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Greece/Turkey border clashes

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Re: Greece/Turkey border clashes

Postby Maximus » Thu Mar 19, 2020 1:21 am

Turkey is committing ehtnic cleansing in Syria and some people expect the EU to pay the price for the displaced people.

Attention should be on Endorgans war crimes.
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Re: Greece/Turkey border clashes

Postby erolz66 » Thu Mar 19, 2020 1:24 am

Maximus wrote:What about Turkeys international legal obligations towards the refugees?

When Turkey signed the international protocol extending the rights of refugees as laid out in the Geneva convention it legally kept both the geographic restriction of 'European Refugees' and the 'time limit' of before 1951. No EU country chose to do this. It simply is not obliged under international law to take Syrian refugees. The countries of the EU are. Even then if the EU had today taken as many refugees as Turkey has in relation to over all population size then the EU today would have homed 20 million such refugees.

Maximus wrote:Turkey is more obliged because it is the first country they arrived in. From there, they have to file their asylum application and they go wherever they are accepted. The EU member states are as much obliged as every other country on the planet. So enough of directing all the international obligation for refugees towards the EU. It is a fallacy to expect and demand the EU to take in all the worlds refugees.

There is nothing in the Geneva convention or the protocol that later extended refugee rights that says refugees have to seek asylum in the first safe country they enter in to. Nothing. Where have I ever said that the EU must take in all the worlds refugees ?

Maximus wrote:Plus, there arent 10's of millions of refugees.

Among them are nearly 30 million refugees, over half of whom are under the age of 18.

Maximus wrote:Givers have to set limits because takers rarely ever do..........

So often takers (the international agreements on refugees were created as a result of WW2 and millions of European refugees it created) turn out to not want to be givers when their turn to be such comes around.
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Re: Greece/Turkey border clashes

Postby erolz66 » Thu Mar 19, 2020 1:26 am

Maximus wrote:Turkey is committing ehtnic cleansing in Syria and some people expect the EU to pay the price for the displaced people.

Attention should be on Endorgans war crimes.

And yet you will argue that Turkey is a safe country in which refugees can fairly seek and gain asylum ? Seems like you will come up with any excuse to avoid 'your' legal international obligation to refugees ?
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Re: Greece/Turkey border clashes

Postby Maximus » Thu Mar 19, 2020 1:28 am

You are talking rubbish.

If you really cared about these refugees, you wouldnt have a problem if they stayed in Turkey.

You are pointing fingers and blaming others (the EU) while trying to palm off Turkeys obligations to someone else. :roll:
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Re: Greece/Turkey border clashes

Postby Paphitis » Thu Mar 19, 2020 1:40 am

Maximus wrote:I know what you mean,

Plus, these refugees dont have to go to the EU. Its just becaome the most common narrative in debate. All false.

They are safe and are being fed and many of them are working in Turkey.

Turkey is also a member of the IOC and Erdogan can make representations to other Muslim nations to share them around.

Has Turkey done that. No...

erdogan and people like Erolz are more interested in getting rid of them through the EU than anything else.

Yes, they have found a safe haven in Turkey.

But I can understand why they want to leave that shithole.
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Re: Greece/Turkey border clashes

Postby Kikapu » Thu Mar 19, 2020 11:48 am

erolz66 wrote:imo

The EU will renew the deal with Turkey and it will almost certainly involve paying more money to Turkey because as unpalatable as that is for the EU it is still more palatable than the EU accepting it's international legal obligations towards refugees when they number in the 10's of millions.

Germany has agreed to give additional €150 million or so towards the Syrians refused entry into Turkey at it’s border with Syria in Idlib to assist them, but I can’t see the EU giving into Erdogan’s blackmail tactics of the EU, because most things Erdogan wants from the EU has absolutely nothing with the Syrian refugees in Turkey. It doesn’t seem Erdogan got what he wanted from the EU yesterday, or else he would be crowing with pleasure and gloating with pride in fucking the EU with his criminal mafiosi attempts. Also explains why the gate crashers, a.k.a migrants once again have tried to enter into Greece illegally after couple days off being absent, no doubt on orders from “The Godfather” Erdogan himself while he was trying his shakedown extortion of the EU.
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Re: Greece/Turkey border clashes

Postby Maximus » Fri Mar 20, 2020 5:02 pm

About 300 migrants tried to cross the border in to Greece this morning, But they were repelled,

Here Erolz,

Let someone else also inform you about the real situation on the ground.

The “refugee crisis” that Ankara ignited Feb. 28 was intended as a dual-use instrument. Its first and foremost purpose was to suppress the Idlib agenda and alleviate the “Syrian refugee crisis” in the public’s perception.

Ankara may have partially succeeded in using the new “refugee crisis” to overshadow its losses in Idlib, but the crisis did nothing to alleviate Turkey’s Syrian refugee burden. This is because Syrians made up only a small minority among the migrants who flocked or were bussed to the Greek border. Journalists who covered the events on the ground told Al-Monitor that Afghans were the largest group among the migrants, followed by Iranians, Pakistanis and Iraqis

Read more: ... z6HF2H35TY

Syrians only made up about 5% of the crowd.... :roll:

There rest are illegal economic migrants looking for free hand outs and accommodation from the EU taxpayer.

The Eu better get their act together and start deporting any of these chancres that are in the migrant centers.

the Syrians have largely settled down in Turkey, making a life for themselves, for better or worse.

Read more: ... z6HF6zOcHA

Why do they need to leave Turkey and come to the EU? Why does End organ need money from the EU if they are making a living for themselves?

Because the Turks dont want them in their country and end organ is using them to blackmail the EU for money and unrelated benefits. :roll:
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Re: Greece/Turkey border clashes

Postby erolz66 » Fri Mar 20, 2020 5:25 pm

Maximus wrote:Syrians only made up about 5% of the crowd.... :roll:

There rest are illegal economic migrants looking for free hand outs and accommodation from the EU taxpayer.

The Eu better get their act together and start deporting any of these chancres that are in the migrant centers.

It only matters if these people have a genuine legal claim to asylum or not. Indeed the EU should get its act together. It should efficiently and swiftly process these people and grant asylum to those who meet the criteria and spread them fairly across EU nations and expel those who do not. That would be the legal thing to do. The moral thing to do. Instead what it is doing is NOT processing these people efficiently. It is actively doing the opposite to try and discourage those who have a valid claim and right to asylum to not claim such from EU countries but to bugger off and claim such elsewhere, anywhere other than Europe. imo.
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Re: Greece/Turkey border clashes

Postby Maximus » Fri Mar 20, 2020 6:11 pm

erolz66 wrote:
Maximus wrote:Syrians only made up about 5% of the crowd.... :roll:

There rest are illegal economic migrants looking for free hand outs and accommodation from the EU taxpayer.

The Eu better get their act together and start deporting any of these chancres that are in the migrant centers.

It only matters if these people have a genuine legal claim to asylum or not. Indeed the EU should get its act together. It should efficiently and swiftly process these people and grant asylum to those who meet the criteria and spread them fairly across EU nations and expel those who do not. That would be the legal thing to do. The moral thing to do. Instead what it is doing is NOT processing these people efficiently. It is actively doing the opposite to try and discourage those who have a valid claim and right to asylum to not claim such from EU countries but to bugger off and claim such elsewhere, anywhere other than Europe. imo.

Are you under the impression that every refugee or anyone seeking asylum in the world has a right to come to Europe Erolz?
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Re: Greece/Turkey border clashes

Postby erolz66 » Fri Mar 20, 2020 6:24 pm

Maximus wrote:
erolz66 wrote:
Maximus wrote:Syrians only made up about 5% of the crowd.... :roll:

There rest are illegal economic migrants looking for free hand outs and accommodation from the EU taxpayer.

The Eu better get their act together and start deporting any of these chancres that are in the migrant centers.

It only matters if these people have a genuine legal claim to asylum or not. Indeed the EU should get its act together. It should efficiently and swiftly process these people and grant asylum to those who meet the criteria and spread them fairly across EU nations and expel those who do not. That would be the legal thing to do. The moral thing to do. Instead what it is doing is NOT processing these people efficiently. It is actively doing the opposite to try and discourage those who have a valid claim and right to asylum to not claim such from EU countries but to bugger off and claim such elsewhere, anywhere other than Europe. imo.

Are you under the impression that every refugee or anyone seeking asylum in the world has a right to come to Europe Erolz?

I am aware of the legal international conventions and protocols, what rights they grant to individuals and obligations they place on states and who is or is not signatory to these international laws. The choice of where an individual refugee can seek asylum is theirs. All signatories are required to consider such an application fairly. They can agree amongst themselves if they want to do this in a cooperative manner, with things like the Dublin agreement or the EU / Turkey deal but they can not just say, nah I do not want to meet my legal obligations.
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