Kikapu wrote:Paphitis wrote:Everyone makes fun of the Americans for their big British cars. You all know about the stereotype about the American redneck in the Southern States with their big utes and confederate flags.
But in all honesty, the same craze is alive and well in Canada, and Australia as well. These monster trucks rule the roads in the city and out in the bush. Doctors, lawyers and well to do people are using them for their weekend get aways.
If anyone drives one, then you won’t want anything else. Just the versatility alone. You can use them to pick up the kids from school then go for your weekend adventure. You can put a grinder at the back, cold drinks, meat abd if you want I often joke about putting a Cypriot foukou on the back. I’m a bit pranayama with my raptor though so all things that get put on the back is wrapped and wrapped again.
But as long as there are no fire restrictions, you can go to the beach or Coorong or Barossa, go to a secluded spot and have your Souvla with friends and the kids play with their cousins and so on or you can go fishing, camping, or wheeling.
So yeh, you can make fun of the Yanks but they do have it worked out inmho.
These yank trucks turn heads too. And the greenies hate them but the fact is, they are so reliable and green these days. No longer are they the guzzlers they use to be however they are never as economical as a standard Toyota sedan. But close enough it’s almost ridiculous especially when you consider their torque output.
Raptor over a Mercedes, bmw, Range Rover or standard sedan or SUV any day.
And when I say American Truck, you don’t have to go American. The Japanese Toyota Hilux is magnificent and I was considering it. So reliable but I preferred to go for the angry look hence the raptor. Also the Mitsubishi’s are Isuzu’s are good too. Popular as well. Can do everything the raptor can.
American vehicles exported are not always the same standards as the ones made for domestic use. They are usually much better when exported to Europe and most probably to Australia too. They also cost much more in Europe. I believe exported vehicles are far more environmentally friendly, better quality and even safer. For most Americans, big means better and safer, which is why most Americans buys these things because the petrol is cheap as they can run on low octane, 85-92. In Switzerland we only have two octanes, 95 & 100 for petrol cars. I also believe your standards cars have better safety features than SUVs does in the US, as they are treated as “trucks”. They are also dangerous in the hands of stupid drivers as they are far easier to roll over than your average family cars. One more thing. Most American SUVs never see a dirt road.

Vehicles are always generally cheaper in the US across the board. I’m not sure if the US models are inferior to the European or Australian ones. I do know many are actually manufactured overseas now anyway under licence by Ford. Just like Mercedes are made in Turkey.
Mercedes and BMW and VW are still fine cars and I do like them and got one for Mrs Paphitis which I do drive occasionally. It’s very refine with all the bells and whistles and very comfortable and easy to drive. Definitely wuality motoring and better suited for the city and much more versatile for the city streets without question.
But, I live my Ute. I’ll keep that over my wife’s car any day. I can and do use it in the city. Even pick up the kids from school. Go shopping. But I have to park it and the far end of car parks where there is no one. Even when I park it properly, the wheels are pretty much touching the lines. It isn’t really user friendly for the city. Hard to park. Even driving around you have to be aware of your size. But it isn’t that hard really. And you are up high so better visibility. So yeh, a normal sedan, standard SUV or crossover is easier, more convenient and versatile for the city.
Plus, if my Ute doesn’t stretch its legs, the particulate filter clogs up. I’ve got a warning light for it and it does happen. So the car changes the gearing and limits it’s output. Eventually it will stop. So I got to take it on the freeway to stretch it’s legs a bit and blow the filter clean.
Doesn’t happen often but if you think you can just buy one and run around the city fir months on end, think again,
But as I said, I live it just for its presence and fun driving it and all the other fun stuff I can do with it on the weekends. A class car. I’m a member of the club here and we have a money jar every time someone calls it a car. It’s an insult to Ford Raptors. It’s a truck. We use the money for an end of year piss up.
Oh and I do get some satisfaction parking it next to some very expensive German Cars. You can put any German car next to a Raptor and the Raptor is the most attention grabbing for sure. I particularly like it when I park next to some Greek arseholes who like to flaunt their German cars with my Ford.
Interestingly enough, the Ford holds its own when parked near sports cars as well. But comparing apples to oranges really as they are too different.
Plus with all the steel work, all terrain tyres, lift, lights, it looks like I’m going to shoot the next Mad Max movie.

But by gee, even Toyota has some great cars these days. They are almost right up there with the Germans. The tech on those things is fantastic and great cars. I almost went for the ISIS Hilux before I settled for the Raptor. I’m so glad I did. I started looking at the Wildtrak as well so I thought I might as good full angry mode.

There is a difference between a standard SUV and a 4 by 4 vehicle like the Wildrak, Raptor, Hilux, Landcruiser.
You can get a Toyota Kruger, Brilliant family SUV. Probably most of these never go off road. You would be crazy to buy something like a Wildtrak, Raptor or Hilux abd not use it fir it’s intended purpose. Waste of money too.