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Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how long?

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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Sat Apr 03, 2021 4:57 am

And Australia is now being taken to court by many of Australian Citizens stuck in the US.

I guess it’s fair enough too as they got screwed over big time.

Some are saying they have relatives in Australia with Cancer and they probably won’t be able to see them alive. Also many stuck in the US unemployed or close to or working menial jobs now. Their houses being running down into a state of disrepair.

So American Lawyers are having a field day with this accusing Australia of human rights abuses. Yes I do believe that is a case that human rights have been abused here. So definitely a case to answer to and compensation and damages will need to be paid to the victims.

Some Australians have said they will be going to the North Korean embassy to request asylum. Obviously a political stunt to gain exposure but I do see the point they are making here. A very valid point.

Just to think, I was literally 2 weeks away to being in that very same boat and potentially stuck in America. Looks like I dodged a bullet here. It was close to being a disaster for our family. Too close...

Meanwhile, in America, Biden has loosened all its borders allowing crime syndicates and cartels to operate more freely. Way to go Biden for appearing less racist at the price of America’s youth and vulnerable.

One thing about going to America that appeals to me is traveling to Latin American countries like Mexico and also the Caribbean. Canada, Hawaii and Alaska as well. So I got time for Latin America and countries like Mexico. Beautiful country and beautiful people, generally. But they do have their problems - narcotics, crime and America was correct to crack down on them but the media will never say Trump was right because they are corrupt and more political activists these days rather than journos who report facts.

The media have questions to answer.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Sat Apr 03, 2021 5:24 am

I mean literally get this. If I was stuck in America, there would have been a chance I wouldn’t be able to get back to Australia.


I could go from America to Cyprus and stay there which would have been an option for the family. Far more viable than being in America for us. Or go to Greece.

Amazing how the world works these days.

As for Australia, you may have protected us from Covid very successfully, but the way Australia (and many Australians seem to support it too) has treated its own citizens and people is actually quite deplorable. I never would have imagined Australia turning its back on its own citizens in their hour of need.

Covid has bought out the worst in people. It’s bought the selfishness and greed of people to the fore.

Sorry but I feel ashamed for Australia. I hope the American lawyers to to town on Australia and take it their clients matters to the highest of HR courts and really win for them. Fair is fair and these Aussies have every right to be angry.

Australia’s behaviour is right up there with the most deplorable of nations, including North Korea. Australia needs to account for its actions which I’m afraid to say is blatantly disregarding the human and political rights of its citizens.

There was absolutely no reason why we couldn’t get our expats back home. Should have bought them back home and just isolate them for 3 weeks with the proper care they need in isolation and then be let back out into the community and to their families.

Covid can not justify or wash away Australia’s responsibilities here.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Kikapu » Sat Apr 03, 2021 6:00 am

I read couple of days ago that Australia has cut of all Financial assistance to those affected by Covid income reductions in certain industries. Perhaps just unemployment is paid.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Sat Apr 03, 2021 10:20 am

Kikapu wrote:I read couple of days ago that Australia has cut of all Financial assistance to those affected by Covid income reductions in certain industries. Perhaps just unemployment is paid.

No not true.

Cut off assistance to industries that have not been affected or have had little affect, perhaps.

Support for low income earners, unemployed etc continues.

Also support for building trade and many business owners continues out to October 2022 with up to 150000 in tax claims for any business expenditures. Such as buying plant and equipment, cars etc etc.

Basically done to support the car industry as well.

But yes sure, they probably winding it back because overall we have had minimal impact. Back when Covid came in everyone was worried and the Government took precautions to make sure we can all stay afloat and in jobs. With the exception of hospitality and tourism, aviation, there has been little if any impact at all. Other industries have even managed to do extremely well. So this will all get wound back eventually. Hospitality and tourism support will probably be the only area that needs support up until travel restrictions are eased later this year hopefully.

Our unemployment rate has remained steady and we are out of recession officially. Even with a brutal trade war we have landed on our feet here in Australia thank fully. We are not doing it anywhere near as bad as Europe or the UK is. GDP is growing too.

Probably because of Government expenditure into infrastructure, Defence, etc etc.

20o billion going into Defence alone gold plating everything.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Sat Apr 03, 2021 10:26 am

Kikapu wrote:I read couple of days ago that Australia has cut of all Financial assistance to those affected by Covid income reductions in certain industries. Perhaps just unemployment is paid.

There are rules for some and rules for others.

If you work for a pay check, then you are pretty much screwed over.

If you own a business then kaching! So many loopholes everywhere to minimize tax.

Like buying a luxury car. You deduct the tax rate because you will get that back from the tax man or what have had to pay 26% at the marginal rate, so theoretically you can buy a very expensive luxury car in Australia at a 26% discount, and upgrade every 2 years and make a tidy profit. :lol:

The only way to make money from cars.

That’s why you see all business owners with brand new Mercedes or BMWs every 2 years. It’s not because they are that rich. Just dodging tax.

I don’t know why they do it but someone said it’s basically to support the automobile industry indirectly.

When they release support measures they usually set a date for when it ends. It either ends or the extend it. They have been extending most of the support but it won’t be done forever.

So can’t be viewed as Government cut backs. There is no endless supply of money. When and as things go back to normal it will all be wound back and ultimately the free for all gravy train will end.

The thing with some people is that when they are given something they expect it forever. Well it never was forever and never can be.

We are a bit shielded from Covid compared to the rest of the world. Early on the assumption was that we would be like all the other countries with Covid left right and centre, bankruptcies and even depression. Well that didn’t really happen to us thank fully. Still time though as we are not out of the woods yet but so far so good. With 28000 cases we have had stuff all.

But the way it was achieved at the expense of other Aussies overseas who were totally screwed over leaves a lot to be desired in my view.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Get Real! » Fri Apr 09, 2021 2:41 pm

This table answers the question “For every 100 infected how many died?” so smaller is better in the 4th column.

Based on today’s Covid stats, I took the top 10 countries with the highest number of dead, and then threw in Australia, Turkey, Greece and Cyprus:


NB: Stats taken from here…

…and the formula used is a simple (100*Dead) /Infected
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Get Real! » Fri Apr 09, 2021 3:01 pm

So if Paphitis were to catch Covid, he’d have over five times more chance of dying from the virus at an Australian hospital than a Cypriot! :lol:
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Fri Apr 09, 2021 4:59 pm

Get Real! wrote:So if Paphitis were to catch Covid, he’d have over five times more chance of dying from the virus at an Australian hospital than a Cypriot! :lol:

Listen Get Real. I’ll be polite.

About 700 of our deaths were from inside our old age retirement and respite centres in Melbourne. Covid penetrated these centres because nurses and medicos bought it in as they were visiting patients. So we had a few weeks where our elderly were dropping off like flies. Yes true story and quite sad. But not surprising. Once Covid got in, these old coffin dodgers didn’t stand a chance.

You are in no position to be comparing Cyprus to Australia. It’s laughable to even try.

Australia population 26 million with 29000 cases

Cyprus population less than 1 million 50000 cases

You do the numbers.

And also,

Australia 26 million with 909 deaths. That’s 1 in every 28602 people dead.

Cyprus less than 1 million with 266 deaths. That’s 1 in every 3579 people dead.

Sorry boy but we are Covid free down here. You have 500 cases a day.

Cyprus is the only country in the OECD that actually increases in Covid cases after a lockdown. Every other country reduces the numbers.

That’s why I coined the phrase - the Cyprus Xerokefalo Factor. It’s the Cypriot Factor that we must take into consideration in order to account fir the Cyprus Xerokefalo Factor.

I bet you guys still think 5G is killing you but think Covid is a hoax. :lol:

I’m lucky to be in Australia Get Real. Best country to be in bar none.

Btw, your maths is extremely odd ball. Australia has very low Covid numbers as well. If we had Cyprus numbers 50000 x 26 = 1.3 million cases, then obviously our death rate would be as low as yours or lower.

But we haven’t had 1.3 million cases to be on par with you guys. Just 29000. :lol:
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Fri Apr 09, 2021 5:07 pm

Get Real! wrote:So if Paphitis were to catch Covid, he’d have over five times more chance of dying from the virus at an Australian hospital than a Cypriot! :lol:

Now my advice to you guys is that when the government lock down, don’t have those rave sex parties. Just stay home and watch porn if you have to. :lol:

Like Aussies do. When there is a lock down, we stay home. We listen and take precautions. :wink:

Oh and we fully locked down. Like really locked down our borders. You guys didn’t. :roll:
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Get Real! » Fri Apr 09, 2021 5:19 pm

The statistics are almost 1.5 years into the pandemic and undeniable, Paphitis!

Population sizes are irrelevant because we’re looking at the CARE patients receive after they’ve contracted the virus, and in Australia the death rate is too high, which means that they must be doing something wrong.
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