Pyrpolizer wrote:Get Real! wrote:Pyrpolizer wrote:Get Real! wrote:
This is how far modern courts (prosecutors) will go in getting convictions for cybercrime… in extreme detail so there can be no doubt of guilt. They leave nothing at chance so my job of trying to fault them was very difficult.
You are over generalizing. The procedure you described is only admissible in courts in case of possession and distribution of child pornography. Mastercard, Visa etc have their own "internet police", there are legal porn sites, that get millions of fines for just the presence of a child in a porn scene, let aside drug related transactions.
What kind of cases were the lawyers who hired you dealing with?
I was never privy to such detail and neither did I ever ask. I was only expected to find faults with police IT procedures.
Aha! That didn't prevent you from drawing all sorts of arbitrary conclusions though.
Let's stop this misinformation. PC or Internet evidence is generally admissible for issuing arrest warrants. Nothing more than that.
The only misinformation is coming from you, Pyro!
If the Cypriot police receive an Interpol tip-off of some pedo operating in CY, do you honestly think they’ll just confiscate his PC so they can then prepare a thirty page data-extraction documentation in the hope of getting an arrest warrant approved?
Nope... the tip-off is more than sufficient ground for putting him in jail for 8 days while they prepare for a conviction.
Actually, not just misinformation but total fucking rubbish!