Kikapu wrote:cyprusgrump wrote:Kikapu wrote:No one can prove a negative, therefore the world has taken the actions for lockdown and hope for the best. Considering the world is bigger than these 12 scientists, the majority has spoken, despite there not being a democratic vote!
The economic damage now is only temporary and will return to normality and better in time once the virus has been contained. You cannot have a health economy with a sick population across the world, so the options are very limited. If there wasn’t a lockdown and people were dropping dead all over the place in their thousands from Coronavirus , how would that make the economy grow?
But then you'd have proof that a lockdown
was necessary...
Assuming we get over this fairly soon then the lockdown will be cited as the reason.
Logically then, we'd all have to go back into lockdown next flu season too - it would have to become a regular part of our lives 'to protect us'... Not that we'd really have lives as we now know them of course...

No, I do not have any proof.
I am just countering your argument that the economy would not have been in the ruins if there wasn’t a lockdown despite thousands dropping dead due to the Coronavirus.I hope you are not suggesting that I am enjoying being under “house arrest” with the lockdown!

That isn't my argument tho is it...?
My argument is that the economy
will inevitably be in ruins because of the lockdown.
Whereas we
don't know if there would be thousands dropping dead if we didn't...
Indeed, the UK's reaction seems to have been based on some dodgy 13+ year old models from a scientist who is now back-peddling from his initial predictions of 500,000 dead.