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Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how long?

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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Fri Apr 10, 2020 4:34 am

Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Come over to Australia Tedros and we will show you a thing or 2 about racism and death threats.

We have a nice isolation cell ready for you so we can at least shut your gob for 14 days. :evil:

You’re so immature and stupid re Paphitis... :lol:

The idiotic Americans are looking for scapegoats to blame for their incompetence in handling this virus crisis which has seen their country surge to the top position in the number of infected and dead.

The WHO, the UN, the EU, or any other abbreviation out there... had nothing to do with the incompetent US government making poor decisions, or their daft citizens who are running around in the streets like vagabonds infecting each other!

Americans need to grow up and start being responsible of their own decisions and actions!

You need to do some growing up too, btw... :)

Looking for scapegoats are they?

This is Chy=na's little lackey bitch boy and we are not letting them get away with it.

Australia has annopunced they will be defunded - as they see no point in WHO at all. They dropped the ball big time.

Maybe you should start listening to Taiwan and Australia. If you don't, well you will be swimming in Chy-na Virusw. Say thank you Chy-na.

WHO is an organisation that is now dieing from Chy-na Virus as the US, Japan, Australia, South Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan withdraw completely for this Chy-nese security agency working for the Chy-nese CCP to kill us all with Chy-na Virus.

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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby miltiades » Fri Apr 10, 2020 7:15 am

Paphitis wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Come over to Australia Tedros and we will show you a thing or 2 about racism and death threats.

We have a nice isolation cell ready for you so we can at least shut your gob for 14 days. :evil:

You’re so immature and stupid re Paphitis... :lol:

The idiotic Americans are looking for scapegoats to blame for their incompetence in handling this virus crisis which has seen their country surge to the top position in the number of infected and dead.

The WHO, the UN, the EU, or any other abbreviation out there... had nothing to do with the incompetent US government making poor decisions, or their daft citizens who are running around in the streets like vagabonds infecting each other!

Americans need to grow up and start being responsible of their own decisions and actions!

You need to do some growing up too, btw... :)

Looking for scapegoats are they?

This is Chy=na's little lackey bitch boy and we are not letting them get away with it.

Australia has annopunced they will be defunded - as they see no point in WHO at all. They dropped the ball big time.

Maybe you should start listening to Taiwan and Australia. If you don't, well you will be swimming in Chy-na Virusw. Say thank you Chy-na.

WHO is an organisation that is now dieing from Chy-na Virus as the US, Japan, Australia, South Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan withdraw completely for this Chy-nese security agency working for the Chy-nese CCP to kill us all with Chy-na Virus.

Your stupid is beyond the realms of reality.
You are bringing this forum down to a level never before containing such utterly stupid comments. The WHO has been serving humanity for years just because one fucking idiot, namely Trump the bufoon, throws criticism at it idiots such as you copy him. Stop being so annoyingly fucking stupid.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Fri Apr 10, 2020 7:20 am

miltiades wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Come over to Australia Tedros and we will show you a thing or 2 about racism and death threats.

We have a nice isolation cell ready for you so we can at least shut your gob for 14 days. :evil:

You’re so immature and stupid re Paphitis... :lol:

The idiotic Americans are looking for scapegoats to blame for their incompetence in handling this virus crisis which has seen their country surge to the top position in the number of infected and dead.

The WHO, the UN, the EU, or any other abbreviation out there... had nothing to do with the incompetent US government making poor decisions, or their daft citizens who are running around in the streets like vagabonds infecting each other!

Americans need to grow up and start being responsible of their own decisions and actions!

You need to do some growing up too, btw... :)

Looking for scapegoats are they?

This is Chy=na's little lackey bitch boy and we are not letting them get away with it.

Australia has annopunced they will be defunded - as they see no point in WHO at all. They dropped the ball big time.

Maybe you should start listening to Taiwan and Australia. If you don't, well you will be swimming in Chy-na Virusw. Say thank you Chy-na.

WHO is an organisation that is now dieing from Chy-na Virus as the US, Japan, Australia, South Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan withdraw completely for this Chy-nese security agency working for the Chy-nese CCP to kill us all with Chy-na Virus.

Your stupid is beyond the realms of reality.
You are bringing this forum down to a level never before containing such utterly stupid comments. The WHO has been serving humanity for years just because one fucking idiot, namely Trump the bufoon, throws criticism at it idiots such as you copy him. Stop being so annoyingly fucking stupid.

Another vlaka.

You said you wanted to listen to what Wu-han UNHealthy Orgabisation has to say.

You wouldn't be saying that if you knew what they did.

They defended Chy-na and told Australia and New Zealand they were over reacting and it wasn't necessary to close borders. These are the so called experts of Epemiology, who were telling countries to stay open.

This is why Europe is on its knees and Australia, South Korea, Singapore and Taiwan are laughing at YOU all. We are laughing at YOUR stupidity but at the same time know that our economy will also be crushed because of YOUR stupidity.

Taiwan, Australia, South Korea, and Singapore called this out as a pandemic whilst the Wu-han UNHealthy Organisation were criticizing us as being anti Chy-na.

Atm, the only cvountries yhat will open up in their own litle trade block will be South Korea, Japan, Singapore, TAIWAN, and Australia while you all wallow in your utter stupidness.


My oly advise to Cyprus is to listen to EVERYTHING Taiwan has to say. Then South Korea, Australia, Singapore, and Japan. It's not too late for Cyprus with only 500 odd cases.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby CrookedRiverGuy » Fri Apr 10, 2020 9:23 am

miltiades wrote:Your stupid is beyond the realms of reality.
You are bringing this forum down to a level never before containing such utterly stupid comments. The WHO has been serving humanity for years just because one fucking idiot, namely Trump the bufoon, throws criticism at it idiots such as you copy him. Stop being so annoyingly fucking stupid.

I sometimes wonder if Trump himself is behind the pilot's posts. Not too many could copy such a childish language and lack of reflection.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Fri Apr 10, 2020 10:45 am

CrookedRiverGuy wrote:
miltiades wrote:Your stupid is beyond the realms of reality.
You are bringing this forum down to a level never before containing such utterly stupid comments. The WHO has been serving humanity for years just because one fucking idiot, namely Trump the bufoon, throws criticism at it idiots such as you copy him. Stop being so annoyingly fucking stupid.

I sometimes wonder if Trump himself is behind the pilot's posts. Not too many could copy such a childish language and lack of reflection.

So all the total contempt towards WHO due to their blatant disregard towards countries that acted early and closed their borders to China which according to them was an over reaction ammounts to nothing eh?

That's an over reaction and racist they said.

And yet, we are suppose to belueve that the USA is behind it all according to GR. Despite having 500K cases and burying more than 800 bodies in mass graves each day in New York alone.

Trump, sadly for you is righton the money in defunding WHO.

Not to many can be silly like you. We witnessed a lot here in Australia when the US decided to close its border to Chy-na. Immediately the next day, NZ was the next copuntry to close its borders. The next dat from NZ, Australia closed its borders to Chy-na.

Only for WHO to come out and say that this was unnecessar and the borders should remain open.

This was in the days when Taiwan, Japan, Singapore and Australia declared a National State of Emergency and a pandemic before WHO did. These are all facts.

The very first country to declare an emergency was Taiwan on the 31st of December, 2019. Taiwan was ridiculed by WHO saying that Taiwan just wanted to tarnish the CCP.

Well look who is laughing now! Taiwan is woed an apology.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Get Real! » Fri Apr 10, 2020 12:35 pm

Pea-brained Paphitis,

European countries had a month less to prepare than the US, yet you don’t see them complaining about the WHO because nobody needed to be told of the obvious... for what was happening in China was in the news all day!

The incompetent cowboy the US saw fit to place on a pedestal, has proven everyone’s fears... that in the eventuality of a crisis he is utterly useless and downright dangerous!

America is paying a heavy price for using the jester for a president!

But it serves them right... it's such a shitty country anyway... they have the president they deserve!
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Fri Apr 10, 2020 1:00 pm

Get Real! wrote:Pea-brained Paphitis,

European countries had a month less to prepare than the US, yet you don’t see them complaining about the WHO because nobody needed to be told of the obvious... for what was happening in China was in the news all day!

The incompetent cowboy the US saw fit to place on a pedestal, has proven everyone’s fears... that in the eventuality of a crisis he is utterly useless and downright dangerous!

America is paying a heavy price for using the jester for a president!

But it serves them right... it's such a shitty country anyway... they have the president they deserve!

You are making a very big pre-sumption there.

Chy-na Virus was probably in the US at the same time as it was in Europe, it's just they delayed testing to find out.

Quick to close their borders but SLOW as hell in testing and declaring an emergency. When they starting testing, the true catastrophe became known and of course it has since spread like wildfire.

The US made a mistake by presuming that closing its borders to Chy-na and a few Shengen Countries, they would be fine, but the way international travel works, the Chy-na Virus was a snowball that began to spread from other countries not just from Chy-na.

The correct response of course was the Taiwan response. First to act, and first to win - despite WHO taking the piss. Yeh these Chy-nese moles (WHO) realy fucked up big time.

After Taiwan, it was South Korea and Singapore. After those 2 countries it was Australia and NZ. And they are the only countries in control and looking to defeat Chy-na Virius at this point. In addition, the vaccine is probably going to either come from Australia or Japan or maybe the USA. Both these countries are now the most advance in terms of research and the development of a vaccine at this point.

And btw, Europe is paying a heavy price as well. It's diabolical in Europe.

The point I have been making is the complicity of WHO and their blatant disregard along with Chyna of the dangers of Chy-na Virus. WHO are suppose to be the experts. Not Taiwan, USA or Australia. We are suppose to heed the warnings from them but there were no warnings at all until it was too late. They played everything down until it was too late. And in fact they attempted to ridicule Taiwan for closing its borders to Chy-na. They then ridiculed the USA, Australia, NZ, Singapore and South Korea for doing the same. These were the first countries to close their borders. A necessary response but WHO were looking after Chy-na's interests all along especially with regard to Tainwan.

USA was slow in declaring an emergency, but not slow in closing their borders. Where Australia got fortunate is that they managed to close their borders with only a few thousand cases. Lucky for us.

Now our Chy-na Virus numbers are in decline because we have more recoveries than we do new cases.

But the problem for us is that we will only be able to open our borders with Japan, NZ, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan at this point. We can't open to Europe, Chy-na or USA.

The rest of you brainwashed muppets who follow WHO, were screwed for a long time ago.
Last edited by Paphitis on Fri Apr 10, 2020 2:01 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Get Real! » Fri Apr 10, 2020 1:07 pm

Between your word-skewing, spelling/grammar mistakes, and poorly structured sentences… it’s pretty hard to figure out what you’re saying Paphitis! :? :lol:
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby cyprusgrump » Fri Apr 10, 2020 1:27 pm

miltiades wrote:You are bringing this forum down to a level never before containing such utterly stupid comments. The WHO has been serving humanity for years just because one fucking idiot, namely Trump the bufoon, throws criticism at it idiots such as you copy him. Stop being so annoyingly fucking stupid.

Well yes CoCo they have, but like Public Health England (PHE) in the UK they have completely lost sight of their goals.

They suck up billions of Dollars every year and what do we get for our money? Lectured on what we can put into our bodies and attempts to ban fags and booze.

And when the shit hits the fan what do we get for all those Dollars - fuck all. When Ebola struck the WHO top brass was in Russia attending an anti-smoking conference - did they cancel it and come back to take charge of the crisis? No...

PHE has been noticeably absent during this crisis - four billion quid a year they take from the taxpayer, cash that would be better spent on hospitals and doctors. And what do we get from them in the crisis - nothing. Not enough ventilators, face masks, etc. Too busy lecturing us.

Neither organisation are fit for purpose any longer - rather like the EU actually...
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Tim Drayton » Fri Apr 10, 2020 1:29 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:Minnesota Senator and Doctor Jensen said that he received a 7 page document from the MN Department of Health advising him to fill out death certificates with a diagnosis of #COVID-19 whether the person actually died from COVID-19 or not. Can we trust the death numbers we've been seeing?

Interviewed here: ... 58361.html

A further informative brief TV interview with senator and doctor Scott Jensen of Minnesota calling for a bit more proportionality in the way this epidemic is covered and a bit more accuracy in the way it is measured. Among other things, we learn that a hospital can earn several times the fee if it records a patient as having covid as opposed to pneumonia and can boost that fee several times more if they put the patient on a ventilator. Could this be a factor that is inclining hospitals in the USA to declare as many covid cases as possible? He is also scathing about the methodology currently in use in New York which includes cases in the figures based on scanty evidence.
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