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How to protect against Orwellian State Authoritarianism

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Re: How to protect against Orwellian State Authoritarianism

Postby Oceanside50 » Tue Apr 28, 2020 5:12 am

Oceanside50 wrote:This thing will not be brought on all at once.. creating a new world order means that things will slowly brought to light.. arresting people for no cause is too abrupt.. one world order also means one currency.. anyone hear of bitcoin.. slowly slowly we are being introduced to the pieces of the puzzle.. think Star Trek

Reread this a couple of times I’m starting to sound like My good friend RW.. is it Star Trek or “ Star Trek”?
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Re: How to protect against Orwellian State Authoritarianism

Postby erolz66 » Tue Apr 28, 2020 9:35 am

Sotos wrote:
A police officer may require a person whose identity is unknown to the officer to disclose his or her identity if the officer suspects on reasonable grounds...

OK, but at the moment you are stopped and asked for your ID, how are you able to know what the officer suspects? And even if you knew, are you going to be the judge if he has reasonable grounds? The way I see it you are obliged to give your ID if you are asked by the police. Maybe you can later file a complaint, and if it is found that the police didn't have reasonable grounds to ask for your ID then this law would apply.

Yes the police systematically abuse this. However they also end up systematically handing out large sums of public money in compensation to those who have been stopped and forced to show ID when they did not have reasonable suspicion but just said they did so they could operate as if they were in a police state. If as an entirely innocent person a police officer comes up to you in the street (you are not driving) and requests your ID, then video it, ask for them to show their ID as they are legally obliged to do and politely ask what their suspicion is. If the suspicion is not reasonable then pursue that. This is how you protect against a police state. Or just act like a sheep, and just hand over you ID. This is how you encourage police abuse and slow drip drip drip sleepwalk in to a police state.

Paphitis you are the definition of 'sheeple'.

just a couple of crimebodge videos that show what has been going on out there day after day after day year after year, as we all sit here ranting on about 'police states'. There are hundreds of them accumulated over years.

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Re: How to protect against Orwellian State Authoritarianism

Postby erolz66 » Tue Apr 28, 2020 9:43 am

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Re: How to protect against Orwellian State Authoritarianism

Postby erolz66 » Tue Apr 28, 2020 9:47 am

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Re: How to protect against Orwellian State Authoritarianism

Postby erolz66 » Tue Apr 28, 2020 2:31 pm

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Re: How to protect against Orwellian State Authoritarianism

Postby Kikapu » Tue Apr 28, 2020 3:56 pm

I guess every country has their own system of laws and judiciary, therefore one size does not fit all. I am more familiar with the USA laws more than the UK and Switzerland. The US has the Constitution and the Bill of Right which police agencies have swore to uphold it, which gives the general public protection against Nazi cops who may think they can do whatever they like and get away with it, which was the case for many years, until everyone who has a phone can now record them. Whenever dealing with the police, always record them for your protection. The police hate to be recorded because their dirty doings is exposed. Too many innocent citizens get shot by the police every year and without any kind of video, they get away with murder. The police now too have body cameras because cities across the country got tired of getting sued for wrongful deaths.

Police is never your friend, even when you haven’t done anything wrong. If you get stopped by the police for some minor bullshit traffic violation like not making a complete stop or crossing the center line a little or taillight out or failed to signal too late before making the turn along with thousand other crime less violation, then you must present the cop your drivers license, registration and proof of insurance and that’s it. You do not need to answer any of his questions, allow him to search you or your car and if you have passengers in the car, they do not need to show their ID or answer any question. All the cop wants to do is fuck you up with the information you provide him with.

If you are just walking in a public place and the cops want to see your ID illegally for whatever reason, just tell him “no”. Most people will comply thinking they must. Cops ask for an ID and not demand. By asking and you saying “yes” you have consented so now you are at the mercy of the cop and have no legal course against him. You just made his illegal actions legal. If the cop makes a legal demand for your ID under threat of arrest or worse getting beat up or shot, then you can go after him personally as well as his department to sue them in court of law for violating your rights. Cops have “qualified immunity” from lawsuits when they are acting within the law, but once they act outside the law, then they lose their “qualified immunity” and can be sued directly.

The only thing to keep the cops in check, is the individual rights of the people, and I agree with Erol, that one must use their rights against these bootstrapping Nazi cops despite if it means being inconvenienced a little. People have the power when they have not broken the law, and if you do not exercise that power, then you will lose it. Yes, cops are intimidating to those who do not know their rights, but if you hold your ground, they will leave you alone. If not, ask for a supervisor. The worst thing you can do, is to lose your cool, which is what they hope you will do so that they can justify using violence against you. Cops in the USA is just a another criminal gang with a badge and a gun on public taxpayers expense. No wonder many cops in the US get killed, but not as many of the citizens they kill. Now we know why the founders of the US constitution added the 2nd Amendment, “To Keep and Bear Arms”, so to keep the government and it’s Nazi forces in check, for the people to be able to protect themselves from enemies foreign and domestic.
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Re: How to protect against Orwellian State Authoritarianism

Postby Paphitis » Tue Apr 28, 2020 4:09 pm

Kikapu wrote:I guess every country has their own system of laws and judiciary, therefore one size does not fit all. I am more familiar with the USA laws more than the UK and Switzerland. The US has the Constitution and the Bill of Right which police agencies have swore to uphold it, which gives the general public protection against Nazi cops who may think they can do whatever they like and get away with it, which was the case for many years, until everyone who has a phone can now record them. Whenever dealing with the police, always record them for your protection. The police hate to be recorded because their dirty doings is exposed. Too many innocent citizens get shot by the police every year and without any kind of video, they get away with murder. The police now too have body cameras because cities across the country got tired of getting sued for wrongful deaths.

Police is never your friend, even when you haven’t done anything wrong. If you get stopped by the police for some minor bullshit traffic violation like not making a complete stop or crossing the center line a little or taillight out or failed to signal too late before making the turn along with thousand other crime less violation, then you must present the cop your drivers license, registration and proof of insurance and that’s it. You do not need to answer any of his questions, allow him to search you or your car and if you have passengers in the car, they do not need to show their ID or answer any question. All the cop wants to do is fuck you up with the information you provide him with.

If you are just walking in a public place and the cops want to see your ID illegally for whatever reason, just tell him “no”. Most people will comply thinking they must. Cops ask for an ID and not demand. By asking and you saying “yes” you have consented so now you are at the mercy of the cop and have no legal course against him. You just made his illegal actions legal. If the cop makes a legal demand for your ID under threat of arrest or worse getting beat up or shot, then you can go after him personally as well as his department to sue them in court of law for violating your rights. Cops have “qualified immunity” from lawsuits when they are acting within the law, but once they act outside the law, then they lose their “qualified immunity” and can be sued directly.

The only thing to keep the cops in check, is the individual rights of the people, and I agree with Erol, that one must use their rights against these bootstrapping Nazi cops despite if it means being inconvenienced a little. People have the power when they have not broken the law, and if you do not exercise that power, then you will lose it. Yes, cops are intimidating to those who do not know their rights, but if you hold your ground, they will leave you alone. If not, ask for a supervisor. The worst thing you can do, is to lose your cool, which is what they hope you will do so that they can justify using violence against you. Cops in the USA is just a another criminal gang with a badge and a gun on public taxpayers expense. No wonder many cops in the US get killed, but not as many of the citizens they kill. Now we know why the founders of the US constitution added the 2nd Amendment, “To Keep and Bear Arms”, so to keep the government and it’s Nazi forces in check, for the people to be able to protect themselves from enemies foreign and domestic.

"NAZI" cops don't tend to last or maintain their jobs.

We don't really have an issue with our police here in Australia. they are normally a very nice and professional bunch, just doing a job. I have never experienced them to be over stepping the mark and I have never witnessed them harassing people.

Having said that. one night I felt really upset one evening when I was pulled over by a patrol. There was something a little different this time. The Police officers remained in their car, and as a result I was getting nervous. After an awkward 2 minute wait, the first people that encountered me was a director and a 2 man camera crew, with microphone and very bright light that blinded me. I thought "holy shit" who have they mistaken me for? Then the police officer comes to my window so I wind it down and he goes through the usual spiel about taking a breath analysis and shoves the machine in front of my face. A request I declined as a result of the camera crew. There was a standoff for about 5 minutes, before the camera was switched off. I threatened them with legal action as well.

Eventually, I did provide a breath specimen as I am lawfully obliged to do. So the copper saved some face from my barrage. I could see he wanted to arrest me and he was pretty angry as well. The guy would have been destroyed in court because they would accuse that I refused to provide a specimen, which wasn't correct. No way any judge would take their side on that one.

In the end, I got away with it, maybe because I think they thought they would have been toast if they arrested me and it went to court which it would of.

The police officer was probably a nice guy, but the whole thing was a staged traffic stop for TV. :shock:
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Re: How to protect against Orwellian State Authoritarianism

Postby erolz66 » Tue Apr 28, 2020 4:26 pm

Paphitis wrote:We don't really have an issue with our police here in Australia. they are normally a very nice and professional bunch, just doing a job. I have never experienced them to be over stepping the mark and I have never witnessed them harassing people.

That is what I thought generally about UK police. Even when I first had crimebodge thrust in my face, I thought 'ha ha' quite amusing. The as you watch more and more and more examples, you start to see the 'trend', how widespread it is, the common themes. Then you start to connect up the dots between how it happens in a systematic way and how you as an individual have viewed and behaved when encountering police. Realise how ignorant and wrong you were about what powers the police do and do not have in what circumstances and how widespread it is that they will not only not tell you but actively misinform you to make their life easier. Finally you join up the dots and realise how you have been sleepwalking in to a 'police state' like a sheeple.
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Re: How to protect against Orwellian State Authoritarianism

Postby erolz66 » Tue Apr 28, 2020 4:33 pm

Another thing you start to realise as you watch more and more crimebodge and criomebodge equivalent youtube video is that the notion that

""NAZI" cops don't tend to last or maintain their jobs." is in many cases total bollocks. That such cops systematically get away with repeated abuse after abuse and rarely get any sanction at all when found out let alone losing their jobs and often get promotion.
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Re: How to protect against Orwellian State Authoritarianism

Postby Paphitis » Tue Apr 28, 2020 4:53 pm

erolz66 wrote:
Paphitis wrote:We don't really have an issue with our police here in Australia. they are normally a very nice and professional bunch, just doing a job. I have never experienced them to be over stepping the mark and I have never witnessed them harassing people.

That is what I thought generally about UK police. Even when I first had crimebodge thrust in my face, I thought 'ha ha' quite amusing. The as you watch more and more and more examples, you start to see the 'trend', how widespread it is, the common themes. Then you start to connect up the dots between how it happens in a systematic way and how you as an individual have viewed and behaved when encountering police. Realise how ignorant and wrong you were about what powers the police do and do not have in what circumstances and how widespread it is that they will not only not tell you but actively misinform you to make their life easier. Finally you join up the dots and realise how you have been sleepwalking in to a 'police state' like a sheeple.

Widespread is it? mmmm

But having said that, seeing your face would make me want to hit you. I just don't know what it is. I just seem to have that urge.

Do you think the British Police might get that urge when they see your ugly mug as well? You just look dodgy if you know what I mean.
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