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How to protect against Orwellian State Authoritarianism

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Re: How to protect against Orwellian State Authoritarianism

Postby Paphitis » Mon Apr 27, 2020 6:14 pm

erolz66 wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
erolz66 wrote:Holding police to account is NOT anti police. It is the 'mechanism' by which we get the best possible police force we can. But it takes a modicum of person effort. As for the australian police, good as they may be, they could be better. ... +australia

do you own research. but no you do not need to do that do you, because you already know everything about everything and your only 'duty' is to go arouind telling everyone that you know everything about everything and explaining why they are sheeple and you are a genius.

Holding them to account for what exactly?

When will the media and people be held to account for the wrongful jailing of Cardinal Pell because of his status in the Catholic Religion?

Where is this alleged police brutality? I have heard people talk about it, like they talked about Pell sexually abusing boys based on hearsay, but where is the proof? I have never in all my life ever witnessed or seen any police brutality.

Just because 60 minutes alleged some "police brutality" doesn't mean there was actually any "police brutality". People will jump up and down when a police officer manhandles some bozo because he/she deserved it, and call it out as "police brutality" but all I see is police getting rid of some trash.

If I thought there was a problem, I would complain. But I don't believe there is a problem, and feel comfortable with our police, entrust my welfare to them and respect the job they do to keep everyone safe against crime and unsafe things on our roads and public spaces.

You always want a 'solution' that involves the fault being anyone but you. We all do but you do it to a vast degree imo.

It really is simple.

If when interacting with police they ask you 'what is your name', then to respond politely with 'why do yuo want to know, under what law are you requesting these details' you are doing your duty.

If you respond by just giving them your name for no other reason than they are a police person, then what happens is over time indivdual police people come to believe that they have a right to ask anyone what there name is at any time for any reason , regardless of what the law say. This leads to them then getting upset when people do not show this deference and sometimes to extreme abuses in such situations. This is how a police abuse happens and a police state happens, by people just automatically showing deferance to police regardless of if they have a legitimate powers to do what they do.

If you are not scared to look for yourself and make up your own mind, then look at crimebodge. One incident, ok its an exception. Two, three and on and on and then look at the attempts by police to cover up their abuses and soon realise there is a systemic issue there and WE are responsible for it by not bothering to know what a police person can and can not do and not questiong why they are asking us to do something they have no legal powers for.

now I am fed up having to do your thinking for you and way too busy right now in any case.

I don't have a problem with giving them my name, or when they come to question me for something, or when they pull me over on a routine traffic stop.

They are doing their job, and 99% of the time, I have found their behaviors to be completely normal and routine. Also, 99% of the time, they are understanding and just generally quite nice officers. You meet all sorts in Australia. Some with a great sense of humor as well. One time, one even apologized to me for giving me a fine. I responded by saying I deserved it as I violated the law and told the young officer, not to worry. We had a laugh and we both went our separate ways.

They are mosty a very remarkable bunch of people, who help the elderly, patrol our schools during drop off, and at the end of school and generally keep an eye on all of us and our children.

I have no complaints.

Of course, when they do something wrong, we have a Police Complaints Ombudsman. Police do make mistakes or can get carried away in the heat of a particular moment, but generally, they are AOK. The State does not instruct them to be anything other than be officers of the law, who must stay within the law as well as uphold the law.
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Re: How to protect against Orwellian State Authoritarianism

Postby Oceanside50 » Mon Apr 27, 2020 6:17 pm

Oceanside50 wrote:
erolz66 wrote:
Oceanside50 wrote:How are we supposed to get to a One World Order without draconian measures.. ? People in my opinion are too busy to notice that their rights are being taken away.. cameras everywhere we are followed by the phone we use .. etc etc the cars we drive tell anyone where we are.. draconian measures are here, now !!!

To busy or to lazy ? The time to have worried about such things was before this crisis.

It’s going to get a lot worse.. this may be a trial run for other things planned for the future. Lots of data has been collected our reactions our tolerance levels or whatever.. in my opinion without it, unfortunately without the world being on one wave length we’ll probably destroy ourselves.

Numbers are coming out now that the percentage of infected to deaths is roughly or equal to the common cold.. .01%... this overreaction to a cold is suspect.. any major event (war) like this one was is in my opinion a step towards the one world order goal.. I may be wrong in that this was just an overreaction to a virus but the data collected during this, will be used for future events.. that will help in getting closer to a one world government. ( which in my opinion will be a good thing) which by the way is a true Hellenic idea.. look up Alexander the Greats speech(es) when he conquered the Persian Empire.. basically he said , a Greek is someone who embraces technology and critical thinking .. anyone outside of those parameters is a barbarian a Greek outside of those parameters is worse then a barbarian.. people accuse the Illuminati the Rothchilds blah blah .. in my opinion it’s Academia the universities the PhD students in political philosophy , sociology, physics etc.. that are guiding these moves.. the Illuminati, bill gates are following their lead.. Alexander also had a great academic in guiding and teaching him and that was Aristotle.. therefore the connection was there and through academia it’s still there
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Re: How to protect against Orwellian State Authoritarianism

Postby Get Real! » Mon Apr 27, 2020 6:26 pm

Oceanside50 wrote:
Oceanside50 wrote:
erolz66 wrote:
Oceanside50 wrote:How are we supposed to get to a One World Order without draconian measures.. ? People in my opinion are too busy to notice that their rights are being taken away.. cameras everywhere we are followed by the phone we use .. etc etc the cars we drive tell anyone where we are.. draconian measures are here, now !!!

To busy or to lazy ? The time to have worried about such things was before this crisis.

It’s going to get a lot worse.. this may be a trial run for other things planned for the future. Lots of data has been collected our reactions our tolerance levels or whatever.. in my opinion without it, unfortunately without the world being on one wave length we’ll probably destroy ourselves.

Numbers are coming out now that the percentage of infected to deaths is roughly or equal to the common cold.. .01%... this overreaction to a cold is suspect.. any major event (war) like this one was is in my opinion a step towards the one world order goal.. I may be wrong in that this was just an overreaction to a virus but the data collected during this, will be used for future events.. that will help in getting closer to a one world government. ( which in my opinion will be a good thing) which by the way is a true Hellenic idea.. look up Alexander the Greats speech(es) when he conquered the Persian Empire.. basically he said , a Greek is someone who embraces technology and critical thinking .. anyone outside of those parameters is a barbarian a Greek outside of those parameters is worse then a barbarian.. people accuse the Illuminati the Rothchilds blah blah .. in my opinion it’s Academia the universities the PhD students in political philosophy , sociology, physics etc.. that are guiding these moves.. the Illuminati, bill gates are following their lead.. Alexander also had a great academic in guiding and teaching him and that was Aristotle.. therefore the connection was there and through academia it’s still there

Evarethika des malakies sas...
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Re: How to protect against Orwellian State Authoritarianism

Postby erolz66 » Mon Apr 27, 2020 6:27 pm

Paphitis wrote:I don't have a problem with giving them my name, or when they come to question me for something, or when they pull me over on a routine traffic stop.

When you do it without question for no other reason that they are police, you play your part , however small, in creating the environment in which abuse can and do systematically occur. If you did otherwise, you would be playing your part in creating an environment where by such abuses would occur less and less.

just spend 1 hour of your time you would have spent explaining to us here how we are all sheeple and you are not and look yourself at crimebodge. one video, two video, three videos and on and on. THEN come back and claim there is no systemic issue here or how YOU behave makes no difference to that issue. Or too much effort for you ?
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Re: How to protect against Orwellian State Authoritarianism

Postby Paphitis » Mon Apr 27, 2020 6:28 pm

erolz66 wrote:
Paphitis wrote:I don't have a problem with giving them my name, or when they come to question me for something, or when they pull me over on a routine traffic stop.

When you do it without question for no other reason that they are police, you play your part , however small, in creating the environment in which abuse can and do systematically occur. If you did otherwise, you would be playing your part in creating an environment where by such abuses would occur less and less.

just spend 1 hour of your time you would have spent explaining to us here how we are all sheeple and you are not and look yourself at crimebodge. one video, two video, three videos and on and on. THEN come back and claim there is no systemic issue here or how YOU behave makes no difference to that issue. Or too much effort for you ?

It's called not being an arsehole.

They have every right to make any inquiry they like as long as it's within the law. That is their job!

I'm not going to question their authority just because they ask me for my name, or to show them my driver's licence or other ID. I don't have anything to fear by giving them my name or ID. I have never had any issue with giving them my name or ID, other than when it is for the purposes of them writing me up for a fine - which literally sucks but that is their job and they are only doing what they are suppose to do.
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Re: How to protect against Orwellian State Authoritarianism

Postby erolz66 » Mon Apr 27, 2020 6:35 pm

Paphitis wrote:They have every right to make any inquiry they like as long as it's within the law. That is their job!

If you are not driving a vehicle and the police ask you for your name - do they have a legal right to make you give it? Do you even know ? You say 'if its within the law' yet you have no idea what is or is not within the law because educating yourself would mean EFFORT. Just look at what happens, time and time and time again when citizens not committing ANY crime try and refuse giving a police person their name, which they have every legal right to refuse to do. Sure this is not in the MSM. Sure you have to look at sources like crimebodge but the example after example after example is all there , video evidence that you can see for yourself and use to make up your own mind. But that is effort. Lot easier to just blame Bill Gates than ACTUALLY do some research of your own and make up your mind AFTER doing such.

Making some effort to ensure you do not just comply with any request a police person makes of you that is NOT within the law is not being an areshole. It is doing your civic duty to protect against police abuse and by extension a police state. It is NOTHING to do with 'if you have something to fear' or not. It is your duty because you have nothing to hide and the police do NOT have the legal right to just go around demanding citizens not committing a crime hand over their name and address.

If a policeman in UK comes up to me and starts asking for my name, then I will politely ask him why. If he explains that I am under no obligation to give it but gives me a reasonable explanation as to why he wants it even though I am under no legal obligation to give it, then I probably would, though what that reason might be I am not sure. This is how you stop police abuse. Just immediately handing it over when there is no legal obligation to do so is what leads in turn to some of the worst police abuses.
Last edited by erolz66 on Mon Apr 27, 2020 6:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How to protect against Orwellian State Authoritarianism

Postby Paphitis » Mon Apr 27, 2020 6:39 pm

erolz66 wrote:
Paphitis wrote:They have every right to make any inquiry they like as long as it's within the law. That is their job!

If you are not driving a vehicle and the police ask you for your name - do they have a legal right to make you give it? Do you even know ? You say 'if its within the law' yet you have no idea what is or is not within the law because educating yourself would mean EFFORT. Just look at what happens, time and time and time again when citizens not committing ANY crime try and refuse giving a police person their name, which they have every legal right to refuse to do. Sure this is not in the MSM. Sure you have to look at sources like crimebodge but the example after example after example is all there , video evidence that you can see for yourself and use to make up your own mind. But that is effort. Lot easier to just blame Bill Gates than ACTUALLY do some research of your own and make up your mind AFTER doing such.

No problem at all.

They are allowed to ask anyone for their name. They could do that for a variety of reasons, such as them looking for a particular person that looks like or has characteristics of the particular person they are looking for.

I have no intention at all, to interfere or give them any grief whatsoever, for them asking for my ID which I believe they have every right to do.
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Re: How to protect against Orwellian State Authoritarianism

Postby erolz66 » Mon Apr 27, 2020 6:47 pm

Paphitis wrote:They are allowed to ask anyone for their name.

You are just ignorant. The conditions under which it is a crime for a citizen not committing an offence to refuse to give their name to police are narrow and limited and defined.

Paphitis wrote:I have no intention at all, to interfere or give them any grief whatsoever, for them asking for my ID which I believe they have every right to do.

And if they knock on your door ? And say someone said such and such a person we want to talk to (not someone charged with a crime) is inside, can we come in and check if they are inside ? Would you just let them in ? If they then start going through your draws, to find letters to show the person they want to talk to does or does not live at your address, you would happily stand by and watch ? In to your children's bedroom to check they are not there ? This is not a hypothetical scenario. This is from just ONE video documented example on crimebodge channel.

Just how far would you bend over for them - and how long before you realise such bending over is what MAKES police people end abusing their powers , sytematically.
Last edited by erolz66 on Mon Apr 27, 2020 6:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How to protect against Orwellian State Authoritarianism

Postby Paphitis » Mon Apr 27, 2020 6:48 pm

erolz66 wrote:
Paphitis wrote:They are allowed to ask anyone for their name.

You are just ignorant. The conditions under which it is a crime for a citizen not committing an offence to refuse to give their name to police are narrow and limited and defined.

Paphitis wrote:I have no intention at all, to interfere or give them any grief whatsoever, for them asking for my ID which I believe they have every right to do.

And if they knock on your door ? And say someone said such and such a person we want to talk to (not someone charged with a crime) is inside, can we come in and check if they are inside ? Would you just let them in ? If they then start going through your draws, to find letters to show the person they want to talk to does or does not live at your address, you would happily stand by and watch ? This is not a hypothetical scenario. This is from just ONE video documented example on crimebodge channel.

Not in Australia. They have every right to ask for your ID, driver's licence or whatever, and they don''t do it just for the hell of it.
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Re: How to protect against Orwellian State Authoritarianism

Postby erolz66 » Mon Apr 27, 2020 6:50 pm

Paphitis wrote:
erolz66 wrote:
Paphitis wrote:They are allowed to ask anyone for their name.

You are just ignorant. The conditions under which it is a crime for a citizen not committing an offence to refuse to give their name to police are narrow and limited and defined.

Paphitis wrote:I have no intention at all, to interfere or give them any grief whatsoever, for them asking for my ID which I believe they have every right to do.

And if they knock on your door ? And say someone said such and such a person we want to talk to (not someone charged with a crime) is inside, can we come in and check if they are inside ? Would you just let them in ? If they then start going through your draws, to find letters to show the person they want to talk to does or does not live at your address, you would happily stand by and watch ? This is not a hypothetical scenario. This is from just ONE video documented example on crimebodge channel.

Not in Australia. They have every right to ask for your ID, driver's licence or whatever, and they don''t do it just for the hell of it.

You are ignorant. Not for the first time. It took me literally 2 SECONDS to find this ... he-police/ How many hours will you spend to find your 'non MSM' videos that support your political biases, when you can not even spend 2 seconds to learn what your RIGHTS are.

If the police ask you for your name and address or to see some identification, generally you don’t have to tell them or show them anything.

But you must give your name and address to a police officer:

If they reasonably believe you’ve committed a crime
If they reasonably believe you’re about to break the law
If they reasonably believe you may be able to help with an investigation into a crime
If they reasonably believe you’re carrying illegal weapons like knives, firearms or anything changed so it could be used as a weapon (like a bat, hammer or axe)
If they reasonably believe you have committed graffiti or you’re carrying something on you that could be used to do graffiti
Stopped for a breath test
Stopped under traffic laws
Pulled over while driving
In a hotel or somewhere that sells alcohol

There is a REASON why 'generally if you are doing nothing wrong you are under no legal obligation to identify yourself. The REASON is because if it was otherwise you would be living in a POLICE STATE.
Last edited by erolz66 on Mon Apr 27, 2020 6:55 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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