Paphitis wrote:miltiades wrote:Enough of fairy tales lets get on with Throughout history humans have been wearing some sort of clothing mainly to cover them selves up and keep warm. Nowadays fashion has become a huge business exploiting the narcissists and those who have more money than sense.
A few months back I had an hour or so to kill whilst waiting for an appointment. Took a stroll up MakArios Avenue just browsing at some shops, ypu know shops that do not display prices on their ware. Well I spotted this gorgeous " speciment" of a blonde inside a boutique and just couldn't resist entering the shop and having a closer look.!!
The window display had some T shirts and I thought one or two more would compliment my 50 or so that I allready have. In I go and was welcomed by this gorgeous blond who spoke Greek and English. I asked if they had the T shirts in light blue, yes we have she smilingly replied. What size she asked
I take medium I said but by the way how much are they ? 150 euro she replied
I noticed they had a crocodile " label" on the left side. Do they have pockets I asked. No she charmingly replied, no pockets. Oh well I added, had they had pockets I would have bought half a dozen !!
Are there Stupid people who would pay 150 euros for a fucking T shirt, no lining no pocket just a crocodile emblem !!!
There obviously are !! I made my exit ,
she didn't .... fancy me by the way 
Yes! I would buy a shirt for a 150 Euros.
I have bought boots with leather souls for 700 euros as well. They last for a minimum of 8 years. So you do the math. It comes at under 100 Euros per year, and people know they are RM Williams Boots.
First thing I looked at when I was on interview boards was presentation, clothing and shoes. First impressions last. Make it count or lose!
Manners, respect, and presentation is important.
It isn't narcisistic or vain. If someone puts in the extra effort, then they deserve extra credit. It's a conservative industry and everything has to be perfect. Shirts ironed and pressed with a single crisp crease, and also the same for the trousers, and shoes can't be some cheap skate lido flip flops.
I have bought custom made, tailored shirts for that amount.
Jeans, easily for that amount,
You get what you pay for and presentation is important. Whether you like it or not.
Quality has a price and usually last longer too. As Paphitis says.
I see cloths as an investment but price should never be the main consideration.
Fit, Cut and Fabric trumps the label and price.
Fashion and style is not a human stupidity. Absolutely not.
Would you rather look like James Bond or Worsel Gummage? Would you rather cloths designed by Giorgio Armani or George at Asda?
If some cheap rag works well, is comfortable and makes you happy, then go for it. There is no problem.
Was you dressed like a clown?