erolz66 wrote:cyprusgrump wrote:Nice Straw Man argument about the UK although I believe they are still fracking in Dorset (Wytch Farm) where they have been at it since 1979 with no gas coming out of taps or buildings falling down due to 'Earth tremors'...? ... 3-decades/Yet the shale gas industry and various politicians try to muddy the waters by using ‘fracking’ to describe both techniques, thus implying that the controversial technique of HVHF fracking has been used for decades, which is not the case.
Not just those in the shale gas industry and their paid politicians then. Looks like 'ordinary people' like cg like to muddy the waters too

You beat me to it!

But I will post my reply anyway.
Goodness me! 40 years in the chemical industry and 25 of it in oil/gas and from The North Sea to Saudi, with several other countries in between, and I didn’t learn a thing about it!
Cyprus Grump: So this is your ‘
expert’ …… I doubt she would know an oil drilling installation if she bumped into it? She clearly does not known the difference between ‘fracking’ that causes problems and the conventional method of sea water injection:
THAT is all bollox!
How about you learning about what happens in the real World?
So, when you hear someone say that ‘fracking has been done in the UK for decades’, ask them what they mean by ‘fracking’! There is fracking and there is 'fracking', and Wytch Farm has
NEVER used the High Volume Hydraulic Fracturing (HVHF) method, which is the one the US has adopted in very large numbers and the method that causes all the problems. Over a million of these are operating in the US apparently.
I would have thought someone with your expertise would have known that? Maybe checking facts before opening mouth would be good advice for you?
MYTH #3 “Fracking has been going on for decades.” A good example of the industry spin around the word ‘fracking’ is Wytch Farm, in Poole, Dorset, which is the centre of Europe’s biggest oil field. Many supporters of HVHF fracking have cited Wytch farm as a model of responsible fracking, including an article in the Telegraph. However, there are very clear differences between Wytch Farm and the HGHV fracking that is causing such environmental problems elsewhere.
Firstly, Wytch Farm is a conventional oil and gas field, from which the hydrocarbons flow freely, and does not produce oil or gas by blasting high-pressure frack fluid into tight shale rock or coal seams. Of the 199 wells drilled at Wytch Farm not a single one is classified as either Coal Bed Methane or Shale Gas. Also the oil field is actually out at sea, and is accessed via a series of horizontal wells drilled from the 18-hectare well-site in Poole Harbour. Finally, what well-stimulation that has occurred there to extend the life of the wells has been with sea water injected at low pressure, with no added chemicals. This is very different to HVHF fracking, which has never been done at Wytch Farm.
So, when you hear someone say that ‘fracking has been done in the UK for decades’, ask them what they mean by ‘fracking’!