yialousa1971 wrote:World Wide Demonstration We Will All BeThereTo Be Free 18th September
Bullshit. When it comes to spreading covid and killing people Health and Safety trumps everything.
Freedom comes with responsibility. Act responsible and we would have no problems. The issue we have here is the government delayed far too long from stoping people brining in covid via airports and instead locksd the population up. That would be the same as releaseing all the murderers out of prison and locking people up to protect them.
At one p[oint more than 1000 people were dead from covid over and above the average deaths in previous 5 years. Once they allowed covid in through the airports and refused to recognise the fact that it was coining through the airports not becasue they did not understand the situation but because they were scared what it would do to the economy we had no other choice.
People who closed the borders and allowed people under stricyt condsitions had so much less deaths.
Your understanding of life in general is just too robotic.