Lordo wrote:repulsewarrior wrote:Turkey National Debt Is Low – So Why Are They In Trouble?
Read more at: https://commodity.com/data/turkey/debt-clock/
They have not mentioned the obvious reason.
Inflation is going up in all the countries because of the pandemic caused by supply chain issues. Because the attack on the lira has started it went up even further than most. In the meantime the finacial cunts can smell a quick buck because they guessed Lunatic Erdogan would attempt to buy to support the currency which means they can have a full attack and make a killing at the expense of the poor. These cunts do this everytime there is a real socialist party in government.
I have a solution and it will work 100%. Round up every cunt who is selling to make a killing in Turkey, give them a fair trial and then hang them. That will stop the attack.
You live in a fantasy land,

When something ceases to be a good investment, you pull your money out.
When something is high risk, and low probability of making a return, you steer clear and protect your capital.#
Investors like rules, laws, credibility, interest and capital preservation. Turkey offers none of it.
What Endorgan and the central bank did was just gambling. They stepped out in front of an oncoming train thinking they could stop it and got squashed.