Get Real! wrote:Milti, was on my cuntlist for a long time but then he got sick and mellowed down so I removed him.
LondonGay, was on my cuntlist not too long ago and then he disappeared so he's fading away.
Pyro, has for the most part been sitting on the wall of my cuntlist and often falls into it only to jump back on the wall again.
Lordo landed smack on the rooftop of my cuntlist from the onset and seems to be stuck there.
And so it goes...
I haven't disappeared, more a case of adapting to enjoy the wheat whilst ignoring the chaff, sorta thing. Plus, I'd no problem coping with cuntishness. The stopper was when Lordo started being nice to me.

Milti, much like RH (if you still lurk, I hope your Mrs is OK these days), is actually a very nice person in the flesh. It was hard to believe some of the stuff pumped out came from the same people at times.