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Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how long?

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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Thu Jan 06, 2022 12:54 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:And if you think you are some kind of a hero, would you like to be within that group of 0.37% who die from Covid, or the other group who suffer post covid handicaps which is multiple times as many?
Ask MR-FROM-NG....

Obviously I don't want anyone to die.

But death IS a part of life. We are all going to die.

And COVID is basically killing the weak and frail mostly (not all the time), and have underlying other health issues.

As I said, I don't want them to die. In my view, the best way to protect them is to isolate them, and have strict hygiene measures. All for that.

I'm also happy for them to be vaccinated if it has efficacy. But don't tell me they won't die because they are vaccinated. They will die alright.

They won't die if they don't get covid, which brings me back to lock downs, isolation and hygiene, and good diet to build immunity.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Pyrpolizer » Thu Jan 06, 2022 12:39 pm

Had you downloaded the report for week 51, you would have learned the efficacy of all vaccines Vs both Alpha, and Delta. Herebelow their efficacy Vs Delta.

PF starts from 90% and drops down to 70% in 20 weeks
MD starts from 98% and drops down to 90% in 34 weeks!! this is obviously the best, but it's also the most expensive.
AZ starts from 70% and drops down to 40% in 20 weeks.

This efficacy is supported by real time stats.
Of course you already said you don't trust these reports, which by itself ends this discussion.

You also seem to undervalue the damage of this virus. This virus causes pneumonia FCS either mild or fatal. Let aside other damage to other organs. Death is the ultimate damage. I personally estimate deaths+handicaps to more than 2%. That's is a lot!

By what I see around me in Cyprus people who get hospitalized are doomed to get out either dead or handicapped. And it's not only the old, it's also many young people who were perfectly healthy before. There is one guy I talk on the phone, he breaths as if he just run a race. Another woman friend of my wife can't even walk around the block without getting exhausted. Both of them did not get hospitalized and both were unvaccinated when it happened. However their suffering still goes on and they have no idea when they would get back to normal (if ever).

Of course I know much more people who passed the disease as if it were a flu. My wife and the whole family of my daughter including the baby were on Covid from Xmas eve until yesterday. All vaccinated except the baby.

I would only totally agree with you that there are financial interests behind the vaccines, and some high ranking politicians will get out millionaires because of this, but the reality of the virus is still there.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Thu Jan 06, 2022 12:58 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:Had you downloaded the report for week 51, you would have learned the efficacy of all vaccines Vs both Alpha, and Delta. Herebelow their efficacy Vs Delta.

PF starts from 90% and drops down to 70% in 20 weeks
MD starts from 98% and drops down to 90% in 34 weeks!! this is obviously the best, but it's also the most expensive.
AZ starts from 70% and drops down to 40% in 20 weeks.

This efficacy is supported by real time stats.
Of course you already said you don't trust these reports, which by itself ends this discussion.

You also seem to undervalue the damage of this virus. This virus causes pneumonia FCS either mild or fatal. Let aside other damage to other organs. Death is the ultimate damage. I personally estimate deaths+handicaps to more than 2%. That's is a lot!

By what I see around me in Cyprus people who get hospitalized are doomed to get out either dead or handicapped. And it's not only the old, it's also many young people who were perfectly healthy before. There is one guy I talk on the phone, he breaths as if he just run a race. Another woman friend of my wife can't even walk around the block without getting exhausted. Both of them did not get hospitalized and both were unvaccinated when it happened. However their suffering still goes on and they have no idea when they would get back to normal (if ever).

Of course I know much more people who passed the disease as if it were a flu. My wife and the whole family of my daughter including the baby were on Covid from Xmas eve until yesterday. All vaccinated except the baby.

I would only totally agree with you that there are financial interests behind the vaccines, and some high ranking politicians will get out millionaires because of this, but the reality of the virus is still there.

Really? And you are seeing that translate to the numbers found here are you?

All I see is a relentless onslaught of infections and death which have not gone down at all.

And to make matters worse, there are countries that virtually had near zero covid with 0% vaccinated and now with 90% of the eligible population vaccinated, there are tens of thousands of daily cases and people dieing. And the vast majority ending up in hospital and dieing are vaccinated as is expected when 90% of people are vaccinated. the pool of unvaccinated covid hosts is small.

Vut to indicate some efficacy, you would need more than 10% unvaccinated in hospitals and more than 10% unvaccinated dieing. The real numbers is that there is only a few % unvaccinated that may be more in hospital and dieing. But what is more sinister, is the Government won't give us the background data.

So, if you are lucky, there is some small efficacy with Alpha and Delta, and hardly no efficacy at all with Omicron.

I am of the view that the Government doesn't care anymore. They made the decision to "let it rip" when they opened the borders. As if either they had too much faith in the vaccines, or they are wanted the entire population to get covid and develop herd immunity that way.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Pyrpolizer » Thu Jan 06, 2022 1:22 pm

Oh boy!
Now you demonstrate amnesia to your own posts:

Also be more careful in posting unreliable links.
Your link says there were 1.67% deaths plus about 12% unrecovered !! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Get Real! » Thu Jan 06, 2022 3:15 pm

I have no idea what some of you are on about with “herd immunity” given that Covid-19 is not a normal virus that leaves behind antigens to trigger an immune response and the production of antibodies.

There’s no “calling card” so to speak left behind by Covid-19, which is why both jabbed and non-jabbed can get infected by it, repeatedly, regardless.

The truth of the matter is that nobody has been vaccinated for Covid-19 but millions have been poisoned by a substance that attenuates their immune response to Covid-ONLY making holes in their immune defenses. This will actually speed up transmission of strains and other viruses that they will have limited protection to.

To the best of my understanding herd immunity is not possible with this particular type of virus.

Put simply, the way I understand it… mRNA viruses such as Covid-19 and Ebola, are synthetic or lab-made viruses that do not go by the standard virus rules that we were/are familiar with.

In a nutshell, it’s those fucking Americans fucking around in their bio-warfare labs producing all this disgusting crap which they justify with “gain of function” and similar dumb excuses to paint such evil experiments as useful to science, despite countless outcries by other scientists!
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Pyrpolizer » Thu Jan 06, 2022 3:56 pm

You might be right on most of it, however a quick google search gave me this: ... protection
I am willing to read your source too though.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Get Real! » Thu Jan 06, 2022 6:36 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:You might be right on most of it, however a quick google search gave me this: ... protection
I am willing to read your source too though.

Pyro, let’s look at a more scientific report on the matter…

Conclusion: Pre-pandemic IVIg donors have either natural autoantibodies or pre-pandemic cross-reactive antibodies against antigenic protein fragments conserved among the "common cold" - related coronaviruses.

See where the confusion stems from?

And if such antibodies were of any use against Covid-19 we wouldn’t have the problem we have today because herd immunity would’ve happened by now and Covid-19 would’ve been relegated to common flu level… but that’s not happening.

In other words, these antibody/immunity tests that are available are most likely picking up common cold immunity!

To explain it further, can these tests claim to detect specific Covid-19 immunity, or just general coronavirus immunity which is a huge family of viruses!
Last edited by Get Real! on Thu Jan 06, 2022 6:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Lordo » Thu Jan 06, 2022 6:47 pm

There are 1.3 milion people suffering from Long Covid in the UK.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Pyrpolizer » Thu Jan 06, 2022 8:14 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:You might be right on most of it, however a quick google search gave me this: ... protection
I am willing to read your source too though.

Pyro, let’s look at a more scientific report on the matter…

Conclusion: Pre-pandemic IVIg donors have either natural autoantibodies or pre-pandemic cross-reactive antibodies against antigenic protein fragments conserved among the "common cold" - related coronaviruses.

See where the confusion stems from?

And if such antibodies were of any use against Covid-19 we wouldn’t have the problem we have today because herd immunity would’ve happened by now and Covid-19 would’ve been relegated to common flu level… but that’s not happening.

In other words, these antibody/immunity tests that are available are most likely picking up common cold immunity!

To explain it further, can these tests claim to detect specific Covid-19 immunity, or just general coronavirus immunity which is a huge family of viruses!

OK thanks. I've read both articles and they both agree that there is presence of spike protein antibodies, from 3 different sources a)previous infections from corona type flu b) previous infection with covid, and c) from vaccines.

I won't agree that the antibody level tests "are most likely picking up common cold immunity"
because the numbers after getting vaccinated or after getting covid are relatively huge.
There are labs even in Cyprus that can test you "before and after" and I know one "σιεσο-λιρη" guy who did that test and even repeated it after 5 months.

Yet you still have a point about the so called "herd" immunity that doesn't seem to be coming any time soon.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby CrookedRiverGuy » Thu Jan 06, 2022 10:22 pm

Get Real! wrote:And if such antibodies were of any use against Covid-19 we wouldn’t have the problem we have today because herd immunity would’ve happened by now and Covid-19 would’ve been relegated to common flu level… but that’s not happening.

Surely you understand that no country in the world is close to the levels needed to achieve "herd immunity". Look at Sweden. Their chief epidemiologist supported a strategy never to lock down in order to achieve herd immunity, but where did they go since those early days (almost 18 months ago). Their death toll quickly exceeded most other European countries - and where are they now? After all this mess 15% contracted Covid. 15% (on all variants) - far from what is needed!
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