Get Real! wrote:Lordo wrote:Get Real! wrote:Lordo wrote:You is mistaken. I did not take 3 months. Only took 1 month. This was a month where hardly anybody was vaccinated. If you look at every month since vaccination started you will see that the figures are the same order. There is no doubt what has caused the drop.
Only in your simplistic mind Lordo because put simply…
1. Every single day there are thousands more getting jabbed worldwide!
2. Yet, we are not seeing a corresponding drop in the number of dead, as we should!
What more evidence do you want that the jabs are doing fuck-all to prevent death?
That is because the vaccines have been taken by the rich nations, which means all around the world there is just not enough vaccines to make a difference. Add to that the non-existance of healthcare for those who are hispitalised and you will understand what is happening around the world.
Unless you compare like for like you get nonsense.
You cannot compare UK with India or any other poor country. What you can compare is UK with vaccination and UK without.
This is what they teach you at univerity. How to do experimentation where you get results that make sense.
So what about Paphitis assertion that the same 3rd world nations are under-reporting their dead?
what does he know about anything for fuck sake.
The rich countries are under reporting too. In the uk, if a person get tested for covid and dies 29 days or more after being tested from covid, they do not get counted into the statistics. As if from the moment a person gets tested after 28 days they do not die of covid. They are all doing this. Nobody has actually asked for any explenation as to why people that die from covid after 28 days of being tested are not counted?
What about millions who have long covid who are still suffering from the dreaded swine.
Like fuck.
BTW Bafidi cannot wipe his own arse after crapping himself.