Tim Drayton wrote:Mother arrested for being with her kids in a kids' playground in the US state of Idaho, taken away with her kids left behind on their own.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hq9Gv7U ... e=youtu.be
This is the new fascist dystopia being created before your very eyes!
But you sheeple are baying for more. The media tells you that it must be so, or the black death will come and kill you.
Repeat after me sheeple:
"Baah ... baah ... baah."
I've given up hope.
Yeah Tim - everyone else is 'sheeple' - you are not.
What have you ever done towards trying to stop abuses like these before this display of 'righteous outrage' and 'superiority' you post here ? If you ask 'what could I have done' then I say to you to give one example, have a look at the youtube channel crimebodge . Even watching ONE of his videos would have more real world impact on the issue you now scream about here. Sharing them, more impact again. Educating yourself from watching them more again. Donating to this persons efforts more again. But no you prefer to spend time that could have done any of these things expressing your outrage and superiority here - none of which will make one jot of real world difference.
You want to ask 'why has someone not got and is not getting MSM coverage' ? Ask yourself why this guy that has been running the crimebodge channel for YEARS does not get such.
Ask yourself why today when we most NEED such we do not have more accountable, better police and the uncomfortable truth is because because, before all this you did FUCK ALL about it when there were simple things you could have done that could have made a real world difference. I did FUCK all. I had better things to do, better ways to spend my time. Almost all of us did FUCK ALL.
Baaaahhhhh !