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Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how long?

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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Sat Apr 18, 2020 3:55 am

Get Real! wrote:You’re a victim of Trump’s little scapegoat tricks, Paphitis…

China acted weird because what was happening to them was weird… they had no idea why their citizens were dropping dead like flies, and were understandably scrambling to get control of the situation… which is exactly the reaction I would expect from a nation in shock and panic!

But what’s important Paphits, isn’t how China reacted but…


Who unleashed this horrible virus on the Chinese which went on to infect the whole planet?

That’s what we should be concentrating on, not mambo-jumbo!

Got nothing at all to do with scapegoating because lets face facts. US isn't the only country that has a massive problem.

Ever since Trump became POTUS you would think that his elevation is akin to The Third Reich. Such an over reaction when in fact he has been one of the best Presidents in a long time. Don't ever think for one second that the people are oblivious to what is going on.

You tell me who unleashed it? Don't tell me it was the Americans Get Real because once again, you would really need to do something about your pathological hatred. That thread of yours about the NHS was just as ridiculous, politicizing the charitable acts of a 100 year old man which is something that we have witnessed here in Australia as well from the time we had devastating bush-fires.

Again, I want to ask very legitimate questions. Why was it necessary to isolate Wuhan Province from the rest of Chy-na and not necessary to isolate Wuhan or Chy-na from the rest of the world? Very legitimate question.

And questions which were raised by Alexander Downer who is no fan of Trump. He was a Clinton and Obama boy.

And if you really must accuse a country. The only viable country to accuse here is CHY-NA. ... g-outbreak

Niall Ferguson's latest column (paywall) notes that on Jan. 23 the Chinese cut off Hubei province from the rest of China -- but they didn't cut it off from the rest of the world. Direct flights out continued. Trump's travel restrictions kicked in only a week later.


Chy-na put Wuhan Province under full lock down from the rest of Chy-a on 23rd of January. For a whole week, flights continued to North America, rest of Asia, Australia and Europe before the first country closed their borders to Chy-na.

So why didn't the Chy-nese think it was unnecessary to isolate Wuhan from the rest of the world?

Put it this way Get Real. You all deserve what you get till the day you all come to your senses.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Get Real! » Sat Apr 18, 2020 4:45 am

Your questions are stupid because they come from a stupid source…Trump!

* What the Wuhan authorities did is irrelevant!

* What patient zero did is irrelevant!

* What Chou-Xi-Zang ate at the market, is also irrelevant!

All this irrelevant shit I consider as obfuscation!

The only thing RELEVANT is :


That’s all that matters Paphitis, so quit obfuscating the matter! :wink:
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Sat Apr 18, 2020 5:02 am

Get Real! wrote:Your questions are stupid because they come from a stupid source…Trump!

* What the Wuhan authorities did is irrelevant!

* What patient zero did is irrelevant!

* What Chou-Xi-Zang ate at the market, is also irrelevant!

All this irrelevant shit I consider as obfuscation!

The only thing RELEVANT is :


That’s all that matters Paphitis, so quit obfuscating the matter! :wink:

They came from an Arabic and Australian news source.

And my sources were none other than Credlin and Alexander Downer. These are no fools unlike yourself Get Real who tried to tell us just yesterday that the UK had spent x Trillions in military operations in Zimbabwe, and Palestine and then tried to say they neglected the NHS - only one of the best health system in the world.

Everything I said was factual.

Chy-na isolated Wuhan on 23rd of January. The first countries to close their borders with Chy-na were a week after that apart from Taiwan who did it on the 31st of December and were ringing alarm bells from then only to be ignored by WHO.

In the meantime, whilst Chy-na isolated Wuhan, it was ok for international flights to continue to the rest of the world.

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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby erolz66 » Sat Apr 18, 2020 7:59 am

What the WHO , along with countless other public health officials around the globe, have said is that partial (banning foreigners but not citizens) travel bans are of limited use in trying to deal with a virus like this one and they have clearly been proven to be right in this. They can buy a little time that if used to properly to test, screen and track infection can make a differences but over all and in the absence of other measures once spread internally is already happening , they are of little material effect.

The US travel restrictions placed on first China and then Europe were too little and too late. Too little in the sense that they continued to allow citizens and others to travel from hot spot infection areas without sufficient testing and quarantine and too late in the sense that infection was already occurring within the US at the point at which they were introduced. What they did achieve however was to create a sense of complacency that in turn slowed down the introduction and implementation of the kind of measures that can did and do make a real differences once infection is within a country - testing, tracking and tracing along with social distancing and the like.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby B25 » Sat Apr 18, 2020 8:59 am

Well, I don't know why all this in fighting is going on, as according to Tim Drayton we don't actually have a problem, the death rate is only about 0.3% (according to some German doc he keeps referencing) and that is it just a simple flu like virus and we should not worry about it.

The fact that 10's of thousands of people are dying of this and thousands daily and that the rest of the world are just fucking idiots for closing down and that everything should open and be as normal, well, that makes the who is to blame and who started it irrelevant. Or am I missing the point here???

So GR, there is no point getting stuck in your basement with the wife because you have nothing to worry about according to some posters here. Of course until they or their close family get it and .......... Good luck.

Here the Germans are so fkn clever:

έχει δημιουργήσει το Robert Koch-Institut, το τελευταίο 24ωρο διαπιστώθηκαν 242 νέοι θάνατοι, με τον συνολικό απολογισμό των νεκρών να ανέρχεται έτσι σε 4.110

They lost another 242 souls in the last 24 hrs, they must of had the flu I guess. Where's that German doc to give us more advice???
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Kikapu » Sat Apr 18, 2020 11:09 am

Tim Drayton wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
I will give you one simple answer Tim because I’m just an average guy. Yes, many more people die from other flu related causes so far, mainly the elderly and not much can be done to stop it other than the precautions already given to them with shots.

The Coronavirus is a highly contagious infectious hidden disease that can infect anyone at anytime one comes to contact with which is deadly to some, serious to light illness to most no symptoms to others, but yet are carriers without knowing waiting to infect the next person inadvertently. This disease has become a “Russian Roulette” to most of us which can’t be ignored or pushed aside and continue as life as normal until a vaccine is made available. If this virus is not a hoax, then it must be taken seriously, and by all indications, the world has taken it seriously. Yes the economy is taking a hit, but the alternative is potentially for millions to die if left unchecked in which the economy would suffer even worse than now, so the question is begged to be asked, what is your pleasure, bad economy now or bad economy later with potentially millions dead?

The virus is not a hoax, but of the only two serious scientific studies until now involving random samples from the whole population - the only way we can determine how dangerous the disease it causes is - one using data in Iceland shows the death rate to be 0.3% and a study conducted by Prof Hendirk Streeck in Germany shows the death rate to be 0.37%. These are not massive figures and make it less deadly than the flu. This does not mean it IS the flu and this does not mean that NOBODY DIES OF IT. It just puts things into perspective. The WHO tells you on its own website:

"Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus.

Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment. Older people, and those with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are more likely to develop serious illness."

We don't go into lockdown everytime there is a flu epidemic and we don't have to because of this flu-like illness.

Incidentally, you speak of people who have few or no symptoms. This almost inevitably happens with under-50's who are in good health. Those who are at danger are the aged and those with serious underlying health conditions (as the WHO itself tells you). If so, why not let the healthy under-50's go about their lives as before and protect those at risk through isolating them?

Tim, you are missing the bigger picture here. First of all, we are at the early stages of this epidemic and not certain we understand everything about it yet. It is know however that it is contagious and easily transmissible through casual contact resulting deadly outcome to some regardless of age, so it is difficult to ascertain who is likely to die from it and who won’t. Clearly the elderly with underlying health conditions are most likely to have the biggest difficulties with this virus, but the elderly are not the only ones. Look at the US aircraft carrier have mainly young and health sailors, and yet out of about 5,000 personell, 600 came down with the virus killing one. It is irrelevant if the remaining 600 sailors do not die, but unchecked, all of the 5,000 sailors would contract the virus. You cannot continue business as usual whether it is on a carrier, office building, factory, sport events, cruise ships or any other events where large numbers of people are in the same place. There is no guarantees that 50 year olds will not become victims of this virus, but if they are infected and still remain healthy, they can still infect others who may be more vulnerable to be sick and die.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Kikapu » Sat Apr 18, 2020 1:15 pm

Few weeks ago there were several republican politicians in the US advocating to open the country for business despite the Coronavirus and that the elderly shouldn’t be selfish by wanting to live longer and at the same time, they claimed that they were ready to die to save the economy in the US. Well, I don’t see any of these motherfucker politicians dying yet as they are hiding in their basements. Yes, lets let the other guy die for the good of the nation, but not me is their thinking. These are the same fuckers who would remain in their foxholes after ordering the rest of the soldiers to charge forward.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Kikapu » Sat Apr 18, 2020 1:36 pm

500 workers at a meat packing plant in South Dakota are infected with the Coronavirus because the company chose to stay open. Now they are closed up as well as few other meat packing plants in the US after people stared dying just by going to work and not knowing the dangers waiting for them, just because their colleagues did not show any symptoms.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Sat Apr 18, 2020 1:50 pm

Kikapu wrote:Few weeks ago there were several republican politicians in the US advocating to open the country for business despite the Coronavirus and that the elderly shouldn’t be selfish by wanting to live longer and at the same time, they claimed that they were ready to die to save the economy in the US. Well, I don’t see any of these motherfucker politicians dying yet as they are hiding in their basements. Yes, lets let the other guy die for the good of the nation, but not me is their thinking. These are the same fuckers who would remain in their foxholes after ordering the rest of the soldiers to charge forward.

We have had a couple of politicians get it in Australia.

Also, let's not forget, Boris had a really close call.

Australia is looking at opening the economy fully in about a month's time. There will still be restrictions, mainly on international travel but our local economy is about to start again with everyone going back to work, bars, pubs and restaurants opened and life starting to get back to normal.

What we found to have worked more than anything was closing our borders to international traffic and forcing international travelers, including our own citizens into isolation. And yet that wasn't enough because we were still importing the virus on luxury cruise ships, forcing drastic action. Passengers were not allowed to disembark. there were 2 ships in dock. Their Captains were arrested and charged and the Navy was sent out to sea to turn away 9 Ships who were refusing to turn around and head back to the last port of departure as requested by Border Force. We had a situation down here where cruise liners were being intercepted by Frigates and Destroyers and instructed to turn around at which point they had no choice, because if they wouldn't, they would be boarded by a military boarding party to arrest the Captain and take over the Ship.

No Ship wanted to come to Australia after that especially since P&O has been threatened with sanctions.

the results of these brutal measures are evident. If we did not do this, then its highly likely we would be on the exponential curve still.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Kikapu » Sat Apr 18, 2020 2:21 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Kikapu wrote:Few weeks ago there were several republican politicians in the US advocating to open the country for business despite the Coronavirus and that the elderly shouldn’t be selfish by wanting to live longer and at the same time, they claimed that they were ready to die to save the economy in the US. Well, I don’t see any of these motherfucker politicians dying yet as they are hiding in their basements. Yes, lets let the other guy die for the good of the nation, but not me is their thinking. These are the same fuckers who would remain in their foxholes after ordering the rest of the soldiers to charge forward.

We have had a couple of politicians get it in Australia.

Also, let's not forget, Boris had a really close call.

Australia is looking at opening the economy fully in a bout a month's time. There will still be restrictions, mainly on international travel but our local economy is about to start again with everyone going back to work, bars, pubs and restaurants opened and life starting to get back to normal.

What we found to have worked more than anything was closing our borders to international traffic and forcing international travelers, including our own citizens into isolation. And yet that wasn't enough because we were still importing the virus on luxury cruise ships, forcing drastic action. Passengers were not allowed to disembark. there were 2 ships in dock. Their Captains were arrested and charged and the Navy was sent out to sea to turn away with force 9 Ships who were refusing to turn around and head back to the last port of departure. We had a situation down here where cruise liners were being intercepted by Frigates and Destroyers and instructed to turn around at which point they had no choice, because if they wouldn't, they would be boarded by a military boarding party to arrest the Captain and take over the Ship.

No Shp wanted to come to Australia after that especially since P&O has been threatened with sanctions.

the results of these brutal measures are evident. If we did not do this, then its highly likely we would be on the exponential curve still.

Boris Johnson was very cavalier along with Trump on coronavirus earlier on and were against any lockdown, and as fate would have it, Boris got it also. I hope he will recovers fully, but his non actions then has caused thousands of deaths in the UK now and for that, I hold him responsible for their deaths. Now it is too little too late with the current lockdown in the UK other than saying perhaps, better late than never if it makes Boris sleep at nights.
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