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Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how long?

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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby erolz66 » Wed Apr 22, 2020 9:04 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:Mother arrested for being with her kids in a kids' playground in the US state of Idaho, taken away with her kids left behind on their own. ...

This is the new fascist dystopia being created before your very eyes!

But you sheeple are baying for more. The media tells you that it must be so, or the black death will come and kill you.

Repeat after me sheeple:

"Baah ... baah ... baah."

I've given up hope.

Yeah Tim - everyone else is 'sheeple' - you are not.

What have you ever done towards trying to stop abuses like these before this display of 'righteous outrage' and 'superiority' you post here ? If you ask 'what could I have done' then I say to you to give one example, have a look at the youtube channel crimebodge . Even watching ONE of his videos would have more real world impact on the issue you now scream about here. Sharing them, more impact again. Educating yourself from watching them more again. Donating to this persons efforts more again. But no you prefer to spend time that could have done any of these things expressing your outrage and superiority here - none of which will make one jot of real world difference.

You want to ask 'why has someone not got and is not getting MSM coverage' ? Ask yourself why this guy that has been running the crimebodge channel for YEARS does not get such.

Ask yourself why today when we most NEED such we do not have more accountable, better police and the uncomfortable truth is because because, before all this you did FUCK ALL about it when there were simple things you could have done that could have made a real world difference. I did FUCK all. I had better things to do, better ways to spend my time. Almost all of us did FUCK ALL.

Baaaahhhhh !
Last edited by erolz66 on Wed Apr 22, 2020 9:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Get Real! » Wed Apr 22, 2020 9:23 pm

Tim should explain to us what benefit a government has by shutting every industry down and confining all their citizens at home, if not to protect them from a deadly virus.

Lay it out on the table Tim... give us the points we are missing that you are able to see, from this "devious" global plan.

Do enlighten us.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby erolz66 » Wed Apr 22, 2020 9:56 pm

For anyone who is interested in looking at the data and not the propaganda and think for themselves. For anyone who is able to understand why 'the chart' , 'RW chart' is one of the best, if not the best way of simply getting visual understanding from the source data on how a country is doing in terms of infection rates, then I suggest you look at Taiwan. . Very worrying.

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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Get Real! » Wed Apr 22, 2020 10:06 pm

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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby erolz66 » Wed Apr 22, 2020 10:07 pm

A few more you could try looking at

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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby erolz66 » Wed Apr 22, 2020 10:10 pm

For me GR these all fall under the general category of 'things we do not yet know with a significant degree of scientific consensus and certainty'. Worrying yes but still in that category. What I am trying to stick too is what we DO know from just the DATA and, trying to understand that data as lay people in the face of those speaking here with certainty and telling everyone else they are 'sheep' and 'slaves to the MSM'.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Apr 23, 2020 12:57 am

...i have suggested it before; the word, gaslighting comes to mind.

It is not the epidemic that is the danger, per se, because of the greater dangers in the stimulus package(s) for those who are desperate enough to want it or need it, now; as a cynic i'll say, nothing comes free.

...fact is, deny the virus you kill yourself, or worse, others. Fact is, by taking these collective actions, (to flatten the curve") we have saved ourselves this dread.

But you cannot deny that powerful forces have been unleashed, a world-wide phenomena, something "new" let's say; (fractious as they are,) where intentions really count: where Government's are not planning, but reacting.

Indeed, let the good times role, all these "aid" packages world-wide. Do not worry; soon enough. All that "relief" money being spent (locally), think about it.

...indeed the numbers on Wall St. are worrying, but in my opinion they are going to also demonstrate the most incredible results, perhaps in time for the November elections as well.

...for a little while at least, we will not want to remember this collective power, (what all of 'us' did (read: had to do) so that our Health Systems would not crash) because 'they' (through Government) will be providing a form of relief, a return to normalcy, (for which all of us are a little more indebted to these few, "Capitalists"). The boom, naturally, will be as big as the bust. Not since WWII have we seen money like this, spent. Who in feeling better (with feeling far less fear), will ask why good Government, in affect, failed us (read: is failing us) in the first place? Who will want to change themselves (socio-economically) ecologically speaking, while returning to the way things were?

(And if we ignore the science, "being" late on our environment, it has even greater consequences.)

I am suggesting to you that it is not the Chinese to be blamed, if the world is being manipulated for plunder, but the "Chinese"; like in America, there is a "swamp" of people among the People very unAmerican, (read: "American"). It's clear that no State and no People are immune to corruption, (especially when trust is not based on scrutiny). "These" people may be at odds, but they are the same; do they collude?

...i am suggesting to you that we treat our planet badly, and this stress, as in the Law of Entropy, will result in forces equal and opposite. The earth is a living thing. As such not unlike us; why should it be different in action?

As accessories to its plunder, in the corruption which makes some people think they are beyond "others" as supreme, we are all to blame. But these days are numbered so it seems because our days are numbered.

...who will survive if we, "us", allow ourselves to go this path ignoring science, for convenience, (or in the manipulation (misinforming) of the Truth in it,) but the murderous few? Indeed, this is something to think about.

On the other hand, it is just as possible to believe in a (read: the) force of a "few" out to do some good. Is this what the Chinese mean by "interesting" times?
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Apr 23, 2020 1:18 am

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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Get Real! » Thu Apr 23, 2020 1:25 am

repulsewarrior wrote:...i have suggested it before; the word, gaslighting comes to mind.

It is not the epidemic that is the danger, per se, because of the greater dangers in the stimulus package(s) for those who are desperate enough to want it or need it, now; as a cynic i'll say, nothing comes free.

...fact is, deny the virus you kill yourself, or worse, others. Fact is, by taking these collective actions, (to flatten the curve") we have saved ourselves this dread.

But you cannot deny that powerful forces have been unleashed, a world-wide phenomena, something "new" let's say; (fractious as they are,) where intentions really count: where Government's are not planning, but reacting.

Indeed, let the good times role, all these "aid" packages world-wide. Do not worry; soon enough. All that "relief" money being spent (locally), think about it.

...indeed the numbers on Wall St. are worrying, but in my opinion they are going to also demonstrate the most incredible results, perhaps in time for the November elections as well.

...for a little while at least, we will not want to remember this collective power, (what all of 'us' did (read: had to do) so that our Health Systems would not crash) because 'they' (through Government) will be providing a form of relief, a return to normalcy, (for which all of us are a little more indebted to these few, "Capitalists"). The boom, naturally, will be as big as the bust. Not since WWII have we seen money like this, spent. Who in feeling better (with feeling far less fear), will ask why good Government, in affect, failed us (read: is failing us) in the first place? Who will want to change themselves (socio-economically) ecologically speaking, while returning to the way things were?

(And if we ignore the science, "being" late on our environment, it has even greater consequences.)

I am suggesting to you that it is not the Chinese to be blamed, if the world is being manipulated for plunder, but the "Chinese"; like in America, there is a "swamp" of people among the People very unAmerican, (read: "American"). It's clear that no State and no People are immune to corruption, (especially when trust is not based on scrutiny). "These" people may be at odds, but they are the same; do they collude?

...i am suggesting to you that we treat our planet badly, and this stress, as in the Law of Entropy, will result in forces equal and opposite. The earth is a living thing. As such not unlike us; why should it be different in action?

As accessories to its plunder, in the corruption which makes some people think they are beyond "others" as supreme, we are all to blame. But these days are numbered so it seems because our days are numbered.

...who will survive if we, "us", allow ourselves to go this path ignoring science, for convenience, (or in the manipulation (misinforming) of the Truth in it,) but the murderous few? Indeed, this is something to think about.

On the other hand, it is just as possible to believe in a (read: the) force of a "few" out to do some good. Is this what the Chinese mean by "interesting" times?

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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Get Real! » Thu Apr 23, 2020 2:09 am

An American microbiologist who formerly worked for the US-DOD, posts his take on the virus… ... ent-772547
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