Get Real! wrote:Paphitis wrote:C'mon get Real. This is another source owned by Rupert Murdoch. Only the biggest media empire in the world.
Tucker, who I do like personally, because he touches the stuff others in the MSM dare not touch.
And he don't like Chy-na. In fact anti Chy-na sentiment globally is through the roof.
According to your metric, FOX News is the Rolls Royce in news.
Now that we have established that FOX News meets your approval, I can now post 100 video sources saying exactly the same things about WHO as all my other sources.
Fox News is also legit… I may not agree with them but they are licensed and accountable, so they do satisfy my basic prerequisites as a “mouthpiece”.
So as you can see we already have a mountain of differing BUT LEGITIMATE news to go through every day, without introducing YouTube JUNK NEWS into the equation!
So can we just stick to legit news networks?
What makes Australia one of the greatest countries in the world is it’s free press.
What makes the US the greatest country in the world in terms of Freedom of Press, HR and complete plurality, is its Bill of Rights.
We ALLOW all your vitriolic sources which you use to peddle the conspiracy that this is a US BIO attack. In Russia, anyone who does this will just disappear.
I don’t need your approval.
And all your sources pointing to a US conspiracy do not pass your benchmarks sadly for you.
You see Get Real, the last thing we want is for someone like yourself telling us here in Australia or the US what is legit and what isn’t.
Now as to you not agreeing with Fox News? Did you know this is an Australian owned company. Just like Sky News and so many others? Fuck we are a superpower!

No wonder Trump loves Australia.