miltiades wrote:Get Real! wrote:miltiades wrote:Get Real! wrote:Maximus wrote:You are exaggerating.
Armies march on fuel in the tank and food in their stomachs.
The Turks cant afford neither.
I’ll never understand the Cypriots who live overseas… they’re just so fucking dumb.
Absolutely clueless about pretty much everything...

Shut the fuvk up you Criminal Psychopath. Did I ever tell you you are a disgusting piece of shit?
Did I ever tell you about your mommy’s fat arse? She’d take two cocks at a time until a wall landed on her head! Oops!
Folks, this is what this fucking psychopath is good at. In 16 years on this forum I have never involved anyone's family.
I'm not going to take his disgusting comments, he will soon find out who Miltiades is. Keep looking over your shoulder you fucking Psychopath. You have crossed the red line many times, this time you will regret it.
It’s by no accident a wall landed on her head… and that’s when you came out her backside!
You’ve heard of pressure dynamics right?
Oh and don't worry about the "folks"... if you didn't like hearing about your poutanara you wouldn't keep coming back to me eh!
That's your daily jerk secured!