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Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how long?

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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Cap » Fri Apr 03, 2020 1:24 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:I find the views of German pulmonoligist Wolfgang Wodarg to be very informative. You can find a brief clip by him in German with English subtitles here:

There is a longer interview of him by a German TV station without subtitles. Strangely, the presenter suddenly says that they need to bring the interview to an early end due to the poor quality of the video link to him, although the quality seems fine to me.

Thanks Tim, I was wondering why the numbers weren't adding up.
220 000 recoveries worldwide as of today.
We're now seeing an astronomical recovery rate of over 10 000 people a day worldwide and the rate is increasing daily. (Governments sources and statistics)
Why is the media not covering it?
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby miltiades » Fri Apr 03, 2020 1:57 pm

If the Tokyo Olympics can be postponed so can Easter. After all Jesus rises every year. No harm in ...postponing this mythological event :lol:
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Fri Apr 03, 2020 2:31 pm

Cap wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:I find the views of German pulmonoligist Wolfgang Wodarg to be very informative. You can find a brief clip by him in German with English subtitles here:

There is a longer interview of him by a German TV station without subtitles. Strangely, the presenter suddenly says that they need to bring the interview to an early end due to the poor quality of the video link to him, although the quality seems fine to me.

Thanks Tim, I was wondering why the numbers weren't adding up.
220 000 recoveries worldwide as of today.
We're now seeing an astronomical recovery rate of over 10 000 people a day worldwide and the rate is increasing daily. (Governments sources and statistics)
Why is the media not covering it?

Yes indeed.

We are now almost at the point where our recoveries are exceeding the number of new infections each day in Australia. that is what is happening in Victoria and the other states are almost at that point as well.

They might loosen restrictions in 2 or so weeks.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Fri Apr 03, 2020 2:39 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:Death toll in the USA 6,000?

This is how the influenza season is going this year in the USA: ... imates.htm

Why no hysterical reporting about this, even though the figures are far worse?

I've been wanting to know the same thing. The regular flu is responsible for knocking off 3 to 4 million people every year. But nothing is said...
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Apr 03, 2020 8:22 pm

...what all governments fear is the collapse of their respective medical systems, their capacity to absorb and treat so many cases at the same time.

The lack of medical equipment and supplies is real. Indeed putting the health of their citizenry before their social-economies is prudent; economies we know, can be rebuilt, lives lost cannot.

There is one tactic that seems to go unnoticed however, in this day and age, and that is the level of misery that any leadership in power may choose to create, (what autocrats typically do,) that by doing so, any solution ending the misery of the people involved is/becomes more acceptable to them; 9/11, as a conspiracy at such a scale, also reflects this hypothesis, given its results: more security, but not better as living. Yet, it is hard to believe that countries world-wide have leaderships (and an elite,) (this time,) working collectively, toward such a single conspirators' end. If anything it demonstrates the (evolutionary) end of Capitalism as Marx and Engels described it, where something faceless and unknown controls the world, very few, bigger than the Sovereign nations/states that they exploit as their own. Beyond the world's greatest economy, having manipulated the world as a single social-economy, they will be forced in this new stage (as yet to be seen), with the world as such completely exploited, to turn on each other. Countries like China are the biggest threat to "them", (at the end of this present stage,) therefore, given how much power in such countries is held, in such few hands, given how "new'' these economies are compared to their own, because failing in such an attempt to subjugate China (the "Chinese" so to speak,) it may expose "the few" as an adversary, notionally as an equal threat to the world at large.

...if this is a conspiracy (to take over 'the world'), it is not the "Chinese" (though they may reap reward,) that have the most to gain from it; in a Capitalist's world though, "being" its opposite, they make for a great patsy (momentarily). It is not the pandemic that people should be worried about therefore, (who to blame,) but the recovery, what so many "stimulas packages'' will do, (instead of 'bettering' the world for 'us') for those who will eventually see the profit in it, namely the "1%".

However it is: our confidence in ourselves is being shaken by events which seem bigger than ourselves; in a world that changed.

...just musing.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Apr 03, 2020 8:44 pm

...Chomsky on the subject,

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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Sat Apr 04, 2020 12:37 am

repulsewarrior wrote:...what all governments fear is the collapse of their respective medical systems, their capacity to absorb and treat so many cases at the same time.

The lack of medical equipment and supplies is real. Indeed putting the health of their citizenry before their social-economies is prudent; economies we know, can be rebuilt, lives lost cannot.

There is one tactic that seems to go unnoticed however, in this day and age, and that is the level of misery that any leadership in power may choose to create, (what autocrats typically do,) that by doing so, any solution ending the misery of the people involved is/becomes more acceptable to them; 9/11, as a conspiracy at such a scale, also reflects this hypothesis, given its results: more security, but not better as living. Yet, it is hard to believe that countries world-wide have leaderships (and an elite,) (this time,) working collectively, toward such a single conspirators' end. If anything it demonstrates the (evolutionary) end of Capitalism as Marx and Engels described it, where something faceless and unknown controls the world, very few, bigger than the Sovereign nations/states that they exploit as their own. Beyond the world's greatest economy, having manipulated the world as a single social-economy, they will be forced in this new stage (as yet to be seen), with the world as such completely exploited, to turn on each other. Countries like China are the biggest threat to "them", (at the end of this present stage,) therefore, given how much power in such countries is held, in such few hands, given how "new'' these economies are compared to their own, because failing in such an attempt to subjugate China (the "Chinese" so to speak,) it may expose "the few" as an adversary, notionally as an equal threat to the world at large.

...if this is a conspiracy (to take over 'the world'), it is not the "Chinese" (though they may reap reward,) that have the most to gain from it; in a Capitalist's world though, "being" its opposite, they make for a great patsy (momentarily). It is not the pandemic that people should be worried about therefore, (who to blame,) but the recovery, what so many "stimulas packages'' will do, (instead of 'bettering' the world for 'us') for those who will eventually see the profit in it, namely the "1%".

However it is: our confidence in ourselves is being shaken by events which seem bigger than ourselves; in a world that changed.

...just musing.

The Chinese and the CCP, are the biggest of capitalists.

I'm not saying this is a conspiracy by them at all. I am completely convinced they did not set out to spread China Virus onto the world. I also do not believe this virus is man made. I am more inclined to believe that this virus jumped from animal as it was transmitted to patient zero somewhere in Wuhan, probably at or near the wet markets there. And from there it spread causing havoc initially in China. from there it spread to the rest of the world, through air and ship being they main enablers.

I am however, open to the idea that Chinese Intelligence could be exacerbating the spread across North America, EU and Australia mainly. There are videos circulating of a Chinese person going round to all electronic shops with a container and touching all electronic items in the store. The veracity of this video is not confirmed to be legit as there is also a lot of nonsense out there and misinformation and also fear mongering.

In Australia, we are only too aware of the creativity from Chinese Intelligence. We know they are active, and we also know they had infiltrated virtually all our institutions, including Parliament House and we also no there is nothing they won't do for China, including abductions of Chinese Australian Citizens, Murder of Chinese Australians and also the murder of an Australian MP.

We also know that we have Chinese Australian business men who are members of the CCP. One of them bought a Billion Dollars worth of Australian Pharmaceuticals and depleted our supplies just before China Virus hit us.

We are also observing that amid all the economic chaos, it is Chinese capital that is trying to buy stock market listed companies in the EU, North America and Australia after their prices collapsed due to China Virus. So it seems China believes they have a lot to gain.

Our banks and capitalists here are being very cautious right now, because they don't know when this is going to end, hence there will be more market volatility in the near future.

Secondly, the global response in my view has been a knee jerk reaction, to the detriment of the economy. For instance, I can understand drastic measures being taken in the US, Italy, Spain, Germany and a few other countries. I can also understand Australia's response which has been quick and pro-active. But now it's time to review EVERYTHING in 2 weeks and loosen the restrictions as our Authorities are well in control. Our Health System is a long way from being overwhelmed. Last thing we need is locking everyone in their homes like what has been done in Cyprus. Workers need to go to work. They are the front line soldiers now along with our Nurses and Doctors. Workers need to keep the economy alive to ensure there is an economy after its all over. We are not going to be able to save every single China Virus Death. So we need to be practical too with regards to RISK Vs REWARD.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Apr 04, 2020 1:32 am

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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Sat Apr 04, 2020 1:48 am

So I don't particularly care if I am criticized for supporting Trump. I wear that as a badge of honour actually.

Trump is a levendi. There has never been a leader like him and sadly I fear they won't be another like him. But the American people crave leaders like Trump and there is reason for it.

Damn good being that the alternative would have been Clinton. And she herself should probably be in jail for the 30,000 emails through her private gmail account.

I have no doubt that trump is an American Patriot. There is no way in hell any Chinese or foreign state will be able to buy this man's loyalties for anything. His loyalties are to the USA and the American people. We need leaders like that in ALL of our countries.

Thankfully, in Australia, we now have such a brilliant Government today. Scott Morrison is literally shining. The way this guy is going, he will be our PM for the next 10 years.

We are all moving towards this style of Government from politicians who would look you in the eye.

Trump was a bit slow to act with China Flu and almost nonchalant, but weren't we all. No one took it seriously and most importantly, the biggest betrayer of all is the Wuhan Health Organization. These arseholes should be sent to China where they belong.

In fact, I hope Australia cuts these arseholes off from any funding. Stan Athema! :roll:

I literally laugh at that stupid arshole from the Wuhan health Organisation. Friggin idiot should go to jail.

What these elites need to understand is that the people are not as stupid as they once were. People are seeing right through them, which is why we are voting for the leaders we got, because we know that our past criminal Governments were in bed with these criminals and laughing at us all the way to the Cayman Islands.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby miltiades » Sat Apr 04, 2020 2:46 am

Ever considered taking up a ...script writers job in a Circus ? :lol:
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