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Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how long?

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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby erolz66 » Sun Jul 04, 2021 9:29 pm

Londonrake wrote:Much media hype is given over then to the fact that more are dying of vaccination than Covid. Ipso facto, people think, why should I get vaccinated? It's far too risky!

More people are NOT dying 'of' vaccination (from). There has been to date a single case of someone dying in the UK after having been vaccinated in Aus, where the vaccination is the probable cause. That 380 odd people have died after being vaccinated is totally normal and expected and nothing to do with the vaccine. It is in fact under the statistical averages given how many people have been vaccinated in Oz. It like saying 'how many people have died after having had coffee in the preceding 6 months and deciding coffee is the cause of these deaths. Sheer unadulterated dangerous twatery. The vaccine is not against death FFS. It is twatish in the extreme to make out that more people have died FROM the vaccine in Aus than from covid. It is dangerous , ignorant twatery that will cost lives. When you then also just make up BS lies, like 'an 18 year old died in Aus FROM the vaccine', you just pile even more dangerous ignorant twatery on top of dangerous ignorant twatery.

What sort of twatery is it to argue that the vaccine is more dangerous to young people than covid and then boast about how you are going to get your families young people vaccinated anyway on 'US embassy' soil ? If you really believed that the vaccine was more dangerous to the young members of your family, you would not then go ahead and find a 'loop hole' to get them vaccinated anyway. That would not just be twatery that would be being a selfish cunt with no regard for your own family members.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Londonrake » Sun Jul 04, 2021 10:30 pm

Sorry, I can't be assed to work my way through all of that.

Anti-vax is fairly prolific in Australia and gaining ground. Paphitis's talk about more people dying of the vaccine than Covid is a stark example. They have certainly done wonders in reducing Covid infections and deaths but at the cost of virtual national isolation and draconian lockdowns.

IMHO, it will all end in tears.

Off topic.

You said that I bring nothing to this forum. What do you think you bring? :? You pop in every 6 weeks of so, mostly nowadays to have yet another dig at Paphitis. Whom you seem to repeatedly regard as a "twat". Your latest target? Having done an excellent job of getting rid of 2 other good forum members.

You talk about his being arrogant and dangerous. FFS, on a small forum with a dozen or so active members at the far end of the Med? :lol: Wait for it.......................... Get Real.

Yet, it seems you have absolutely no problem with clearly psychotic stuff like this:

Get Real! wrote:Well it would be nice to see a bunch of nukes landing smack in the center of major shitstain cities of the filthy US… the whole world would fucking rejoice like never before (well minus their partners in crime the hideous war mongering Brits), but I doubt it’ll happen just yet.

Heaven forbid - your old friend Get Real. Mutual respect overcoming all it seems. :roll:

Should we add hypocrite - to your credentials as a supposedly paid up Brexit "democrat"?

There are 4 smileys in this post. Just to save you the job of working it out for your running total.

Perhaps you should scuttle off and hide under a rock - to escape the harshness of truth - like your old friend? :wink:
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Lordo » Sun Jul 04, 2021 11:54 pm

Bafidis has a habit of making things up. His figures should be looked at a little closer - it will become apparent that he does not understand what he writes about. I suspect he counts deats of all sorts included in the vaccinated people, not really caring whether vaccine has caused it or not.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Mon Jul 05, 2021 2:18 am

Lordo wrote:Bafidis has a habit of making things up. His figures should be looked at a little closer - it will become apparent that he does not understand what he writes about. I suspect he counts deats of all sorts included in the vaccinated people, not really caring whether vaccine has caused it or not.

I'm not looking at any death figures.

the only death figure released by any Australian Official from the Government is UK death numbers attributed to the vaccines which they said stood at 49 people about a week ago.

And what they have told us is we have had at least 6 deaths attributed to the vaccine. yes from a government official also, not just some random. But, the disclosure isn't very good as there is no website we can go to to confirm, unlike the reporting of COVID clusters which has been phenomenal. My only presumption is that they are trying not to reveal the full extent in order to not compromise the vaccination roll out.

But they have said, in no uncertain terms, that the vaccines can be deadly to people who develop severe reactions. it's rare, but they have also said it's much much higher for particular age groups. And they didn't make it up either because in Australia we have many groups that weight in like the AMA, TGA and ATAGI. These are funded by Government. But are independent from Government also and they are ringing alarm bells. So hard for Government to sweep under the carpet when journalists cite these sources in press conferences. Which are reputable sources made up of the greatest medical and epidaemologist minds in the country.

They have also confirmed about a month ago that we have had 6 deaths so far from the vaccines.

And the biggest rish is Deep Vein Thrombosis, which can be serrious. Airline passengers can get it and so too pilots, if you don't keep getting up from your seat to stretch your legs and walk for a bit.

Our Government only reacts and advises in terms of the COVID isk to Australians, which at the moment is not high with our numbers. we are not facing a big COVID problem like Europe or other countries like Cyprus do. We are unlikely for instance to get a single death from COVID this year if we keep our numbers where they are or eliminate COVID from the community which isn't unrealistic given the Australian Government's record in addressing the various COVID alarms.

The Sydney clusters have been halved. We are now down to 16 cases a day - half the ammount just 3 days ago. And they have already said they are satisfied with how the clusters have been isolated from the rest of the city and Australia and have indicated the numbers should fall from here on in further. And they anticipate that the restrictions will be lifted in a week, as they believe the contact tracing is netting the people of interest for testing.

As a result from advice they have recieved, they have no intention of vaccinating young Australians 16 years of age and under. My children can not get a vaccine from an Australian Government source or an Australian Health provider. But may need to get one from a US Government source as their rules are different and they need to meet and abide by their rules if we are to travel there under their VISAS.
Last edited by Paphitis on Mon Jul 05, 2021 3:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Mon Jul 05, 2021 2:42 am

Londonrake wrote:
erolz66 wrote:You vaccinate the most at risk first. It is not hard to understand. Unless you are a twat of course. Why are states in Aus not vaccinating children ? Because you have not managed to even vaccinate the elderly yet there to any substantial degree. Once you have vaccinated them, THEN you can consider IF you should start vaccinating younger people and if so how young. Twat.

Finally the truth is out. You are a twat.

I don't agree with the "twat" stuff but the logical fallacy is plain to see. Australia follows a zero covid, isolationist policy which results in a very low number of deaths. Vaccination proceeds at a snails pace. Much media hype is given over then to the fact that more are dying of vaccination than Covid. Ipso facto, people think, why should I get vaccinated? It's far too risky!

The crunch comes of course when Australia attempts to open up again, as it one day inevitably must.

We actually have vaccinated most of the elderly. 8 million does have been given so far, probably 80% are elderly.

Vaccines are now open to over 40s. But that is proceeding at a snails plavce not because people don't want to. It's a variety of reasons.

One is, most people are waiting for big supplies of Pfizer and Moderna at arrive. We don't have enough of these vaccines yet but apparently, we are getting millions of doses by October, with some trickling in now. People are waiting for those.

Plus our Government has said, no one under the age of 60 should get the AZ. And people are listening to that advice.

the other thing they said, is no one under the age of 16 will be vaccinated by any of these vaccines - AZ, Pfizer or Moderna. Vaccinations for under 16s is not going to happen indefinately at this point.

yes we do have a zero covid policy and we are one of a handful of countries that have been able to achieve this with a degree of success. One being new Zealand.

So yeh, the Australian Government does look at what you guysd did over in Europe, and to America and they say "blimey! What a mess. Let's not go doswn that road"

So with our vaccine rollout, there isn't a great deal of panic or sense of urgency. If you look at the numbers, NZ seems to be only slightly better. Both Australia and NZ are the worst out of the OECD.

As for opening up. Australia and NZ will [probably be the last. In Australia's case especially, our economy is relilient enough at this point. And even then, they will only open to certain countries at a time. The UK is lucky because they will probably be the first if they can control their CIVID.

India and Cyprus might have a problem with Australia for the next 5 years. In other words, might as well be on the embargo list.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Mon Jul 05, 2021 3:00 am

Lordo wrote:Bafidis has a habit of making things up. His figures should be looked at a little closer - it will become apparent that he does not understand what he writes about. I suspect he counts deats of all sorts included in the vaccinated people, not really caring whether vaccine has caused it or not.

the thing with Australia is we have a massive capanility of regulation and oversight, and record keeping in the public eye.

Like the Government TGA source I'm about to provide you with which is accumulating data on how many covid vaccine deaths have occured and how many reports of adverse reactions.

this is the body that is advising the Australian Government. ... 27-05-2021

Now this data is a couple of months old, with one confirmed death. Since then with another 5 million does administered, we have had another 5 deaths. We have had 0 deaths from COVID in that time.

We don't need to make rash decisions with regard to vaccinations at this point. We leave the rash decisions and making it up as you go along to Europe, Asia and America. We have the luxury to have you lot as our guinea pigs in the best actual clinical trial ever.

Australia is a very litiguous society. And we have tremendous oversight by professional and regulatory bodies.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Mon Jul 05, 2021 3:15 am

Cyprus is one of the countries with potentially the highest herd immunity with 40% of he population vaccinated with 2 doses and 65% with a single dose.

cases overnight: 577 and 5 dead people.

Not saying the vaccines are not working just yet, but it does look pretty dam ominous to me.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby erolz66 » Mon Jul 05, 2021 7:51 am

Paphitis wrote:the only death figure released by any Australian Official from the Government is UK death numbers attributed to the vaccines which they said stood at 49 people about a week ago.


Paphitis wrote:And what they have told us is we have had at least 6 deaths attributed to the vaccine.


Paphitis wrote: But, the disclosure isn't very good as there is no website we can go to to confirm, unlike the reporting of COVID clusters which has been phenomenal.

WRONG. Twat.

Paphitis wrote: My only presumption is that they are trying not to reveal the full extent in order to not compromise the vaccination roll out.

You get the facts wrong serially and thus your presumption are also wrong. Twat.

Paphitis wrote:Plus our Government has said, no one under the age of 60 should get the AZ.

WRONG. Twat.

Paphitis wrote: They have also confirmed about a month ago that we have had 6 deaths so far from the vaccines.

WRONG. Twat.

Paphitis wrote:Now this data is a couple of months old, with one confirmed death. Since then with another 5 million does administered, we have had another 5 deaths. We have had 0 deaths from COVID in that time.

The latest Aus Government figures are from 1st JULY 2021, easily available to all non twats. This data is published WEEKLY. ... 01-07-2021

On the 17 June, the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) recommended(link is external) that Pfizer’s Comirnaty vaccine be preferred over the AstraZeneca vaccine for those aged 16–60 years old. However, while Comirnaty is preferred for under 60s, the AstraZeneca vaccine remains approved by the TGA (and most other major regulators) for those 18 and over.

People under 60 years of age who have already received their first AstraZeneca dose should complete the two-dose schedule as the risk of TTS after the second dose is extremely low

Since the beginning of the vaccine rollout to 27 June 2021, there have been over 7.3 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines administered. The TGA has received and reviewed 335 reports of deaths in people who have recently been vaccinated and found that two were definitely linked to vaccination. These were both TTS cases related to the AstraZeneca vaccine.

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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Lordo » Mon Jul 05, 2021 10:12 am

Paphitis wrote:
Lordo wrote:Bafidis has a habit of making things up. His figures should be looked at a little closer - it will become apparent that he does not understand what he writes about. I suspect he counts deats of all sorts included in the vaccinated people, not really caring whether vaccine has caused it or not.

I'm not looking at any death figures.

the only death figure released by any Australian Official from the Government is UK death numbers attributed to the vaccines which they said stood at 49 people about a week ago.

And what they have told us is we have had at least 6 deaths attributed to the vaccine. yes from a government official also, not just some random. But, the disclosure isn't very good as there is no website we can go to to confirm, unlike the reporting of COVID clusters which has been phenomenal. My only presumption is that they are trying not to reveal the full extent in order to not compromise the vaccination roll out.

But they have said, in no uncertain terms, that the vaccines can be deadly to people who develop severe reactions. it's rare, but they have also said it's much much higher for particular age groups. And they didn't make it up either because in Australia we have many groups that weight in like the AMA, TGA and ATAGI. These are funded by Government. But are independent from Government also and they are ringing alarm bells. So hard for Government to sweep under the carpet when journalists cite these sources in press conferences. Which are reputable sources made up of the greatest medical and epidaemologist minds in the country.

They have also confirmed about a month ago that we have had 6 deaths so far from the vaccines.

And the biggest rish is Deep Vein Thrombosis, which can be serrious. Airline passengers can get it and so too pilots, if you don't keep getting up from your seat to stretch your legs and walk for a bit.

Our Government only reacts and advises in terms of the COVID isk to Australians, which at the moment is not high with our numbers. we are not facing a big COVID problem like Europe or other countries like Cyprus do. We are unlikely for instance to get a single death from COVID this year if we keep our numbers where they are or eliminate COVID from the community which isn't unrealistic given the Australian Government's record in addressing the various COVID alarms.

The Sydney clusters have been halved. We are now down to 16 cases a day - half the ammount just 3 days ago. And they have already said they are satisfied with how the clusters have been isolated from the rest of the city and Australia and have indicated the numbers should fall from here on in further. And they anticipate that the restrictions will be lifted in a week, as they believe the contact tracing is netting the people of interest for testing.

As a result from advice they have recieved, they have no intention of vaccinating young Australians 16 years of age and under. My children can not get a vaccine from an Australian Government source or an Australian Health provider. But may need to get one from a US Government source as their rules are different and they need to meet and abide by their rules if we are to travel there under their VISAS.

It just goes to show how stupid you are. Just because somebody dies of bloodclot after being vaccinated does not mean vaccine was the cause. Far more people die without vaccination. For the vaccine to be responsible, they have to die the way people die bay catching the virus. Then you can connect the two. We were told that the first people do die with covid were those who had underlying cuases. Which was false. All age groups with or without underlying causes died from covid. The way they keep figures down is first only counting deaths in hospital and leaving even carehome deaths. To this day they still do not count people who have died from covid at home. Of course now they only count people who have died from covid who were tested upto 28 days prior. It says it all.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Mon Jul 05, 2021 10:32 am

Lordo wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Lordo wrote:Bafidis has a habit of making things up. His figures should be looked at a little closer - it will become apparent that he does not understand what he writes about. I suspect he counts deats of all sorts included in the vaccinated people, not really caring whether vaccine has caused it or not.

I'm not looking at any death figures.

the only death figure released by any Australian Official from the Government is UK death numbers attributed to the vaccines which they said stood at 49 people about a week ago.

And what they have told us is we have had at least 6 deaths attributed to the vaccine. yes from a government official also, not just some random. But, the disclosure isn't very good as there is no website we can go to to confirm, unlike the reporting of COVID clusters which has been phenomenal. My only presumption is that they are trying not to reveal the full extent in order to not compromise the vaccination roll out.

But they have said, in no uncertain terms, that the vaccines can be deadly to people who develop severe reactions. it's rare, but they have also said it's much much higher for particular age groups. And they didn't make it up either because in Australia we have many groups that weight in like the AMA, TGA and ATAGI. These are funded by Government. But are independent from Government also and they are ringing alarm bells. So hard for Government to sweep under the carpet when journalists cite these sources in press conferences. Which are reputable sources made up of the greatest medical and epidaemologist minds in the country.

They have also confirmed about a month ago that we have had 6 deaths so far from the vaccines.

And the biggest rish is Deep Vein Thrombosis, which can be serrious. Airline passengers can get it and so too pilots, if you don't keep getting up from your seat to stretch your legs and walk for a bit.

Our Government only reacts and advises in terms of the COVID isk to Australians, which at the moment is not high with our numbers. we are not facing a big COVID problem like Europe or other countries like Cyprus do. We are unlikely for instance to get a single death from COVID this year if we keep our numbers where they are or eliminate COVID from the community which isn't unrealistic given the Australian Government's record in addressing the various COVID alarms.

The Sydney clusters have been halved. We are now down to 16 cases a day - half the ammount just 3 days ago. And they have already said they are satisfied with how the clusters have been isolated from the rest of the city and Australia and have indicated the numbers should fall from here on in further. And they anticipate that the restrictions will be lifted in a week, as they believe the contact tracing is netting the people of interest for testing.

As a result from advice they have recieved, they have no intention of vaccinating young Australians 16 years of age and under. My children can not get a vaccine from an Australian Government source or an Australian Health provider. But may need to get one from a US Government source as their rules are different and they need to meet and abide by their rules if we are to travel there under their VISAS.

It just goes to show how stupid you are. Just because somebody dies of bloodclot after being vaccinated does not mean vaccine was the cause. Far more people die without vaccination. For the vaccine to be responsible, they have to die the way people die bay catching the virus. Then you can connect the two. We were told that the first people do die with covid were those who had underlying cuases. Which was false. All age groups with or without underlying causes died from covid. The way they keep figures down is first only counting deaths in hospital and leaving even carehome deaths. To this day they still do not count people who have died from covid at home. Of course now they only count people who have died from covid who were tested upto 28 days prior. It says it all.

Oh right! So you are going to tell these experts that someone who dies from blood clots, just after vaccination doesn't mean the vaccine is at fault when they have already verified and confirmed that the vaccines can cause blood clotting and have even worked out the incidence of it.

So, you are telling me that these people would have died from blood clotting anyway.

Well, AMA, TGA and ATAGI do not concur.
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