Get Real! wrote:Thanks to China the world is buying TVs and laptops for only $400 odd instead of $1200 which is probably what we would’ve paid had they been manufactured in the West!
And for those that think you’re better off paying $1200 for a solid German-made TV or computer, because it’ll last for 40 years… ask yourself if it is wise to use that same smartphone, TV or computer for another 40 years!![]()
The same goes for every other digital gadget, and for all other appliances in today’s average home.
So thanks to China’s dirt-cheap labor and dirt-cheap office/factory floor-space, we are able to enjoy myriads of products at affordable prices while countries like America have NOTHING to offer the world other than arms!
As a God-fearing family man whose only needs/goals are to have a healthy, happy and prosperous life… what on Earth am I going to do with America’s arms? I’m just not interested so to me China is very useful while America is exactly the opposite… utterly useless and counterproductive!
America’s shit stirring around the planet is nothing but a constant hindrance to trade and relationships between nations, so they are in direct confrontation to the interests of each and every well-meaning family man.
Only a shortsighted fool would want to shoot themselves in the foot by supporting the useless and counterproductive US!
Yeh but the quality is shit.
I just bought a big TV and was tossing between a Samsung and a Sony. In the end, the Sony won.
Sorry, but if you want your $400 TV then good luck to you.