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Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how long?

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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Kikapu » Sun Apr 12, 2020 5:27 pm

Get Real! wrote:Btw, have you all noticed that the Turkish Pasha has also gone silent since the outbreak?

This virus has knocked many fools off their pedestals by reminding them how small and vulnerable they are… by rendering their thousands of tanks, planes, ships and missiles, utterly useless!

They’ve all gone into hiding now... to save their sorry carcasses! :lol:

The Turkish Pasha is playing the “good samaritan” by sending some token medical supplies to various European countries which they did not ask for, so that he can try to cash in his favours later when he will need a massive helping handout as well as political and financial help from the same countries. Last I read that Israel and Armenia did ask for some medical supplies from Turkey, but none has been delivered thus far.

Btw, supplies are not given from the Red Crescent, but from the “Presidency of Turkey”. You can see his BS from a mile away. :D
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Mon Apr 13, 2020 6:57 am

Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Get Real! wrote:

You may recall that Trump was obsessed with China from the onset... God knows how many times he mentioned "China" during his campaign... hundreds!

He then came on like a bull in a china-shop (<-- no pun intended) and immediately began the attacks on China with Tariffs and other trade maneuvers.

The final annoyance for Trump was the realization that there could be no 5G for America without Huawei having some involvement.

Despite being an arms industry Mecca, America seemed to have overlooked the importance that 5G would have on future firepower and dominance.

The US admin with a fool at the helm, went berserk...

I believe Trump’s biggest concern with China from the beginning was and is that, should Trump be re-elected, at the end of his 8 years in office would see China take the number 1 spot as the biggest economy in the world replacing the USA. China has grown too big too fast as well as it’s influences around the world thanks to major companies in the West investing in China for larger profit returns for their share holders.

So, if we are to look for conspiracies, it is easy to see one where ruining China with a deadly virus, it’s people and it’s industry’s would set China back for decades if it became un-investable. Continuing with any conspiracy theories, I would expect China was too aware of such “dirty bomb” being planted by their closest economic competitor, the USA, China kept quiet about the Coronavirus in China as a pandemic until hundreds of thousands of people around the world were too infected through social contact of westerners either in China or by the Chinese tourist/ students/ workers visiting the western countries.

For China to survive such an attempt by the west to destroy it’s economic place as a powerhouse, it needed to level the playing field where the whole world would face the same economic destruction as was the same was intended on themselves by the west and it has worked. In fact, it may now even accelerate China’s economic dominance to become the world largest economy because they were able to lockdown the city where the Coronavirus had started saving the rest of China’s provinces and population, unlike the rest of the world’s other countries, the virus is all over their country whose economy will be much harder hit and lose many more people until a vaccine is found.

The moral of this “conspiracy” story is, Don’t Fuck with China, or else they will Fuck you instead. As the results show, the rest of the world is now truly getting fucked with the Coronavirus, regardless whomever may have planted it in the first place in China.

If it was an attempt to bring Chy-na down a peg or 2, then the perpetrator (let's say the US) would only be too aware that this Chy-na Virus can spread beyond Chy-na borders and infect other countries, and the world.

The perpetrator would surely wait until it can inoculate its population from the Virus. Either by injecting half the population through the annual Flu Vaccines we all take, thus achieving herd immunity.

There are easier ways to bring Chy-na down. Firstly, we must understand that we do not have an issue with Chy-na becoming an economic powerhouse. They are a country of 1.4 Billion and as their GDP expands, we make a lot of money from them as our corporations exploit their market.

The easiest way to bring Chy-na down is for Australia to stop selling resources to Chy-na. their entire manufacturing base and industry would implode. No country can replace Australia as a source of resources for Chy-na. It would hurt us as well, but no different to how we are hurt right now.

Where we have an issue is the amount of investment. The volumes are like a tsunami and we need to protect our key industries. For instance, they can buy land, but we are not allowed to buy property in Chy-na. The other key issue Trump has is the outsourcing of American jobs to Chy-na. we should all be worried about that.

Chy-na GDP was always going to pass the US, but it won't pass the US on a per capita basis for a very very long time.

Paphitis, doesn’t the alarm bells go off in your head, that only a single province in China was affected with this virus in Wuhan and nowhere else, and yet, all over the whole country for the rest of the world. It makes sense that the Chinese knew about the virus soon after people in Wuhan started dying in a rapid succession, and so they locked down the whole region of Wuhan. Trump is right when he accuses of China keeping quiet on the seriousness of the virus, and in my opinion, China was in the process of “exporting” the virus to the rest of the world so that they would not be the only victims of this foul play no mater who deliberately started it.

It would look very suspensions if the USA had a vaccine to a virus which did not exist yet, no? If someone planted this virus in Wuhan, and if China announced it immediately as a killer pandemic virus, the rest of the world would have justifiably would have stop all flights to and from China also immediately. But that did not happen. For all we know, China played for time and the urgency and the seriousness of the virus until the rest of the developed world too were going to be in the same predicament as themselves, if not worse. The fact is, many countries are in worse situations than Wuhan ever was if we go by the official numbers, which more than likely are not the true numbers at all.

Yes there are alarm bells and those alarm bells point to a Chy-na conspiracy, however, I am just trying to stay calm about my statements as I am no conspiracist at the best of times and because I don't have any evidence to back up my claims. Therefore, I am giving the Chy-nese CCP the benefit of doubt as I am believing the mainstream line that the Virus spread from the wet markets which is all extremely plausible as well.

But that doesn't mean that we in Australia are not going to use this situation for the political benefit of our country and to benefit the future generations of Australians. We need to assess our economic relationship with Chy-na, in the same vain as Trump is doing for the USA. As a result, we will exploit Chy-na Virus to achieve our aims. Those aims are to introduce laws on foreign ownership particularly pertaining to Chy-nese and Chy-nese CCP interests in Australia.

But if you must know, if there is a theory that I find extremely plausible, is that Chy-na was behind the spread of Chy-na Virus.

No involvement by the USA whatsoever. That is 1000% true for any person with a brain.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby miltiades » Mon Apr 13, 2020 7:17 am

As per usual you are talking a load of rubbish.
Hey stupid, there is NO such country as Chy-na, stop being such a prick.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Mon Apr 13, 2020 7:31 am

miltiades wrote:As per usual you are talking a load of rubbish.
Hey stupid, there is NO such country as Chy-na, stop being such a prick.

What part is rubbish to you? The fact only one province was contaminated? That is very suspicious to me when the rest of the world has been contaminated like wild fire. You can not dismiss the possibility that this was a Chy-ness BIO attack. However, I think we can call the theories of US involvement is complete and utter stupidity, unlike the theories about Chy-na.

But, put that to the side for one second. Here in Australia there is widespread anti Chy-na sentiment. The conspiracy theories exist and are widespread but the main agenda is to ween Australia off Chy-na. We can’t afford to be dependent on them and have unlimited Chy-nese investment in Australia where they buy whatever they want including key industries like our rail roads, airports, pharmaceuticals and harbours. We can’t afford to not restrict their ability to buy property without adding triple the amount of tax.

This is where we sit.

We can’t prove they made Chy-na Virus however, the Virus has bought into question our relationship with them. And we will now review everything.

B25 loves the Chy-nese because he is an estate agent. He is selling Cypriot land to Russians and Chy-nese. Cyprus doesn’t have a lot of land to sell before Cypriots no longer control anything. Australia and US are much more fortunate than Cypriots. But we do have a problem where they are infiltrating key areas, and where our corporates are exporting our jobs to Chy-na. Time has come to introduce tariffs on Chy-nese goods.

So this is why Chy-na Virus has also provided a great opportunity and a big wake up call for everyone.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby B25 » Mon Apr 13, 2020 8:42 am

Paphitis wrote:
miltiades wrote:As per usual you are talking a load of rubbish.
Hey stupid, there is NO such country as Chy-na, stop being such a prick.

What part is rubbish to you? The fact only one province was contaminated? That is very suspicious to me when the rest of the world has been contaminated like wild fire. You can not dismiss the possibility that this was a Chy-ness BIO attack. However, I think we can call the theories of US involvement is complete and utter stupidity, unlike the theories about Chy-na.

But, put that to the side for one second. Here in Australia there is widespread anti Chy-na sentiment. The conspiracy theories exist and are widespread but the main agenda is to ween Australia off Chy-na. We can’t afford to be dependent on them and have unlimited Chy-nese investment in Australia where they buy whatever they want including key industries like our rail roads, airports, pharmaceuticals and harbours. We can’t afford to not restrict their ability to buy property without adding triple the amount of tax.

This is where we sit.

We can’t prove they made Chy-na Virus however, the Virus has bought into question our relationship with them. And we will now review everything.

B25 loves the Chy-nese because he is an estate agent. He is selling Cypriot land to Russians and Chy-nese. Cyprus doesn’t have a lot of land to sell before Cypriots no longer control anything. Australia and US are much more fortunate than Cypriots. But we do have a problem where they are infiltrating key areas, and where our corporates are exporting our jobs to Chy-na. Time has come to introduce tariffs on Chy-nese goods.

So this is why Chy-na Virus has also provided a great opportunity and a big wake up call for everyone.

Can you substantiate this statement? Do you have any evidence of such? Now you are be libellous, you should STFU if you don't have any back up evidence. You should apologise, you don't know me or what I do, I am waiting.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby miltiades » Mon Apr 13, 2020 8:55 am

His stupidity is beyond the realms of reality.The idiot is making me consider leaving the forum since my tolerance of fucking stupidity has been exhausted. This is not a kindergarten or an idiots forum, adults use it though it seems that this idiot thinks that members appreciate his input which happens to be the exact opposite.
Chy-na my arse !!
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Mon Apr 13, 2020 8:59 am

B25 wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
miltiades wrote:As per usual you are talking a load of rubbish.
Hey stupid, there is NO such country as Chy-na, stop being such a prick.

What part is rubbish to you? The fact only one province was contaminated? That is very suspicious to me when the rest of the world has been contaminated like wild fire. You can not dismiss the possibility that this was a Chy-ness BIO attack. However, I think we can call the theories of US involvement is complete and utter stupidity, unlike the theories about Chy-na.

But, put that to the side for one second. Here in Australia there is widespread anti Chy-na sentiment. The conspiracy theories exist and are widespread but the main agenda is to ween Australia off Chy-na. We can’t afford to be dependent on them and have unlimited Chy-nese investment in Australia where they buy whatever they want including key industries like our rail roads, airports, pharmaceuticals and harbours. We can’t afford to not restrict their ability to buy property without adding triple the amount of tax.

This is where we sit.

We can’t prove they made Chy-na Virus however, the Virus has bought into question our relationship with them. And we will now review everything.

B25 loves the Chy-nese because he is an estate agent. He is selling Cypriot land to Russians and Chy-nese. Cyprus doesn’t have a lot of land to sell before Cypriots no longer control anything. Australia and US are much more fortunate than Cypriots. But we do have a problem where they are infiltrating key areas, and where our corporates are exporting our jobs to Chy-na. Time has come to introduce tariffs on Chy-nese goods.

So this is why Chy-na Virus has also provided a great opportunity and a big wake up call for everyone.

Can you substantiate this statement? Do you have any evidence of such? Now you are be libellous, you should STFU if you don't have any back up evidence. You should apologise, you don't know me or what I do, I am waiting.

Why libellous? It wasn't a criticism.

people always make the mistake of getting addicted to the money of Chy-nese. It's such an easy thing to occur. It happened in every country. It has happened in Australia as well.

Usually those who make the big money because of Chy-nese investment are the first to defend the Chy-nese. that applies to the biggest of our corporations as well. Companies like Apple and so forth.

I can't substantiate whether you are an estate agent. I am just just going by what I thought someone told me a long time ago. And there isn't anything wrong with being an estate agent either. Some estate agents are very professional people. Not all. I have a relative who is an Estate Agent in Limassol and another who is an Estate Agent in the Astoria, Queens and Manhattan market.

If you are an Estate Agent B25, then you need to accept the warnings I am trying to deliver to you. If Cyprus is sold to foreign interests overseas, and in particular to Chy-nese Interests, there is no turning back.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Mon Apr 13, 2020 9:03 am

miltiades wrote:His stupidity is beyond the realms of reality.The idiot is making me consider leaving the forum since my tolerance of fucking stupidity has been exhausted. This is not a kindergarten or an idiots forum, adults use it though it seems that this idiot thinks that members appreciate his input which happens to be the exact opposite.
Chy-na my arse !!


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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby cyprusgrump » Mon Apr 13, 2020 9:12 am

miltiades wrote:His stupidity is beyond the realms of reality.The idiot is making me consider leaving the forum since my tolerance of fucking stupidity has been exhausted. This is not a kindergarten or an idiots forum, adults use it though it seems that this idiot thinks that members appreciate his input which happens to be the exact opposite.
Chy-na my arse !!

Give us an update on THE MIGHTY EURO before you leave CoCo...? :)
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby miltiades » Mon Apr 13, 2020 9:24 am

cyprusgrump wrote:
miltiades wrote:His stupidity is beyond the realms of reality.The idiot is making me consider leaving the forum since my tolerance of fucking stupidity has been exhausted. This is not a kindergarten or an idiots forum, adults use it though it seems that this idiot thinks that members appreciate his input which happens to be the exact opposite.
Chy-na my arse !!

Give us an update on THE MIGHTY EURO before you leave CoCo...? :)

Sure stupid. Pre brexit referendum 1.30 euros to the pound. As of today 1.14.
Euro v US dollar 1.11 to the euro, as of now 1.095
Satisfied arsehole ?
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