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Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how long?

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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Londonrake » Mon Dec 20, 2021 8:24 am

There’s been much research into the subject of mix ‘n’ match vaccinations and IIRC a consensus has formed that your immune system benefits.

As an aside. You get the impression from current events regarding Omicron that in fact it infects people with mass hysteria. :(
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Get Real! » Mon Dec 20, 2021 11:21 am

NB: My non-Covid gripe:

For me it's yet another doctor (7th or 8th ??), another misdiagnosis, and another failed treatment that I’ve just endured… it’s what I’ve been saying… there are 20-30 common problems that all doctors worldwide can easily diagnose and guide you through to a cure (ie: Milti’s prostate problem where blood in the urine is a dead giveaway) but if you’re unlucky enough to fall ill with something more rare, something they’ve never seen before, something more complex, something they don’t know… you’re well and truly FUCKED in a place like Cyprus!

You’ll never get a diagnosis, proper treatment and cure. So please don’t brag about how great Cypriot doctors are just because they can diagnose easy shit like the measles, the mumps, and the common cold!

We just don’t have true scientists here that’ll bury their heads in the books, or reach out to the international community of doctors and collaborate on diagnosing something that is outside of the norm… they’re fucking useless!

For me it’s been 5 years and counting… still no diagnosis, some two dozen failed treatments, lots of unnecessary suffering and expense, and each time I’m right back to zero again!

I hate to think about the future here… I’ve barely began the “old age” stage and I’m already in medical trouble here… can I continue living on an island that offers no healthcare and no peace of mind, for us?

I really don’t know anymore... :?
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Get Real! » Mon Dec 20, 2021 12:15 pm

Back in 2012 my 82 year old step-mom had an aneurism (a tiny vain or two in the brain break open and blood starts flowing in the brain) and they just lay her on a bed and left her there so when a doctor was passing by I pulled him by the arm and asked... “Excuse me, are you planning to do something with her?” and his reply was… “Nah… she’s too old!” and just hurried off... and I was gobsmacked! :?

I realized that when it comes to the more difficult procedures, Cypriot doctors can’t be bothered to attempt them so they just wait for the patient to either self-recover or die!

She did die two days later while lying in that bed with no treatment.

I remember thinking to myself that if you ever get an aneurism and you just so happen to be in Cyprus it’s... hasta la vista! :?
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Pyrpolizer » Mon Dec 20, 2021 1:54 pm

Get Real! wrote:NB: My non-Covid gripe:

For me it's yet another doctor (7th or 8th ??), another misdiagnosis, and another failed treatment that I’ve just endured… it’s what I’ve been saying… there are 20-30 common problems that all doctors worldwide can easily diagnose and guide you through to a cure (ie: Milti’s prostate problem where blood in the urine is a dead giveaway) but if you’re unlucky enough to fall ill with something more rare, something they’ve never seen before, something more complex, something they don’t know… you’re well and truly FUCKED in a place like Cyprus!

Same everywhere in the world. Unless there is someone doing a lifelong research on that rare decease. In the meantime get prepared to sell the house to pay him.

You’ll never get a diagnosis, proper treatment and cure. So please don’t brag about how great Cypriot doctors are just because they can diagnose easy shit like the measles, the mumps, and the common cold!

We just don’t have true scientists here that’ll bury their heads in the books, or reach out to the international community of doctors and collaborate on diagnosing something that is outside of the norm… they’re fucking useless!

For me it’s been 5 years and counting… still no diagnosis, some two dozen failed treatments, lots of unnecessary suffering and expense, and each time I’m right back to zero again!

I hate to think about the future here… I’ve barely began the “old age” stage and I’m already in medical trouble here… can I continue living on an island that offers no healthcare and no peace of mind, for us?

I really don’t know anymore... :?
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Pyrpolizer » Mon Dec 20, 2021 2:48 pm

Btw if your problem is dermatological try all the creams available in pharmacies, one of the will do the job. If it's something internal I will be surprised if a biopsy in combination with MRI won't tell what it is.

If you only know the symptoms and doctors can't find the cause, then visit Ktenas pharmacy, the guy is a genius in natural medicines. He even boasted on RIK at the beginning of the pandemic that he knows how to protect himself from Covid. "Inject it to me even intravenously if you like, I will make it disappear in a week he said" You have nothing to lose, go talk with him, you two guys seem to be on the same wavelength.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Lordo » Mon Dec 20, 2021 3:54 pm

Doctors everywhere are in the same predicement. Sometime they just do not know. Back in 2015 I had a [rpblem with my heart, it was running at 180 at times while I was sitting down. The issuewe was it was not all the time. So one day I was at my GP and it happened there an then, so he told me he is putting me in a tax to the hospital. They took blood twice a dayAnd gave me medication to no avail. My hearth got stuck on about 180 and would repsond to any medication I was given.

After beeing there 5 nights with countless Doctors seeing me still no change. Till the 6th day, this Doctor poked his head around and asked me if I was the fellow with the heart problem. He took one look at me, Asked me if they were taking blood for testing and had a look at the test results, and he did not need to do anything else and he diagnosed me. Then he explained to me the symptoms which were obvious to him and it was missed by all the doctors. He took charge and changed my medication which sorted me out in 24 hours.

I then was seen by him regularly and he worked out a plan to sort it once and for all and he did.

So medicene is so specialist now that unless the correct specialists sees you, most doctors would not even have a clue what they are looking at.

Do not blame the Doctors, they can only do so much.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Get Real! » Mon Dec 20, 2021 4:00 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:Btw if your problem is dermatological try all the creams available in pharmacies, one of the will do the job. If it's something internal I will be surprised if a biopsy in combination with MRI won't tell what it is.

It’s an immunodeficiency that manifests itself dermatologically, but if left untreated for too long I fear that at some stage it may start attacking internal organs too.

I had four biopsies done in the past with that punch-hole thingie… lots of pain for nothing as I never got any answers.

One guy got so desperate he tossed a big white box at me and goes...

“This is the most powerful immunosuppressant on the market… within 2-3 days it’ll knock your system out completely and stop the problem!”

So I tossed the box back on his desk said... “I guess we’re at your wit’s end, have a good day!” …and I got up and left.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Lordo » Mon Dec 20, 2021 4:26 pm

Perhaps Germany may be a better choice for treatment as they do not seem to be coping with it. You can't just sit there and wait.

On the other hand you may come to the UK too. I am sure UK has a reciprical arrangement with Cyprus.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Get Real! » Mon Dec 20, 2021 4:40 pm

Lordo wrote:Perhaps Germany may be a better choice for treatment as they do not seem to be coping with it. You can't just sit there and wait.

On the other hand you may come to the UK too. I am sure UK has a reciprical arrangement with Cyprus.

I’d love to attend a UK or German hospital… but it’s gonna cost me a fortune and I doubt our system would consider my case life threatening so as to bear the cost.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Lordo » Mon Dec 20, 2021 6:36 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Lordo wrote:Perhaps Germany may be a better choice for treatment as they do not seem to be coping with it. You can't just sit there and wait.

On the other hand you may come to the UK too. I am sure UK has a reciprical arrangement with Cyprus.

I’d love to attend a UK or German hospital… but it’s gonna cost me a fortune and I doubt our system would consider my case life threatening so as to bear the cost.

What the hell GR. We have zillinas of Cypriots here. Find out which hospital you would have to go to in the UK and how much the treatment would cost in the UK and I amsure we can find 1000 Cypriots to take the cost. ... isonsstory
Last edited by Lordo on Mon Dec 20, 2021 6:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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