repulsewarrior wrote:...and different health authorities must be wondering if 'mixed' dosages are acceptable.
Paphitis wrote:2000 bucks on a headset that is so high tech
CrookedRiverGuy wrote:Paphitis wrote:2000 bucks on a headset that is so high tech
2000 deflated Aussie bucks, I presume
Paphitis wrote:Right, we have 1 relative left in hospital and she is over 70. has difficulty breathing but not requiring a ventilator, yet.
I think it's time to lock Cyprus down peoples. Enough of the jokes.
At this point in time, you should all be locked up in your houses and only allowed out to do shopping or see a Doctor or get meds.
Abd for any Xerogefalous, 5000 Euro fine. See if they are so willing to muck around then.
Do you guys need help from Australia and New Zealand? We got some Federal Police there in Cyprus. Just ask Australia to cut them loose on some xerogefalous. it would make them need to change their nappies pretty quick.
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