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Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how long?

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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby erolz66 » Thu Jul 01, 2021 1:23 pm

You vaccinate the most at risk first. It is not hard to understand. Unless you are a twat of course. Why are states in Aus not vaccinating children ? Because you have not managed to even vaccinate the elderly yet there to any substantial degree. Once you have vaccinated them, THEN you can consider IF you should start vaccinating younger people and if so how young. Twat.

Finally the truth is out. You are a twat.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Thu Jul 01, 2021 2:17 pm

Oh sure. She really nearly died didn’t she.

We haven’t had a community Covid death this year. All our deaths this year are returning expats.

Secondly, we have had deaths attributed to the vaccines and one Chief Health Officer in Queensland admitted that it is safer for children under 16 to not be vaccinated. She even clarified in no uncertain terms that getting Covid would be less lethal than getting vaccinated and dieing from some kind of complication like blood clots.

That’s what she said. It was all over our TV sets, news and social media. And even discussed at our dinner table - I have the misfortune of marrying a journo who worked for Murdoch for 11 years.

And it appears that Boris seems to agree also.

We had another vaccination death today. After one yesterday as well. This time an 18 year old.

No Covid deaths and unlikely to be any Covid death as we only have one person in ICU australia wide.

At the moment we are getting press conferences from 6 governments here. One foster the other. It’s almost become a sport. Major league press conferences about Covid. The press are trying to make their mark. And 2 things that stuck out today from the same old same old, was the Queensland Government press conference because of these statements and the South Australian press conference because the media were asking tough questions and almost made our Chief Medical Officer go home to mummy and cry.

I can tell you Trump would have made that journalist cry.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby erolz66 » Thu Jul 01, 2021 2:55 pm

Paphitis wrote:We had another vaccination death today. After one yesterday as well. This time an 18 year old.

No you have not had a death of an 18 year old today attributed to vaccination. That you think you have just, yet again, demonstrates your inability to comprehend properly and how dangerous that is when combined with your arrogance.

You have had one case of an 18 year old with a case of suspected heart condition (not death) resulting from Pfizer inoculations, from 2.9 million doses given and you have your Queensland Chief Health Officer Jeannette Young saying "I don't want an 18-year-old in Queensland dying from a clotting illness who, if they got COVID, probably wouldn't die." That you turn these facts in to your fiction of "the death of an 18 year old from the vaccine" just shows how dangerous your stupidity and arrogance actually is.

Paphitis wrote:No Covid deaths and unlikely to be any Covid death as we only have one person in ICU australia wide.

If you do not contain this current outbreak of the delta variant and given the low roll out of vaccine to date, exasperated by idiots like you, then you will see deaths climb over the coming months in to their 10's, then 100's then thousands. Stupidity kills. Ignorance kills. Arrogance kills. Complacency kills.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Thu Jul 01, 2021 3:06 pm

erolz66 wrote:
Paphitis wrote:We had another vaccination death today. After one yesterday as well. This time an 18 year old.

No you have not had a death of an 18 year old today attributed to vaccination. That you think you have just, yet again, demonstrates your inability to comprehend properly and how dangerous that is when combined with your arrogance.

You have had one case of an 18 year old with a case of suspected heart condition (not death) resulting from Pfizer inoculations, from 2.9 million doses given and you have your Queensland Chief Health Officer Jeannette Young saying "I don't want an 18-year-old in Queensland dying from a clotting illness who, if they got COVID, probably wouldn't die." That you turn these facts in to your fiction of "the death of an 18 year old from the vaccine" just shows how dangerous your stupidity and arrogance actually is.

Paphitis wrote:No Covid deaths and unlikely to be any Covid death as we only have one person in ICU australia wide.

If you do not contain this current outbreak of the delta variant and given the low roll out of vaccine to date, exasperated by idiots like you, then you will see deaths climb over the coming months in to their 10's, then 100's then thousands. Stupidity kills. Ignorance kills. Arrogance kills. Complacency kills.

Yeh you are actually correct that we haven’t had an 18 year old die. We have have some deaths but no one is telling us how many just yet. They are trying to sweep it under the carpet because the vaccines have already been compromised a lot with Australians dragging their feet and resisting.

Actually no. The other thing that was said is that the delta variant is less lethal than previous variants but far more contagious.

And judging by our past record, highly doubtful we will have any Covid disaster at all and hardly no deaths. Our cases are actually in decline from the dizzy heights of 48 cases yesterday. We have seen it time and time again.

It’s a case of Covid, what Covid?

So no, we won’t be having any Covid outbreaks in Australia due to the heavy response by our government.

As for the low vaccine uptake. Yes it’s low. But we have also administers 8 million doses so far and we don’t need to be rushing like you guys do in Europe because you guys are dropping off like flies whereas we are more likely to die from the vaccine. Yes our crisis - all of 49 cases yesterday. Hardly a crisis. More like a storm in a tea cup.

Just watching the tv. Saw it again. Dr Young, clear as day said that young Australians are better off taking their chances with Covid rather than be vaccinated and she means all types of vaccinations.

It’s got to be true because it’s on tv and it’s from a leading Health Government Official who is medically trained as a Doctor.

Oh, now I’m looking at Spurrier almost break down and cry. Diddums!
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby erolz66 » Thu Jul 01, 2021 3:34 pm

Paphitis wrote:
erolz66 wrote:
Paphitis wrote:We had another vaccination death today. After one yesterday as well. This time an 18 year old.

No you have not had a death of an 18 year old today attributed to vaccination. That you think you have just, yet again, demonstrates your inability to comprehend properly and how dangerous that is when combined with your arrogance.

You have had one case of an 18 year old with a case of suspected heart condition (not death) resulting from Pfizer inoculations, from 2.9 million doses given and you have your Queensland Chief Health Officer Jeannette Young saying "I don't want an 18-year-old in Queensland dying from a clotting illness who, if they got COVID, probably wouldn't die." That you turn these facts in to your fiction of "the death of an 18 year old from the vaccine" just shows how dangerous your stupidity and arrogance actually is.

Paphitis wrote:No Covid deaths and unlikely to be any Covid death as we only have one person in ICU australia wide.

If you do not contain this current outbreak of the delta variant and given the low roll out of vaccine to date, exasperated by idiots like you, then you will see deaths climb over the coming months in to their 10's, then 100's then thousands. Stupidity kills. Ignorance kills. Arrogance kills. Complacency kills.

Yeh you are actually correct that we haven’t had an 18 year old die.

I am correct that you are a twat that will make claims , on life and death subjects like these, that are just not true, if you think it makes you look clever. That kind of inability to comprehend and arrogance kills.

Paphitis wrote:We have have some deaths but no one is telling us how many just yet. They are trying to sweep it under the carpet because the vaccines have already been compromised a lot with Australians dragging their feet and resisting.

Having had your blatant lie / fiction exposed you now just move on to conspiracy theory. Deaths attributed to vaccines in Aus as NOT being hidden or swept under the carpet. Its because they are not being hidden that idots like you can go around and spout your dangerous stupidities.

Paphitis wrote: The other thing that was said is that the delta variant is less lethal than previous variants but far more contagious.

yet more dangerous bollocks from you. There is no consensus or clear evidence that the delta variant is less deadly or causes less morbidity, short or long term. It is just yet another thing you have just made up to try and look or feel 'clever'. Just like your claim that you had a death today of an 18 year old as a result of vaccination.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Sat Jul 03, 2021 2:56 am

All lockdowns in all states have ended in Australia except for Sydney, which also appears to have controlled any outbreak and is expected to end it's lock downs in a week. :D

And when we say lockdowns in Sydney, it's only a lockdown in parts of Sydney - hotspot suburbs.

Bit of a storm in a teacup. ... and-gender

meanwhile, Australia has banned vaccinations for under 16s. Currently massive debate about banning vaccines for under 25s or even under 30s.

That is because the experts with the Australian Medical association and our Pharma Watchdog have confirmed and seem to agree that the death rate for these specific age groups would be higher from the vaccines as it's almost non existent with COVID Delta.

That's the experts saying this and it has been repeated by the Chief Medical Offocer of Queensland.

I have confirmed by trying to book our family for vaccinations and the reply was that our children will not be vaccinated.

I need to confirm now if it is a requrement by the US, because if it is, my children will have to be vaccinated on US Consular grounds by USG. It may be a condition for them. Might need to go on a trip to melbourne twice - for 2 doses. they may demand vaccine certificates for them as well as a condition.

The other thing is Australian Authorities are not allowed to stop of from leaving the country should we be required to do so as we are now regarded as perma residents of US with a US address and I have used this status to extinguish myslef from The Australian Electoral Rolls. :D The only way to get off those rolls is through death or mental incapacitation. Thank you America for saving me from these idiots.

No Australian Travel Restriction can supercede a permanent residency visa of another country or a passport of another country let alone the US. :lol:

But they will have the last laugh if we have to come back for whatever reason. then we are stuffed... :shock:

Already told my local MP that if there is an election I won't be voting for her or anyone and will be found at the beach sipping nice barossa wine. 8)
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Sat Jul 03, 2021 4:32 am

And yes, Chief Medical Officer has admitted and was the first to admit here in Australia that there is a death risk to any vaccination - AZ, Pfizer, and Moderna.

And she believes that for certain age groups, this death risk is far more significant than the death risk attributed to COVID. hence why under 16s will not be vaccinated.

And this advice has originated from ATAGI - Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation. ... tion-atagi
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby CrookedRiverGuy » Sun Jul 04, 2021 7:50 pm

What are the rules to enter Cyprus now - does it depend on what country you're departing from?
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Londonrake » Sun Jul 04, 2021 8:54 pm

erolz66 wrote:You vaccinate the most at risk first. It is not hard to understand. Unless you are a twat of course. Why are states in Aus not vaccinating children ? Because you have not managed to even vaccinate the elderly yet there to any substantial degree. Once you have vaccinated them, THEN you can consider IF you should start vaccinating younger people and if so how young. Twat.

Finally the truth is out. You are a twat.

I don't agree with the "twat" stuff but the logical fallacy is plain to see. Australia follows a zero covid, isolationist policy which results in a very low number of deaths. Vaccination proceeds at a snails pace. Much media hype is given over then to the fact that more are dying of vaccination than Covid. Ipso facto, people think, why should I get vaccinated? It's far too risky!

The crunch comes of course when Australia attempts to open up again, as it one day inevitably must.
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