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Postby Paphitis » Fri Mar 13, 2020 2:38 am

miltiades wrote:Indeed, hope is about the only comfort religions give the believers. Most humans need to have Hope but not all.
I have had my fair share of tragedies not least my mothers tragic death, my late wife and my 40 year old daughter in law.
Im diabetic and in 2014 was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Believe me I never lose sleep over it since U have always believed that the right mental attitute is the best medicine.

Enough on religion, will move on to the number 2 shortly.....

Religions provide more than just hope.

They provide education in A Class facilities at least in Australia and some other countries. It provides a moral refuge in these crazy times.

It offers shelter to the needy. It offers food to the needy. It offers refuge to battered and abused wives and children. It provides health care and hospitals as well as Medical centers. It provides Retirement Centers and also Hospice care.

It provides charity when Natural Disasters strike - such as the recent Australian bush fires.

It caters to the spiritual needs of millions of people who gain solace.

It also provides our soldiers and children with counseling during difficult times when stricken by grief. Or they offer just someone to talk to when lonely. The biggest pandemic in our day and age is loneliness and mental health. They are a fit and proper hospital for people who are suffering.

It would be a very sad world indeed if these christian faiths did not exist in our countries. I entrust them with the well being and education of my children to be good and moral upstanding citizens and to learn about the countries history, traditions, and culture.

People think they exist because of the fear of death. They want an after life. I don't fear death. I have faced death more than once, and count my lucky stars to be alive, and as a result I also realize death can come to me at any given point so I have learned to come to terms with it and accept it. And just be extra cautious because our decisions carry consequences.
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Postby miltiades » Fri Mar 13, 2020 6:09 am

Churches are some of the richest organizations globally. They are predominantly businesses.
The church of Cyprus owns outright 5 luxury hotels as well as the famous KEO.
My reasoning on religion is that thete is no god, no creator, no miracles, icons do not shed tears and that naive people have not the slightest amount of logic in believing fairy tales.
Will move on to ....Fashion soon. Oh boy is this stupid or is it stupid .....
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Postby Paphitis » Fri Mar 13, 2020 6:14 am

miltiades wrote:Churches are some of the richest organizations globally. They are predominantly businesses.
The church of Cyprus owns outright 5 luxury hotels as well as the famous KEO.
My reasoning on religion is that thete is no god, no creator, no miracles, icons do not shed tears and that naive people have not the slightest amount of logic in believing fairy tales.
Will move on to ....Fashion soon. Oh boy is this stupid or is it stupid .....

Well, sorry to say but they are officially charities.

And the reason they are charities is because they offer schools, hospitals, medical centers, hospices, shelters and much more.

They make a far greater contribution to the system as a whole than any corporate does.
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Postby miltiades » Fri Mar 13, 2020 7:05 am

How do churches manage to accumulate such wealth. The Church of England has more than 7billion $. The church owns substantial properties in the heart of London yet London has 100s of homeless sleeping rough.
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Postby Paphitis » Fri Mar 13, 2020 7:13 am

miltiades wrote:How do churches manage to accumulate such wealth. The Church of England has more than 7billion $. The church owns substantial properties in the heart of London yet London has 100s of homeless sleeping rough.

Because they are smart with their money and the people are generous and wish to give alms.

It's completely unfair to double tax people's earnings who have already paid their tax and also unfair to tax this money when they go to fund educational facilities, hospitals, shelters, orphanages (like the one that housed you), hospices and so on.

I am also happy for the Church of England. My children attend school funded and owned completely by the very same church. As a citizen in my community, I am happy to see Church of England, and Orthodox Churches to be flush with funds so they can continue to provide me with valuable services such as education.

In addition, most of their assets is non tangible land holdings where they own titles to their Church's, Schools, Hospitals, Hospices, Shelters and so on. These were bought many years ago and gained in value over time and they were bought largely as the result of donations from their parishioners and followers. These assets do not just belong to the religion. They belong to all the parishioners who donate their time, resources and money.
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Postby Paphitis » Fri Mar 13, 2020 7:27 am

Remember when you were raising money for an orphanage in Limassol?

It is only right that it isn't taxed by the RoC. They are providing after all a vital shelter and protection to orphans.

Does this orphanage belong to the Church of Cyprus or not?
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Postby miltiades » Fri Mar 13, 2020 8:43 am

Paphitis wrote:Remember when you were raising money for an orphanage in Limassol?

It is only right that it isn't taxed by the RoC. They are providing after all a vital shelter and protection to orphans.

Does this orphanage belong to the Church of Cyprus or not?

I was in an orphanage way back in 1953.
I do not recall a visit by a church person. I spent 2 Christmases there and the organizers of our Xmas party were the English. We were taken to the church each Sunday for our weekly....brainwash

Look my argument is not with the churches but with the fairy tales that the feed the naive with
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Postby miltiades » Fri Mar 13, 2020 3:02 pm

Enough of fairy tales lets get on with Throughout history humans have been wearing some sort of clothing mainly to cover them selves up and keep warm. Nowadays fashion has become a huge business exploiting the narcissists and those who have more money than sense.
A few months back I had an hour or so to kill whilst waiting for an appointment. Took a stroll up MakArios Avenue just browsing at some shops, ypu know shops that do not display prices on their ware. Well I spotted this gorgeous " speciment" of a blonde inside a boutique and just couldn't resist entering the shop and having a closer look.!!
The window display had some T shirts and I thought one or two more would compliment my 50 or so that I allready have. In I go and was welcomed by this gorgeous blond who spoke Greek and English. I asked if they had the T shirts in light blue, yes we have she smilingly replied. What size she asked
I take medium I said but by the way how much are they ? 150 euro she replied
I noticed they had a crocodile " label" on the left side. Do they have pockets I asked. No she charmingly replied, no pockets. Oh well I added, had they had pockets I would have bought half a dozen !!
Are there Stupid people who would pay 150 euros for a fucking T shirt, no lining no pocket just a crocodile emblem !!!
There obviously are !! I made my exit , she didn't .... fancy me by the way :roll:
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Postby Paphitis » Fri Mar 13, 2020 3:43 pm

miltiades wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Remember when you were raising money for an orphanage in Limassol?

It is only right that it isn't taxed by the RoC. They are providing after all a vital shelter and protection to orphans.

Does this orphanage belong to the Church of Cyprus or not?

I was in an orphanage way back in 1953.
I do not recall a visit by a church person. I spent 2 Christmases there and the organizers of our Xmas party were the English. We were taken to the church each Sunday for our weekly....brainwash

Look my argument is not with the churches but with the fairy tales that the feed the naive with

Really? Was the orphanage run by Nuns or not?

Are they not part of a religion?

Seems toi me you got a lot to be grateful for if you ask me.

miltiades wrote:My memory is not as good as it once were and completely forgot a pledge that I along with Oracle and Richard B made a few months back just before the American elections .
The pledge was that whoever won the election the three of us would donate to the Limassol orphanage the sum of cy £100.00 each ie Euros 170.00 each.
Ayios Stephanos Home for sick children is a good cause and the kids can get a few luxuries with our donations.
The telephone number is 25 725 136 .
I shall call the home tomorrow and make my donation once they advice me the best method .
Any other donations would be greatly appreciated I'm sure by these misfortunate children.

Oracle as well as Richard B , very kindly pledged this sum , obviously their memory isn't better than mine , my wife reminded me when we drove past the Home last week when we were in Limassol. I told her I forgot and she repimanded me !!!
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Postby miltiades » Fri Mar 13, 2020 3:55 pm

The orphanage, Pediki steyi as it was called, was NOT run by nuns. I still remember my first toy on Xmas day
1953. Provided by English charity workers.
We were NEVER visited by any religious person in fact we were never visited by Cypriots apart from family.
My involvement with Ayios Stephanos taught me a lot !!!
The church were too busy peddling fairy tales just as they do now with icons shedding tears right left and centre. And you know what ? People actually believe these absurdities!!
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