Maximus wrote:Get Real! wrote:Some people seem to think that Turkey running out of funds will simply “fold” like a losing player does in a poker game, but that’s not gonna happen.
International institutions and the US will probably just “re-mortgage” Turkey and perhaps add a regime change clause as part of the new arrangement.
The only thing given is that Erdo is nearing his end... but it won’t make much of a difference for CY or Greece, as one Turk exits and another one enters!
Do you feel sorry for them GR?
No I don’t give a shit about Turks but neither do I think they’re gonna starve and become extinct; like some stupid Greeks seem to be dreaming, just because their economy has been mismanaged and thus down.
In fact I remember nothing other than a fluctuating economy when it comes to Turkey, so there’s nothing new there and nothing that doesn’t get "sorted" eventually only for them to repeat the cycle all over again!
So you are wasting your breath with this stupid thread as I really don’t think Turkey’s economy deserves 56 pages of waffling.