Get Real! wrote:Paphitis wrote:Get Real! wrote:Between your word-skewing, spelling/grammar mistakes, and poorly structured sentences… it’s pretty hard to figure out what you’re saying Paphitis!

I'll break it down for you.
You are all a bunch of muppets. Right now, bow down to Taiwan. They were correct all along.
After that, prey that Australia, Japan or USA save your arseholes, because you all depend on us.
Australia right now is making tyhe biggest inroads at the Doherty Institute where they are growing Chy-na Virus cells and splitting them in the Australian Government's 1 billion Dollar megatron similar to the one in Switzerland. One of only 2 in the world.
I didn't know Trump's incompetence was related to Australia and/or Taiwan...

It's getting really murky Paphitis... in your head that is!
Why don't you talk about your own incompetence and the incompetence of the Wu-han UNHealthy Organisation first? Things are not exactly rosy over in Europe.
Why is Taiwan related? Well, Taiwan showed WHO up for the corrupt Chy-nese moles they are.
Where Australia comes into it? I remember very clearly the Wu-han UNHEALTHY Organisation having a go at Australia for closing its borders to Chy-na. It had actually closed its borers to MANY countries but only Chy-na was the issue for the Wu-han UNHealthy Organistaion because they were doing Chy-na's bidding like the bitches they are.
Where Trump comes up Trumps and will win this election is because of the fact he is the only world leader sticking it up the Wu-han UNHealthy Organisation. Also, the insufferable are delivering him a walk in the park election win.