick head that interest rates will make no difference to inflation. We have had interests rate increased here and inflation still rose.

There is only one way to reduce inflation and that is tax the energy companies for the windfall they have got from the market prices and reduce price rises.

Fuck off to the nearest toilet where your services are required booooooooy. Leave economics to the grownups.
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Re: Turkey is bankrupt

Postby Maximus » Fri Oct 21, 2022 7:39 am

There is only one way to reduce inflation and that is tax the energy companies for the windfall they have got from the market prices and reduce price rises.

This must be the theory of Bordogolomics.

Which book can I read more about this in?
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Re: Turkey is bankrupt

Postby Maximus » Fri Oct 21, 2022 12:03 pm

Which energy companies is erdogoon going to tax for excessive profits re Bordo yemato yerimo sovrako ?
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Re: Turkey is bankrupt

Postby Lordo » Fri Oct 21, 2022 4:55 pm

Na blinnis do vradjissou dje ine yemado sourdisma.

I can understand it if you do not get why increasing interest rates will not bring down inflation. Bank of England CEO does not get it either, or he is looking the other way.

People have to buy food and have to use energy, however there are people who will have to choose between food and heat or even have food but unable to heat it, which means tin food of course. How far have we fallen since the dredged freedom we got from the EU.
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