Get Real! wrote:Lordo wrote:Get Real! wrote:"James Kondilios was a healthy 23-year-old and was double-vaccinated..." ... /100740744
Nobody said if somebody is double vaccinated they will not die from Covid. Statistics show that Double and especially trebble vaccinated are less likely to die from covid. They also suffer less if they end up in hospital. This is not black and white.
You can be an expert tavli player and you will winf against a lot of people, but you cannot win against somebody who is very lucky with the dice.
Life is exactly like that. Some people survive better than others because of their DNA.
Right... so (1) the jabs can’t protect you from getting infected, and (2) there’s no guarantee that the jabs can prevent your death once infected, and (3) there’s no guarantee that the jab’s short term or long term side-effects won’t kill you either!
So why didn’t you tell me all that before???Damn, I would’ve been the first in the queue!
Lordo wrote: It is called Darwinism.
You can say that again!
You are neing a horgano.
You do not understand item 4 and 5
(4) No jab protects you from catching it. The fucker has to enter your blood stream before it can be attacked. This one is no different.
(5) You do not undertsnad Darwinism. How many times do I have to explain it to you. Some people just cannot be saved because of their DNA. Let me put it another way. Bad set of cards in poker. You loose no matter how good you are at playing the game.
Another example is Aids. The western world spent a lot of money slowing down the death rate who got aids and yet in East Africa, there are people especially ladies who ply their work on the streets that also got aids but were never affected by it with no medication what so ever. Of course they did spread it if the customer was stupid enough to insist no protection during pleasure time.
And yes RW Darwin was a believer in god. He was conditioned to do so at the time and if he dared challenge god he would have been thrown out of work and worst still burnt alive as a heretic.
If only we could bring him back to see the advances mankind has made in DNA. This is why most scientists no longer believe in god. Some do but such ingrained belief for 2000 years in humany is not easy to shrug off.