According to the progressive watchdog Media Matters, Fox News personalities and guests mentioned hydroxychloroquine nearly 300 times between 23 March and 6 April. The same group found hosts have stopped mentioning the drug in recent days, reporting that mentions dropped 77% over five recent days compared with the previous five-day period. Fox News only reported the latest study’s findings on its website.
A Politico review of White House briefings and cable news coverage found Trump hardly mention the drug last week, avoiding it entirely during briefings on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
erolz66 wrote:B25 do you know where you treated with hydroxychloroquine when in hospital with the virus ?
Its effectiveness is still something I would put in the 'not yet known' category but daily the data is mounting to get it out of that category and in to the category of 'we know it is not effective treatment' against the virus. Evidence from actual clinical trials but also evidence likeAccording to the progressive watchdog Media Matters, Fox News personalities and guests mentioned hydroxychloroquine nearly 300 times between 23 March and 6 April. The same group found hosts have stopped mentioning the drug in recent days, reporting that mentions dropped 77% over five recent days compared with the previous five-day period. Fox News only reported the latest study’s findings on its website.
A Politico review of White House briefings and cable news coverage found Trump hardly mention the drug last week, avoiding it entirely during briefings on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Still a nice run for 'Big Pharma' none the less , selling a drug in the 100's of millions if not billions of doses worldwide to treat something it probably does not treat. Where are the 'big pharma' conspiracy theorist on this on I wonder ?
(source for quotes ... oronavirus)
By the way B25 - keep staying safe mate. In your position I would make no assumptions about immunity from having had it and recovered unfortunately ... -positive/
Get Real! wrote:Tim should explain to us what benefit a government has by shutting every industry down and confining all their citizens at home, if not to protect them from a deadly virus.
Lay it out on the table Tim... give us the points we are missing that you are able to see, from this "devious" global plan.
Do enlighten us.
There will be profound, almost incalculable, economic fall out from the lockdown.
As tragic as this is, it actually makes sense within the context of global markets. Pandemic finance is meant to be a growth sector, and market logic dictates a terrible first time out of the gate will guarantee “improvement” on future dashboard metrics.
For them it was a win-win. Impoverish millions so they will be forced to become social impact data commodities and set up a really robust futures market in pandemic preparedness with a side of biometric surveillance. I’m sure the fin-tech oligarchs are beside themselves right now.
What IS clear is that powerful global interests, including members of the World Economic Forum, are using this time of disruption and desperation to try and push through many elements needed to implement their Fourth Industrial Revolution program. This includes global digital currency, smart biometric surveillance, wearable technologies, online education, and tele-presence labor including tele-medicine and tele-therapy. All of this is happening against a back-drop of increased policing, diminished labor and environmental protections, and 5G infrastructure installation.
Public health is being weaponized as a tool of bio-surveillance and profit extraction. Profit will be created through human capital finance AND through the architecture of the surveillance it requires. Seth Berkley, the head of the Gates Foundation’s vaccine program GAVI, is a co-author of the piece. Gates maintains significant investments in satellite deployment and Crown Castle 5G wireless infrastructure. Rebecca Weintraub, another co-author, is managing director of the Draper Kaplan Richard Foundation, which is heavily invested in ed-tech and data-driven crimal justice reform.
As we struggle to comprehend this new reality and protect ourselves and our loved ones and communities, we must also realize that global powers have weaponized public health systems in ways that are unimaginable to most people.
Unless you have a clear understanding of biometric surveillance and human capital finance you will be tempted to dismiss valid concerns as “conspiracy.” That is what they want. They want you to believe in the benevolence of Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Marc Benioff, Pierre Omidyar, and god forbid even Michael Bloomberg.
Framing future pandemics as an issue of national security allows public health to be subsumed within an increasingly sophisticated global apparatus of of digital surveillance, predictive analytics, and enclosure. The nature of the Covid-19 pandemic, which has been characterized by asymptomatic carriers and inadequate testing protocols, has led populations around the world to embrace diminished civil liberties and even welcome the opportunity to be deputized as community enforcers.
B25 wrote:
My nephew is a doctor in the General hospital in Ammochostos, he lives away from his family and has not had any contact with them for weeks for safety. Would he be doing this if he was treating flu patients??
Something doesn't add up.
erolz66 wrote:Tim Drayton wrote:Mother arrested for being with her kids in a kids' playground in the US state of Idaho, taken away with her kids left behind on their own. ...
This is the new fascist dystopia being created before your very eyes!
But you sheeple are baying for more. The media tells you that it must be so, or the black death will come and kill you.
Repeat after me sheeple:
"Baah ... baah ... baah."
I've given up hope.
Yeah Tim - everyone else is 'sheeple' - you are not.
What have you ever done towards trying to stop abuses like these before this display of 'righteous outrage' and 'superiority' you post here ? If you ask 'what could I have done' then I say to you to give one example, have a look at the youtube channel crimebodge . Even watching ONE of his videos would have more real world impact on the issue you now scream about here. Sharing them, more impact again. Educating yourself from watching them more again. Donating to this persons efforts more again. But no you prefer to spend time that could have done any of these things expressing your outrage and superiority here - none of which will make one jot of real world difference.
You want to ask 'why has someone not got and is not getting MSM coverage' ? Ask yourself why this guy that has been running the crimebodge channel for YEARS does not get such.
Ask yourself why today when we most NEED such we do not have more accountable, better police and the uncomfortable truth is because because, before all this you did FUCK ALL about it when there were simple things you could have done that could have made a real world difference. I did FUCK all. I had better things to do, better ways to spend my time. Almost all of us did FUCK ALL.
Baaaahhhhh !
CBBB wrote:Or it could just be a valid reaction to a pandemic.
Tim Drayton wrote:CBBB wrote:Or it could just be a valid reaction to a pandemic.
Could be. The trouble is that this does not stand scrutiny when placed against the hard, scientific evidence. To find that, you have to make the effort to go to indepenent sources. Obviously, most people here refuse to do that.
CBBB wrote:Or it could just be a valid reaction to a pandemic.
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