Most of the major projects in Turkey such as bridges, tunnels, subways, nuclear power stations (maybe Istanbul canal) are built by foreign entities money with cheap Turkish laborers on “build & operate” basis for a period of time until the cost is recovered and then it is handed to the Turkish state to operate as it’s own, which may take many years. It is like the foreign entities get to drive the new car until it is paid for and then turn over the used car of 25 years to the host country to operate which will need expensive maintenance until the wheels fall off.
As for the UK military, it was in the papers just last week that they will be reducing personnel from all branches of the military. Less personnel, less cost, more money for expensive toys. Less boots needed as fighting can be done with automation from distance, as well as recruit locals to be the boots on the ground when needed as the USA did with the YPG in Syria.