Get Real! wrote:Every day 30 odd people (aged 65..100) die in CY from “old age”, “natural death” and a whole bunch of illnesses.
Some of these people didn’t have any family left; they were living alone and next to nobody cared about them, other than a next door neighbor that may well have been the one that called the ambulance.
It is therefore easy for the government to add such isolated people to the Covid death tally if there’s some financial incentive coming from the WHO or some other corrupt international medical institution.
The government dares not publish their names lest someone who knows them retaliates, so they take advantage of the daft “protection of personal details” excuse not to publish, even though it doesn’t apply to dead people, and not to mention that the dead NEED to be announced so that proper burials can take place!
This total lack of transparency and myriads of other obvious Covid-related corruptions are what have turned this pandemic into a total circus, leading to a near-complete distrust in governments worldwide.
The stench emanates all the way from America onto Brussels and beyond… to almost every nation on the planet that they’ve managed to convince to participate in this global pharma/medical scam where billions are up for grabs by a handful of “magic potion” suppliers, all of which incidentally stem from the US (albeit with some research and development outsourced to the EU).
I don’t know about you, but I’ve got a very sensitive nose that can smell a rat from a mile away!
Havde you heard of a country called Chy-na?
I use to think Chy-na fudged their Covid stats. It's easy to think that because in Chy-na, there is no transparency at all. But the Government there is extremely competent and very much in control.
They, to their credit, have virtually obliterated and wiped out Covid altogether. They have done this because as soon as any sign of Covid is detected, they will lock down a region from the rest of the country. And if there is no compliance, the Government will destroy you. Criminal records, low social credit scores = no job.You abide by the rules there, or it's the highway.
Downside of course is there is no freedom or even quality of life.
In contrast, in the west, we have been free to do what we want. Governments are small, crime is big. Survival of the fittest in a capitalist market. Government has little power or control over us.
Therefore, we elect Boris Johnstone, or Anastasiades, or Trump. If we don't want to be vaccinated, we don't have to etc etc.
This is all about control now. Control the way we think (by the corrupt corporate media), control the way we vote, control whether we can have a job and pay our bills, so that we can be manipulated and controlled to vote for who they want us to vote for and be so reliant on them for our wellfare, wellbeing, and even existance
That's so the peasants (all of us) don't get any second ideas or too cute and vote for the guy they don't want, such as Trump.
It's also about power and wealth distribution from Governments to some major corporate elites.
In short, the west wants to remodel it's Governments based on the same fear and lack of freedoms as in Chy-na. Chy-na will be the dystopian model they want us to live in. Absolute power at the top, with total control from the top and from the corporates.
In short, Governments like the ones we have, in our free and open democracies don't work. But Authroitarian Governments like Chy-na do work. It's about building back better. So that we don't burn fossil fuels, they stop bogans like me driving big trucks, and so they can remove gun ownership from the populace and that's only the beginning. It's not even scratching the surface.