CrookedRiverGuy wrote:Get Real! wrote:And if such antibodies were of any use against Covid-19 we wouldn’t have the problem we have today because herd immunity would’ve happened by now and Covid-19 would’ve been relegated to common flu level… but that’s not happening.
Surely you understand that no country in the world is close to the levels needed to achieve "herd immunity". Look at Sweden. Their chief epidemiologist supported a strategy never to lock down in order to achieve herd immunity, but where did they go since those early days (almost 18 months ago). Their death toll quickly exceeded most other European countries - and where are they now? After all this mess 15% contracted Covid. 15% (on all variants) - far from what is needed!
Yes, I do remember Sweden but it’s no longer 2019!
Take note that Sweden’s medical/science world saw fit back then to expect herd immunity within the first year, and they’d be correct had it been a natural virus!
So my expectation of seeing *some* signs of herd immunity an additional two years after Sweden’s debacle, is not premature.
Of course, I don’t expect herd immunity to ever come to pass with a virus like Covid-19, which is what I’m really highlighting.