Kikapu wrote:Paphitis wrote:Kikapu wrote:I have just received an SMS to let me know that my 1st Covid vaccination is on Monday and the 2nd on March 15th.

I’m planning to take the Raptor out somewhere nice and remote where there is no SMS coverage.
If you start turning into a zombie, let me know.
Which one are you getting? AstraZeneca?
Too late on being a zombie!
No idea which vaccine yet. You don’t know until you are there. I know Switzerland got the Pfizer in the beginning, but there’re others now too I believe. My guess is, it’s Pfizer since the 2nd shot is about 28 days later.
I guess you have a bigger requirement for a vaccine in Switzerland than we do.
I’m going to try abd delay as much as possible to see whose left standing.

They have them all here in Australia as well except for the Chy-nese and Russian Vodka ones.
But the AstraZeneca one is becoming controversial.
They got stockpiles on stockpiles but won’t administer until next month.
Maybe they are testing them first...or maybe they are waiting to pass some new laws.