Pyrpolizer wrote:Get Real! wrote:It will take BRAINS to reverse America’s perception of Turkey, but it’s not an attribute you’ll find to exist in Greece or Cyprus.
Let the Turks demonstrate how geniuses they are, by biting the hand that feeds them.
That will do the job.

They put a yank to jail for giving bibles away and it did not do it.
They bought Russian weapons and that did not do it.
They still get what they need.
So long as the US bases are functioning in Terggy, she will get away with it.
The United States currently has three military bases in Turkey. Though this isn’t a large number of military bases, each base in Turkey plays an important and essential role.
The bases in Turkey work to protect the United States and its allies through a variety of missions, including combat, support, and missile defense.
Their history varies, as two were started in the 1950s and one was just recently founded in 2012.
Each of the US bases in this country is outlined below, so you can learn a bit more about them and what they do:
Incirlik Air BaseOverall Mission: This is the largest US military base in Turkey. It has many different squadrons with varying purposes, as shown by the stationed units list below.
The base has a cohesive mission of defending NATO’s Southern Flank and projecting global power through deterrence, combat support, and partnerships.
They seek to defend US allies as well as NATO.
Units Stationed:
425th Air Base Squadron
717th Air Base Squadron
728th Air Mobility Squadron
39th Civil Engineer Squadron
39th Communications Squadron
39th Comptroller Squadron
39th Contracting Squadron
39th Forse Support Squadron
39th Logistics Readiness Squadron
39th Maintenance Squadron
39th Medical Group
39th Mission Support Group
39th Operations Support Squadron
39th Security Forces Squadron
39th Weapon Security Squadron
Izmir Air StationOverall Mission: This base runs under the same command, though in a different location, as Incirlik Air Base (shown above).
It runs under the same mission and operation plan and even has many tenants from the same units as well.
Units Stationed:
39th Air Base Wing
425th Air Base Squadron
NATO Land Command Headquarters
Kürecik Radar StationOverall Mission: Kürecik Radar Station is the only US Army base in Turkey, and they often partner with the US Air Force and Navy.
Its main mission is related to missile interception and defense, with a goal of keeping the United States and its allies safe from missile and nuclear threats.
The site it is built on was a missile detection site in the 1960s, though the technology and capabilities were greatly enhanced at the time of the creation of this US base.
Units Stationed:
NATO Missile Defense
US Army Europe troops