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Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how long?

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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Mon Jul 05, 2021 10:33 am

erolz66 wrote:
Paphitis wrote:the only death figure released by any Australian Official from the Government is UK death numbers attributed to the vaccines which they said stood at 49 people about a week ago.


Paphitis wrote:And what they have told us is we have had at least 6 deaths attributed to the vaccine.


Paphitis wrote: But, the disclosure isn't very good as there is no website we can go to to confirm, unlike the reporting of COVID clusters which has been phenomenal.

WRONG. Twat.

Paphitis wrote: My only presumption is that they are trying not to reveal the full extent in order to not compromise the vaccination roll out.

You get the facts wrong serially and thus your presumption are also wrong. Twat.

Paphitis wrote:Plus our Government has said, no one under the age of 60 should get the AZ.

WRONG. Twat.

Paphitis wrote: They have also confirmed about a month ago that we have had 6 deaths so far from the vaccines.

WRONG. Twat.

Paphitis wrote:Now this data is a couple of months old, with one confirmed death. Since then with another 5 million does administered, we have had another 5 deaths. We have had 0 deaths from COVID in that time.

The latest Aus Government figures are from 1st JULY 2021, easily available to all non twats. This data is published WEEKLY. ... 01-07-2021

On the 17 June, the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) recommended(link is external) that Pfizer’s Comirnaty vaccine be preferred over the AstraZeneca vaccine for those aged 16–60 years old. However, while Comirnaty is preferred for under 60s, the AstraZeneca vaccine remains approved by the TGA (and most other major regulators) for those 18 and over.

People under 60 years of age who have already received their first AstraZeneca dose should complete the two-dose schedule as the risk of TTS after the second dose is extremely low

Since the beginning of the vaccine rollout to 27 June 2021, there have been over 7.3 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines administered. The TGA has received and reviewed 335 reports of deaths in people who have recently been vaccinated and found that two were definitely linked to vaccination. These were both TTS cases related to the AstraZeneca vaccine.


No you are wrong TWAT! ... ds-have-it

The authorities down here have been very clear that no child will be taking any vaccine at this time and they will not issue any approval to administer the vaccine to under 16s anytime soon.

In addition, they are not forcing people to be vaccinated and are telling people to see their GP because the AMA and ATAGI have clearly said, that for healthy young adults under 25, the risks from the vaccine could be greater than COVID.

I repeat, the TGA has NOT approved any vaccine for use on children, on safety grounds. they have the authority to do that as a regulatory and advisory body on all Therapuetic drugs in Australia. Unless they remove this restriction, no one 16 or under can be vaccinated. And they will not approve it gtill the following conditions are met:

1) proper clinical trials are conducted on young people, and
2) dependending on the TTS risk factors which they already deem excessive for young people.

It has nothing at all to do with supply as we have millions of vaccines stockpiled - with a few million Pfizer available atm. And about a million of the suckers coming in every week, and Moderna coming in soon by end of this month.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Mon Jul 05, 2021 11:00 am

And there are no reasons why we should jump to make rash decisions about vaccinations. Not as if the COVID gun is at our heads.

So our TGA is doing the job it's paid to do by the Australian Taxpayer. Looking at everything and dissecting what the risks are for every age group.

They have also stated on their website that there is also a vaccination risk for all Australians and especially for the elderly but a greater risk exists from COVID so the advice is all elderly and vulnerable people should be vaccinated.

But they are not allowing vaccinations for 16 and under at the moment, and are unlikely to do that when the chances of one of them dieing is next to zero.

If anyopne under 16 dies from vaccines, then the whole vaccination program is DUST!

Total dust in this country. No one will be rushing to vaccinate and they are already not rushing as vaccination apathy and mistrust is VERY high here and trust in it is very fragile. Already, vaccines are open to all over 40s and not many are showing up or getting vaccinated. And they probably won't unless the Government gives them an incentive. Everyone you speak to here, is just dragging their feet. However, the take up for over s has been very good. Take up for over s has been reasonable but not the best. Take up for overs is almost non existent. No one knows why because it's not as if anyone has done a survey about it. One theory is that people here do not see the reward in it because we have extremely low to almost non existent COVID risk. But if you ask people on the street like I have, the standard default response is they don't trust it and won't vaccinate unless they have to for some reason - like travel or work.

And we have millions of AZ as we were actually producing it, most of it going to waste. Millions of vaccines just getting ditched into landfil or being destroyed. Probably should be sent abroad.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby erolz66 » Mon Jul 05, 2021 12:58 pm

You really are an ignorant cunt that is too arrogant to admit when they are wrong. Waffle on all about vaccinating children all you like but that is not what you said that I am contesting. Pretty much no one anywhere in the world is vaccinating children currently, so making out Aus is 'great' because it is not currently doing so is just yet more meaningless crap from you. As is the claim that Aus 'finally admitted' there are risk to vaccines up to and including death, just yet more meaningless drivel from you. Everyone always knew this, it has been the case with every vaccine ever. Only a twat would claim 'they finally admitted this'. The issue is about relative risks and you are incapable of assessing those because you are an arrogant ignorant twat.

The things you DID SAY in last few days that are NOT TRUE.

Paphitis wrote:We had another vaccination death today. After one yesterday as well. This time an 18 year old.


Paphitis wrote:the delta variant is less lethal than previous variants


Paphitis wrote:the only death figure released by any Australian Official from the Government is UK death numbers attributed to the vaccines


Paphitis wrote:we have had at least 6 deaths attributed to the vaccine.


Paphitis wrote:there is no website we can go to to confirm [deaths attributed to Aus vaccination program]


Paphitis wrote:They have also confirmed about a month ago that we have had 6 deaths so far from the vaccines.


Paphitis wrote:Plus our Government has said, no one under the age of 60 should get the AZ.


Your ignorance and arrogance offends me.

To date Aus has recorded TWO deaths attributed to vaccines, as shown in the WEEKLY publish federal government figures. To date It has had 910 deaths attributed to covid-19.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Mon Jul 05, 2021 1:50 pm

erolz66 wrote:You really are an ignorant cunt that is too arrogant to admit when they are wrong. Waffle on all about vaccinating children all you like but that is not what you said that I am contesting. Pretty much no one anywhere in the world is vaccinating children currently, so making out Aus is 'great' because it is not currently doing so is just yet more meaningless crap from you. As is the claim that Aus 'finally admitted' there are risk to vaccines up to and including death, just yet more meaningless drivel from you. Everyone always knew this, it has been the case with every vaccine ever. Only a twat would claim 'they finally admitted this'. The issue is about relative risks and you are incapable of assessing those because you are an arrogant ignorant twat.

The things you DID SAY in last few days that are NOT TRUE.

Paphitis wrote:We had another vaccination death today. After one yesterday as well. This time an 18 year old.


Paphitis wrote:the delta variant is less lethal than previous variants


Paphitis wrote:the only death figure released by any Australian Official from the Government is UK death numbers attributed to the vaccines


Paphitis wrote:we have had at least 6 deaths attributed to the vaccine.


Paphitis wrote:there is no website we can go to to confirm [deaths attributed to Aus vaccination program]


Paphitis wrote:They have also confirmed about a month ago that we have had 6 deaths so far from the vaccines.


Paphitis wrote:Plus our Government has said, no one under the age of 60 should get the AZ.


Your ignorance and arrogance offends me.

To date Aus has recorded TWO deaths attributed to vaccines, as shown in the WEEKLY publish federal government figures. To date It has had 910 deaths attributed to covid-19.

I'm fully aware what I said and the fact remains that the messaging between our 8 Governments has been wrong.

Some states are actually challenging the Federal Government and taking TGA and ATAGI advice, and the MSM has latched on to it.

And that advice is, children should not be vaccinated, and what they mean by that is ever! The debate in this country has been massive, and the Australian public are literally well and trully confused and dragging their feet. we have 2 million Pfizer vaccines available right now and many millions of AZ. the latter has been well and truly compromised but today alone, only 60,000 vaccines were administered.

At this rate, they will be very lucky to vaccinate 10 million Australians fully. That would be one of the worst take up in the world.

So yeh, count on it being permanent as one of the ATAGI head honchos has come out saying there is no benefit in vaccinating children, only possible loss.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Mon Jul 05, 2021 1:54 pm

erolz66 wrote:You really are an ignorant cunt that is too arrogant to admit when they are wrong. Waffle on all about vaccinating children all you like but that is not what you said that I am contesting. Pretty much no one anywhere in the world is vaccinating children currently, so making out Aus is 'great' because it is not currently doing so is just yet more meaningless crap from you. As is the claim that Aus 'finally admitted' there are risk to vaccines up to and including death, just yet more meaningless drivel from you. Everyone always knew this, it has been the case with every vaccine ever. Only a twat would claim 'they finally admitted this'. The issue is about relative risks and you are incapable of assessing those because you are an arrogant ignorant twat.

The things you DID SAY in last few days that are NOT TRUE.

Paphitis wrote:We had another vaccination death today. After one yesterday as well. This time an 18 year old.


Paphitis wrote:the delta variant is less lethal than previous variants


Paphitis wrote:the only death figure released by any Australian Official from the Government is UK death numbers attributed to the vaccines


Paphitis wrote:we have had at least 6 deaths attributed to the vaccine.


Paphitis wrote:there is no website we can go to to confirm [deaths attributed to Aus vaccination program]


Paphitis wrote:They have also confirmed about a month ago that we have had 6 deaths so far from the vaccines.


Paphitis wrote:Plus our Government has said, no one under the age of 60 should get the AZ.


Your ignorance and arrogance offends me.

To date Aus has recorded TWO deaths attributed to vaccines, as shown in the WEEKLY publish federal government figures. To date It has had 910 deaths attributed to covid-19.

Oh and one more thing fuckwit!

The Australian Government is in a bit of a panic mode atm because people are not taking it seriously and rolling up.

Because they indemnified doctors from lawsuits. So people are asking, what if something goes wrong? Why is it necessary to indemnify doctors? Because many GPs were refusing to administer the vaccines.

In other words, even the doctors are not confident. The AMA is not confident neither.

So now they are even talking about paying people to have a vaccine. yes pay people or reward people. It's a shambles.

The Australian population will now be the hardest population to vaccinate. Because we have ATAGI, TGA and AMA saying the complete opposite things to the Federal Government and we have the 1 State that has gone all rebel on the Feds and taking the advice of ATAGI, AMA and TGA, which has stated no benefit to vaccinate under 16s and no approval to vaccinate under 16s.

When will it be approved? They won't answer because they don't want to approve it EVER. Dr Young has said, the vaccination risk for under 16s is more than the actual covid risk.

Right now, everyone is fighting. TGA/AMA/ATAGI are hjust doing their job. And one State Government is openly challenging the Feds asnd fighting with them.

End result, disaster. Not many people want the vaccine.

And the funniest thing is this. When the MSM are asking questions, they are being ignored.

Yeh that's right fuckwit. One Government (Queensland) has thrown down the gauntlet and challenged the Feds. Media are in a spin and interrgogating Queensland, and the Feds. the Feds are ducking for cover and have gone into radio silence.

And now, when we were administering 150,000 to 250,000 doesses a day, we are now administering 60,000 doeses and they are thinking of paying us to be vaccinated.

And the reason why the Feds are ducking for cover is because Queensland is citing TGA and ATAGI.

Shots have been fired and all hell has broken loose down here and the people are despondent, confused and cynical.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Mon Jul 05, 2021 2:10 pm

It's gotten so bad that even people have have had their first dose are refusing to get their second dose. They are begging people who had their first does to come and recieve their second and today on the radio they were saying a significant proportion are just not turning up.

Plus it doesn't help when Ausies are looking at the stats of countries like Cyprus which has great vaccination levels and seeing that they are as bad they have ever been and hence they are questioning the affectiveness.

Right now, America got nothing on Australia.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Mon Jul 05, 2021 2:28 pm

So, the reality here down under is that the vaccination rollout has been bungled and compromised.

We are one of the best countries in controlling COVID on the planet, but literally the worst or one of the very worst in vaccinating our people.

It's been stuffed up so badly, we will never achieve an 80% vaccination target. we won't even achive that for over 60s.

we would be lucky to achieve 30% between the age of 18 to 50.

Let alone vaccinating children which the TGA and ATAGI advise against.

Why? because everyday we have Press conferences from:
1) The Federal Governmeht
2) NSW Government
3) Queensland Government
4) Victorian Government
5) SA Government
6) WA Government

and they are all contradicting each other and saying different things. Well the one to stick it's head out is Queensland in particular. all the other states are pretty much sheep to the Feds. They are playing to the script.

We don't have a COVID alarm here. We have a vaccination alarm. The debate is not how many COVID can kill buit how many the vaccines are going to kill and whether we think it's acceptable that a child should die from a vaccine when probably none will die from COVID. that is the debate in Australia.

And that has stopped the vaccination rollout dead in its tracks because Aussies are confused, and also suffer from COVID apathy to boot.

There are a lot of people saying they won't take the vaccine. A LOT!

and there is a lot of debate about forcing people but they can't do that because it would be violating their rights. So they are discussing incentivizing people.

Imagine that, a Government that may decide to bribe people to be vaccinated.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Mon Jul 05, 2021 2:46 pm

This is a country where our Government funded AZ by some 2 billion dollars of tax payer money. even set up a production facility to make our own and we were doing that. Stockpiled millions of doses no one wants now. Millions of viles going to waste plus billions of dollars down the gurglar.

Now they are working very hard to destroy the credibility of Pfizer and we have millkions of viles coming in from now till October. They will probably succeed here as well.

Then millions of viles of Moderna coming in soon as well. they have been more under the radar for now.

We actually have the capacity to administer 300,000 a day just with Pfizer and the stockpiles pouring in. All we can muster now is 60,000. Down from a peak of 180,000 doses.

I don't have a problem with the vaccine personally. I'm booked in and so too my partner. We are getting the Pfizer because they won't give AZ to anyone under 60 now except if they specifically request it and only after seeing your GP. Not many people doing that let me tell you. But we do have many people who have had 1 dose of AZ and need a second dose of the same vaccine. That's if they rock up because reports today is that thousands of single dose recipients are AWOL and won't show. It's a farce!

All that confusion to deal with. MSM in a spin. so too social media. It's the number 1 news item down here. And the MSM are making matters worse. But papers and ratings are soaring. It's become a soap opera. It's competing with Lucifer on Netflix.

And when did all this hell break loose. Right after the Queensland Government presser. they have been bickering with the Feds continuously. Palachook, hates Morrisson. Well they threw a grenade and walked away. probably to score points against Morrisson.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Lordo » Mon Jul 05, 2021 4:26 pm

erolz66 wrote:You really are an ignorant cunt that is too arrogant to admit when they are wrong. Waffle on all about vaccinating children all you like but that is not what you said that I am contesting. Pretty much no one anywhere in the world is vaccinating children currently, so making out Aus is 'great' because it is not currently doing so is just yet more meaningless crap from you. As is the claim that Aus 'finally admitted' there are risk to vaccines up to and including death, just yet more meaningless drivel from you. Everyone always knew this, it has been the case with every vaccine ever. Only a twat would claim 'they finally admitted this'. The issue is about relative risks and you are incapable of assessing those because you are an arrogant ignorant twat.

The things you DID SAY in last few days that are NOT TRUE.

Paphitis wrote:We had another vaccination death today. After one yesterday as well. This time an 18 year old.


Paphitis wrote:the delta variant is less lethal than previous variants


Paphitis wrote:the only death figure released by any Australian Official from the Government is UK death numbers attributed to the vaccines


Paphitis wrote:we have had at least 6 deaths attributed to the vaccine.


Paphitis wrote:there is no website we can go to to confirm [deaths attributed to Aus vaccination program]


Paphitis wrote:They have also confirmed about a month ago that we have had 6 deaths so far from the vaccines.


Paphitis wrote:Plus our Government has said, no one under the age of 60 should get the AZ.


Your ignorance and arrogance offends me.

To date Aus has recorded TWO deaths attributed to vaccines, as shown in the WEEKLY publish federal government figures. To date It has had 910 deaths attributed to covid-19.

Lets fae it Bafidi is an asshole. He has proved it a million times.

The other day he told maximos that we evolved from Neanderthals. I mean flippin heck. He has no undertanding on anything.

It has been established that we originated from a single cell, Bacteria is a single cell so to him we originated from bacteria. Bacteria mutate on a daily bases but do not evolve to be multi cell living organism. You try explaining that to the asshole.

I give on up him.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Jul 05, 2021 5:41 pm

...i stand in defense of Paphitis. Furthermore, his opinions and arguments are not so uncommon. I, we, have to take everyone's opinion into account to determine, as I (we) see it, the facts.

Indeed, he pisses me off, but i must say he makes great efforts as a writer in this Forum.

...Paphitis is like vp to me, or a Lordo perhaps, a devil's advocate one hopes will see the other side.

As for COVID, lots makes me uncomfortable about what we are doing to defend ourselves against this and other disease; what we are learning from this one.

...personally, my hypothesis of this epidemic's cause involves the environment, a reaction to the stress we are putting on the planet. If we do not consider the plunder of her wrong, what else should our species expect?

Such as it is, as a world war against a real enemy not ourselves, it will not be won with the navel gazing going on in the half of the world who have access to what science can develop as vaccines, and what we can do collectively as this earth's inhabitants. "We" are lucky living in the world we are, feeling entitled, having the expectations of a never ending prosperity, things staying the same like this, forever. Yet, if Humanity has learned anything, it is that a collective will exists which we can embrace for our own sake(s) and the future; taking the responsibilities which come from our great wealth. Here is a case in point, this epidemic; something to think about. But i am hopeful. Countries like Cuba, and on the continent of Africa, they too are developing their own vaccines which are as effective as the best available at the moment, despite having to do it alone. It seems we can have faith in Human kind, that it will survive, it shows us what a powerful tool education is, and knowledge too. Despite our weaknesses, the Truth is out there.

And despite those of us still in denial, thank goodness there are enough of us who are not, so that the rest of us who remain silent to listen, can make up their own minds. any case, the news from Australia is appreciated.
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