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Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how long?

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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby cyprusgrump » Mon Apr 13, 2020 5:50 pm

Get Real! wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Correct Kikakopoulos... a virus infects exponentially so there’s no such thing as a “peak” unless it naturally runs out of hosts having infected everybody!

Hiding the hosts by locking them up at home is no solution!


Locking us all up just 'flattens the curve' of hospital admissions... :roll:

Buying time is the name of the game, but for how long?

Too much time and the economy is lost… condemning everyone!

Come out to play too soon, and the virus is back in action and your “peak” goes out the window…

Either way we’re screwed! :lol:


My worry is that it will improve somewhat and gubberment will take the credit because of the lockdown...

Then the next time somebody coughs next winter we'll be back inside again.

The sheeple just seem to lap it up too - please restrict our movements and prevent us buying things you consider to be 'non essential'... :roll:
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Londonrake » Mon Apr 13, 2020 6:16 pm

Yes. There are different views of course: ... -lockdown/

How's "no lockdown Sweden" doing?

A great fear seems to be that this virus will be seasonal. Just like flu. Which, as far as I can gather (like a lot of things the figures seem to be a moving feast) takes something like half a million lives globally every single year. :shock:
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Tim Drayton » Mon Apr 13, 2020 6:19 pm

St Louis doctor has had enough:
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Tim Drayton » Mon Apr 13, 2020 6:54 pm

Get Real! wrote:...

From my research on the matter, there are no decent traces of antibodies being detected in “recovered” patients, and that’s a very bad sign.


A recent study conducted by German Prof. Hendrik Streek, using a large random sample from the population of a town that was greatly affected by the coronovirus, showed that 15% of the population had antibodies.

If you want to see a TV interview with him, I have lined to it above.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby CrookedRiverGuy » Mon Apr 13, 2020 6:57 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:St Louis doctor has had enough:

That guy should prescribe himself some Valium :lol:
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Mon Apr 13, 2020 6:57 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Looks like the early evidence may be indicating that the USA has reached peak Chy-na Virus...

Which is very encouraging because I can’t wait to get over to the States so hoping there is a very quick recovery and the airlines are back to normal.

Let’s kill this Chy-na Virus!

Plus Europe too. Good luck to all the European countries that got hit hard so we can all go back to normal. We are all in this together so go Italy, Spain, France, Germany, UK and every other country in dire straits.

Personally speaking, until a vaccine is found for Coronavirus and everyone is inoculated, I wouldn’t pay much attention to the so called “leveling of the peak” as only a fraction of people have been tested in any country. In the USA only about 2-3 million people has been tested in the last 3-4 weeks with about 20%-25% positive rate of about 550,000. What about the rest of the 230 million people who has not been tested yet. Unless by miracle the remaining 230 million people are virus free because of lockdown, there are always going to be more cases until the vaccine is found. The same rule will apply to other countries also.

As for the airline industry getting back to normal, it will take time and since services will be cut and some airlines not return at all, there won’t be a pilot shortages for a while either.

I'm a little more positive than you.

The US and Europe are heading towards summer, so I think the infection rate will slow.

Some countries have pretty much defeated the Chy-na Virus. They did that through strict social distancing. You just need to look at the statistics coming out of Australia, South Korea, Singapore etc etc to see that it is possible.

In Australia's case it has been done without a universal lock down. But it will be interesting to see what happens to Australia as it heads into winter.

As foe a pilot shortage, once it's all over, I think the airlines will have a lot of work clearing the massive back log. The shortage could be even more severe, because thousands of pilots have decided to bring forward their retirements. So in effect, you have retirements and no training to replace them.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Mon Apr 13, 2020 7:02 pm

Get Real! wrote:Correct Kikakopoulos... a virus infects exponentially so there’s no such thing as a “peak” unless it naturally runs out of hosts having infected everybody!

Hiding the hosts by locking them up at home is no solution!

It's the only solution.

Alternative is inundating your health system like it has been inundated in Italy, Spain, USA and headed towards that in the France and UK, where thousands are just left to die and buried in mass graves.

If the Health System isn't inundated or broken by the number of cases, then the death toll can be kept down to 2 to 3% as opposed to 15 to 20%.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Tim Drayton » Mon Apr 13, 2020 7:03 pm

Get Real! wrote:Correct Kikakopoulos... a virus infects exponentially so there’s no such thing as a “peak” unless it naturally runs out of hosts having infected everybody!

Hiding the hosts by locking them up at home is no solution!

Well, Professor Knut Wittkowski, formeer head of The Rockefeller University’s Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design for 20 years - an interview with whom I posted a link to above - explains that with all viruses immunity gradually builds up in the population as they catch it and when it reaches 80% that virus can no longer multiply. This always happens. Folks, viruses have been going around for as long as humans have existed, the population develops immunity (according to Wittkowski this normally takes four weeks) and then the virus mutates and comes back the following year and the process is repeated. This is the phenomenon we call the cold, flu and similar "bugs". German pulmonologist has given some good, clear explanations of this phenomenon. There is nothing to get hysterical about. This has been happening for millenia.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Mon Apr 13, 2020 7:03 pm

Get Real! wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Correct Kikakopoulos... a virus infects exponentially so there’s no such thing as a “peak” unless it naturally runs out of hosts having infected everybody!

Hiding the hosts by locking them up at home is no solution!


Locking us all up just 'flattens the curve' of hospital admissions... :roll:

Buying time is the name of the game, but for how long?

Too much time and the economy is lost… condemning everyone!

Come out to play too soon, and the virus is back in action and your “peak” goes out the window…

Either way we’re screwed! :lol:

Yeh the economy is the other side of the equation as well.

But a 15 to 20% mortality rate from a broken and over loaded health system isn't exactly going to help the economy either.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Mon Apr 13, 2020 7:05 pm

Get Real! wrote:I have no faith in a effective vaccine being found… for this is no natural virus.

From my research on the matter, there are no decent traces of antibodies being detected in “recovered” patients, and that’s a very bad sign.

Had such a virus been natural mankind would've perished millenniums ago, but the designer of our planet and mankind was certainly not stupid for he made sure our bodies could fight back.

Perhaps God’s only flaw was to make mankind stupid… for when we start fucking around with the genetic makeup of living things that can hurt us, it’s like opening our grave!

The crucially fine balance in the designer’s rules is now disturbed...

There are lots of things they are testing.

Such as an anti malaria drug and also they are finding that plasma from infected patients is also effective in reducing the life span of the Virus in other patients.
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