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Postby Kikapu » Fri Mar 13, 2020 9:55 pm

miltiades wrote::lol: So called fashion has made men a d women look more stupid than they actually might be. Take this trend to wear torn trousers, what a stupid trend, I said before that if both male and female genitals were removable the idiots would no doubt be displaying one ball or one tit on their forehead, a dick stuck on their ear :lol:
Another utterly stupid " fashion accessory " are the various piercings that morons proudly adorn their bodies with as well as fucking tattoos.
When I was a child beards were associated with the elderly, male and ....female, now young men in late teens early 20s because of "fashion" sport whiskers looking like mullaes. There are many stupid fashion statements not least men wearing a shoe on one foot and a one on the other !! What a load of Plonkers !!

There are a lot of insecure people out there who believe they need to go with the flow no matter how outrageous that “fashion” may be.

I couldn’t bother with all the time and money it would take to look so ridiculous like some would choose to look.

I like classy fashion people with some tattoos, hair style, earrings, necklaces, nice watch and nice clothes.

Someone like Lewis Hamilton and David Beckham for example. :D
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Postby miltiades » Sat Mar 14, 2020 6:16 am

The fashion industry is worth billions since those creating fashion have long realized that the vast majority of the human race is ....Stupid !! Lack of confidence plays a major part in the desire by those that revert to damn right stupid dress mode in order to make them feel "with it".
I wonder how long before men start wearing high heels !!
Time now for me to put my ....lipstick on :lol:
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Postby miltiades » Sun Mar 15, 2020 6:01 am

Number 3 on my list is Greed. Currently evidenced by the insatious appetite that idiots have in clearing supermarket shelves
of ....toilet rolls, arseholes, as well as anything else they can get their hands on.
Money is merely a contributory factor to happiness but it's by no means the main ingredient of happines. Yet greedy idiots spent their life amassing or trying to money, money and more money. True happiness is within, a feeling of contentment is by far much more satisfactory than a fat bank account.
I have learned over many years the secret of happiness which I now reveal.
Family and friends relationships. I know of many families torn apart because of fucking greed for money. An elderly couple eho recently passed away here in Cyprus had 3 children, all UK born. One currently living here, the other 2 in the UK. They absolutely hate each other, not content with an equal share if the rather large estate but citing selfish reasons as to why their share ought to be larger disproportionately. Im a happy man as I have excellent relationships with all of my family as well as friends. Pretentiousness never touches my life. Im what Im, I swear, I criticise, Im diwn to earth and do not like extravagance.
Greed has been a natural instinct of the human race for thousands of years
Some, the majority succumb to this " illness" and the process live a life of misery.
Get on with your life, be happy with what you have, don't be envious of people wealthier than you, after all you are now wealthier than ...Onasis, Elvis and others who departed with absolutely nothing.
I must however confess that there is one thing that Im rather greedy for ....
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Postby Maximus » Sun Mar 15, 2020 6:13 am

I never thought that I would read Paphitis debating the merits of religion,

I am not religious but I can agree with them. Religion has its place in civilization, and the lack of religion or god absence within can lead to degeneracy.

Some human stupidities of the current time, in my opinion are ;

-political correctness
-being "woke"
-Gender "studies"
-Trump derangement syndrome

Liberals in this day and age are so open minded, their brains have fallen out.

They are at the pinnacle of human stupidity.
Last edited by Maximus on Sun Mar 15, 2020 6:39 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Maximus » Sun Mar 15, 2020 6:22 am

Paphitis wrote:
miltiades wrote:Enough of fairy tales lets get on with Throughout history humans have been wearing some sort of clothing mainly to cover them selves up and keep warm. Nowadays fashion has become a huge business exploiting the narcissists and those who have more money than sense.
A few months back I had an hour or so to kill whilst waiting for an appointment. Took a stroll up MakArios Avenue just browsing at some shops, ypu know shops that do not display prices on their ware. Well I spotted this gorgeous " speciment" of a blonde inside a boutique and just couldn't resist entering the shop and having a closer look.!!
The window display had some T shirts and I thought one or two more would compliment my 50 or so that I allready have. In I go and was welcomed by this gorgeous blond who spoke Greek and English. I asked if they had the T shirts in light blue, yes we have she smilingly replied. What size she asked
I take medium I said but by the way how much are they ? 150 euro she replied
I noticed they had a crocodile " label" on the left side. Do they have pockets I asked. No she charmingly replied, no pockets. Oh well I added, had they had pockets I would have bought half a dozen !!
Are there Stupid people who would pay 150 euros for a fucking T shirt, no lining no pocket just a crocodile emblem !!!
There obviously are !! I made my exit , she didn't .... fancy me by the way :roll:

Yes! I would buy a shirt for a 150 Euros.

I have bought boots with leather souls for 700 euros as well. They last for a minimum of 8 years. So you do the math. It comes at under 100 Euros per year, and people know they are RM Williams Boots.

First thing I looked at when I was on interview boards was presentation, clothing and shoes. First impressions last. Make it count or lose!

Manners, respect, and presentation is important.

It isn't narcisistic or vain. If someone puts in the extra effort, then they deserve extra credit. It's a conservative industry and everything has to be perfect. Shirts ironed and pressed with a single crisp crease, and also the same for the trousers, and shoes can't be some cheap skate lido flip flops.


I have bought custom made, tailored shirts for that amount.

Jeans, easily for that amount,

You get what you pay for and presentation is important. Whether you like it or not.

Quality has a price and usually last longer too. As Paphitis says.

I see cloths as an investment but price should never be the main consideration.

Fit, Cut and Fabric trumps the label and price.

Fashion and style is not a human stupidity. Absolutely not. :roll:

Would you rather look like James Bond or Worsel Gummage? Would you rather cloths designed by Giorgio Armani or George at Asda?

If some cheap rag works well, is comfortable and makes you happy, then go for it. There is no problem. Was you dressed like a clown?
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Postby miltiades » Sun Mar 15, 2020 8:54 am

Georgio Armani does not design cloths, a Chinese man named ho chin mean makes them. Mate, i too as a much younger guy paid extravagant sums for shoes, suits etc. As you get older you realize what a stupid clot you were!!
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Postby Maximus » Sun Mar 15, 2020 9:31 am

Fashion does not equal expensive cloths. :lol:

I have also bought cheap cloths and shoes. Sometimes you don’t need an expensive alternative but some items are worth investing some money in.

Like shoes, I don’t skimp on shoes, they can make a whole outfit.
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Postby miltiades » Sun Mar 15, 2020 9:44 am

Maximus wrote:Fashion does not equal expensive cloths. :lol:

I have also bought cheap cloths and shoes. Sometimes you don’t need an expensive alternative but some items are worth investing some money in.

Like shoes, I don’t skimp on shoes, they can make a whole outfit.
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Postby Londonrake » Sun Mar 15, 2020 9:49 am

Milti. You’ve got a big wad ( :D ) and are “old, with underlying health problems”. Apparently, the Satan bug’s coming for us. If I were you I’d be out on that pier fishing every morning, dressed from head-to-toe in Gucci/Versace/Armani, with at least a couple of bottles of Chateau Margaux sitting at my favourite table nearby. They’d be talking about you for years. 8) :wink:
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Postby miltiades » Sun Mar 15, 2020 10:07 am

Londonrake wrote:Milti. You’ve got a big wad ( :D ) and are “old, with underlying health problems”. Apparently, the Satan bug’s coming for us. If I were you I’d be out on that pier fishing every morning, dressed from head-to-toe in Gucci/Versace/Armanl, with at least a couple of bottles of Chateau Margaux sitting at my favourite table nearby. They’d be talking about you for years. 8) :wink:

Im the only guy fishing whilst i have a glass of wine
Did you know I ....pulled a couple by offering them a glass of wine ? Unfortunately both were .....transgenders
What a waste !!!
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