Although I have never owned a business as such, I always believed that in any business its survival was only possible if it had customers for whatever service or goods it was providing. In fact the customer is so important that it gave rise to the saying ‘The customer is always right!
Now because there is a pandemic caused by a virus that is killing people, and not for the first time in history has this happened, various governments have shut down their economy, closing thousands of small businesses down to prevent cross infection from people moving about. As a result people are losing jobs on an enormous scale as the businesses now have no customers and their employees of course are some other businesses customers ..... and the government’s response is to give the Banks £300bn to lend to small businesses. £300bn they seem very reluctant to spend.

Maybe it is my complete lack of business acumen but why would a business that had no customers want to borrow huge amounts of money from The Bank, to do what with it and simply add debt to their problems? You can pour as much aid into the business as you want but without customers the business is going nowhere!
So .... why do Governments not give the money to the customers directly, to spend straight into the economy by once more becoming paying customers of all these small businesses that need help?
Am I missing something here?