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Turkey is bankrupt

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Re: Turkey is bankrupt

Postby Maximus » Sat Jan 08, 2022 12:00 am

Lordo wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
Get Real! wrote:It will take BRAINS to reverse America’s perception of Turkey, but it’s not an attribute you’ll find to exist in Greece or Cyprus.

Let the Turks demonstrate how geniuses they are, by biting the hand that feeds them.
That will do the job. :wink:

They put a yank to jail for giving bibles away and it did not do it.
They bought Russian weapons and that did not do it.

They still get what they need.

So long as the US bases are functioning in Terggy, she will get away with it.

The United States currently has three military bases in Turkey. Though this isn’t a large number of military bases, each base in Turkey plays an important and essential role.

The bases in Turkey work to protect the United States and its allies through a variety of missions, including combat, support, and missile defense.

Their history varies, as two were started in the 1950s and one was just recently founded in 2012.

Each of the US bases in this country is outlined below, so you can learn a bit more about them and what they do:

Incirlik Air Base
Overall Mission: This is the largest US military base in Turkey. It has many different squadrons with varying purposes, as shown by the stationed units list below.

The base has a cohesive mission of defending NATO’s Southern Flank and projecting global power through deterrence, combat support, and partnerships.

They seek to defend US allies as well as NATO.

Units Stationed:
425th Air Base Squadron
717th Air Base Squadron
728th Air Mobility Squadron
39th Civil Engineer Squadron
39th Communications Squadron
39th Comptroller Squadron
39th Contracting Squadron
39th Forse Support Squadron
39th Logistics Readiness Squadron
39th Maintenance Squadron
39th Medical Group
39th Mission Support Group
39th Operations Support Squadron
39th Security Forces Squadron
39th Weapon Security Squadron

Izmir Air Station
Overall Mission: This base runs under the same command, though in a different location, as Incirlik Air Base (shown above).

It runs under the same mission and operation plan and even has many tenants from the same units as well.

Units Stationed:
39th Air Base Wing
425th Air Base Squadron
NATO Land Command Headquarters

Kürecik Radar Station
Overall Mission: Kürecik Radar Station is the only US Army base in Turkey, and they often partner with the US Air Force and Navy.

Its main mission is related to missile interception and defense, with a goal of keeping the United States and its allies safe from missile and nuclear threats.

The site it is built on was a missile detection site in the 1960s, though the technology and capabilities were greatly enhanced at the time of the creation of this US base.

Units Stationed:
NATO Missile Defense
US Army Europe troops

Yeah but are they getting the upgrade kits they need for the F16's that have come to the end of their life cycle or not?

And is Erdogan REALLY fighting a war of economic independence (against who?).

That is the question.
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Re: Turkey is bankrupt

Postby Get Real! » Sat Jan 08, 2022 12:07 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Get Real! wrote:It will take BRAINS to reverse America’s perception of Turkey, but it’s not an attribute you’ll find to exist in Greece or Cyprus.

Let the Turks demonstrate how geniuses they are, by biting the hand that feeds them.
That will do the job. :wink:

Btw, note that North Greece has today more US marines than it has Greek citizens.
Where did they come from, and why is Turkey complaining?

Turkey’s “genius” is to remain the menacing pirate they always were.

All Turkey needs to do is arrange a meeting with Putin without first notifying the West, and all of a sudden the West is like… “Oh my God our southern flank is at risk! Quick… give Turkey what they want to stop this meeting!”

That’s how fucking stupid the West is, and the Ottomans have no problems taking advantage of it.

That’s what they’ve always thrived on.
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Re: Turkey is bankrupt

Postby Lordo » Sat Jan 08, 2022 12:21 am

Maximus wrote:
Lordo wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
Get Real! wrote:It will take BRAINS to reverse America’s perception of Turkey, but it’s not an attribute you’ll find to exist in Greece or Cyprus.

Let the Turks demonstrate how geniuses they are, by biting the hand that feeds them.
That will do the job. :wink:

They put a yank to jail for giving bibles away and it did not do it.
They bought Russian weapons and that did not do it.

They still get what they need.

So long as the US bases are functioning in Terggy, she will get away with it.

The United States currently has three military bases in Turkey. Though this isn’t a large number of military bases, each base in Turkey plays an important and essential role.

The bases in Turkey work to protect the United States and its allies through a variety of missions, including combat, support, and missile defense.

Their history varies, as two were started in the 1950s and one was just recently founded in 2012.

Each of the US bases in this country is outlined below, so you can learn a bit more about them and what they do:

Incirlik Air Base
Overall Mission: This is the largest US military base in Turkey. It has many different squadrons with varying purposes, as shown by the stationed units list below.

The base has a cohesive mission of defending NATO’s Southern Flank and projecting global power through deterrence, combat support, and partnerships.

They seek to defend US allies as well as NATO.

Units Stationed:
425th Air Base Squadron
717th Air Base Squadron
728th Air Mobility Squadron
39th Civil Engineer Squadron
39th Communications Squadron
39th Comptroller Squadron
39th Contracting Squadron
39th Forse Support Squadron
39th Logistics Readiness Squadron
39th Maintenance Squadron
39th Medical Group
39th Mission Support Group
39th Operations Support Squadron
39th Security Forces Squadron
39th Weapon Security Squadron

Izmir Air Station
Overall Mission: This base runs under the same command, though in a different location, as Incirlik Air Base (shown above).

It runs under the same mission and operation plan and even has many tenants from the same units as well.

Units Stationed:
39th Air Base Wing
425th Air Base Squadron
NATO Land Command Headquarters

Kürecik Radar Station
Overall Mission: Kürecik Radar Station is the only US Army base in Turkey, and they often partner with the US Air Force and Navy.

Its main mission is related to missile interception and defense, with a goal of keeping the United States and its allies safe from missile and nuclear threats.

The site it is built on was a missile detection site in the 1960s, though the technology and capabilities were greatly enhanced at the time of the creation of this US base.

Units Stationed:
NATO Missile Defense
US Army Europe troops

Yeah but are they getting the upgrade kits they need for the F16's that have come to the end of their life cycle or not?

And is Erdogan REALLY fighting a war of economic independence (against who?).

That is the question.

what the fuck has that got to do with what I posted ffs?
What economics independence reh stao djehalo. WHich country has independence today.
All countries are dependent to one of the giants.
All they need just the scraps and a few hand-me-downs to survive.

What have you done with your brush again gavole.

emikses do mesdin golossou gavole. Mavroyerimo namini bas din kellesou.
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Re: Turkey is bankrupt

Postby Get Real! » Sat Jan 08, 2022 12:31 am

So coming back to the issue at hand...

Is it worth monitoring whether the Turkish Lira is now worth 2 cents or 0.1 of a cent, given the global corruption that drives this planet, the long-time favorable position Turkey has always enjoyed, and the history of rescue packages propping Turkey up time and time again?

I hate to be the party pooper Maximus, but I’ve seen this scenario replayed many times before to be so naïve as to think that Turkey will ever be allowed to "sink"!

To understand the politics of this planet you’ve got to think like an old NATO General who’s had his blinkers glued, stapled and bolted in place, and has no chance of ever removing them.
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Re: Turkey is bankrupt

Postby Mustiejodu » Sat Jan 08, 2022 12:52 am

I love coming on this forum and reading such total negativity about Turkey. You do realise that your vision and opinion of Turkey is only through the Greek brain and not the majority of the world hence why so many people visit Turkey. The point here is no matter what comes out of your mouth it will only make you feel good. A Turk in Turkey will not give a hoot about your opinion or any other person who likes Turkey. I personally refrain from making such comments as you do as it is based on biased opinions derived from hate and hatred is a feeling not reality
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Re: Turkey is bankrupt

Postby Maximus » Sat Jan 08, 2022 1:05 am

Party pooper?

The issue at hand is that Turkey is bankrupt or broke.

Take your pick.

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Re: Turkey is bankrupt

Postby Get Real! » Sat Jan 08, 2022 1:11 am

Maximus wrote:Party pooper?

The issue at hand is that Turkey is bankrupt or broke.

Take your pick.


For Turkey this “status” is normal… a super-volatile economy that relies on Cold War favoritism and handouts. Nothing’s changed.
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Re: Turkey is bankrupt

Postby Maximus » Sat Jan 08, 2022 1:13 am

Get Real! wrote:
Maximus wrote:Party pooper?

The issue at hand is that Turkey is bankrupt or broke.

Take your pick.


For Turkey this “status” is normal… a super-volatile economy that relies on Cold War favoritism and handouts. Nothing’s changed.

So what you arguing about then?

at least 50% of Turks would agree with me, that Turkey is broke, or bankrupt and it is a rogue pirate state.

I have no idea what Mustiejodie is talking about but he says he loves all the bad news about Turkey. :lol:
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Re: Turkey is bankrupt

Postby Get Real! » Sat Jan 08, 2022 1:24 am

Maximus wrote:at least 50% of Turks would agree with me, that Turkey is broke, or bankrupt and it is a rogue pirate state.

I have no idea what Mustiejodie is talking about but he says he loves all the bad news about Turkey. :lol:

So is something interesting and exciting happening in Turkey right now?

Nah… same old same old!

The Turks may start living off stale bread and water but America will ensure Turkey's military remains in top condition because let us not forget that in *their* eyes… it’s all about the West’s “southern flank”!
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Re: Turkey is bankrupt

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sat Jan 08, 2022 1:25 am

Get Real! wrote:So coming back to the issue at hand...

Is it worth monitoring whether the Turkish Lira is now worth 2 cents or 0.1 of a cent, given the global corruption that drives this planet, the long-time favorable position Turkey has always enjoyed, and the history of rescue packages propping Turkey up time and time again?

I hate to be the party pooper Maximus, but I’ve seen this scenario replayed many times before to be so naïve as to think that Turkey will ever be allowed to "sink"!

To understand the politics of this planet you’ve got to think like an old NATO General who’s had his blinkers glued, stapled and bolted in place, and has no chance of ever removing them.

That old Nato General had a different map in mind.
Today Turkey has absolutely no land frontiers with USSR. What exists today is Russia, and assuming Russia is still a threat while providing the whole Europe with gas, it is already surrounded by other countries like Estonia, Latvia, Belarus, Ukraine (Oh yes the big apple) Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia. Let aside the ex Eastern block countries Poland, Romania, etc etc that form a huge 2nd line of defense. Actually back in the old days Iran was far more important to the Americans in containing the USSR and look at it today...

if you think Turkey is going to come out of this decorated and smelling, then you better start thinking who's is doing all this to Turkey? Who is turning it's currency to shit, and for what reason?
Then you may understand that history is not static.
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