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Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how long?

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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Londonrake » Mon Dec 21, 2020 8:50 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Kikapu wrote:Some Cantons in Switzerland are in a complete lockdown starting today. No doubt other cantons will follow suit soon.

With the new virus strain in the UK, many countries have cut most transportation to and from the UK. The effectiveness of the new vaccines on Covid-19 may well be very short lived. :shock:

well if that's the case, I think Australia and NZ should keep their borders closed to all the great unwashed.

Our economy is doing really great so we don't seem to need any of you and the last thing we need is to have massive COVID numbers.

Just as well we have lots of ocean. otherwise we would need to start building big huge Trump walls. :shock:

Well, it is reported that the new strain found in the UK has also been found in few other countries, including Australia. :shock:

Lots on this in today's press. Scientific reports that this particular variant was discovered as long ago as last spring in Brazil. Subsequently Australia and South Africa, among others. The idea that it is in some way a British phenomena is primarily a result of Boris Johnson's usual moronic PR efforts. One of my Brothers calls tonight and tells me that on his daily drive up the M20 there were miles and miles of primarily French lorries on the other side, bumper to bumper, stuck because their beloved Napoleonic leader had decided to make a grand gesture by shutting his channel ports. You couldn't make it up. :lol:
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Kikapu » Mon Dec 21, 2020 9:12 pm

Londonrake wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Kikapu wrote:Some Cantons in Switzerland are in a complete lockdown starting today. No doubt other cantons will follow suit soon.

With the new virus strain in the UK, many countries have cut most transportation to and from the UK. The effectiveness of the new vaccines on Covid-19 may well be very short lived. :shock:

well if that's the case, I think Australia and NZ should keep their borders closed to all the great unwashed.

Our economy is doing really great so we don't seem to need any of you and the last thing we need is to have massive COVID numbers.

Just as well we have lots of ocean. otherwise we would need to start building big huge Trump walls. :shock:

Well, it is reported that the new strain found in the UK has also been found in few other countries, including Australia. :shock:

Lots on this in today's press. Scientific reports that this particular variant was discovered as long ago as last spring in Brazil. Subsequently Australia and South Africa, among others. The idea that it is in some way a British phenomena is primarily a result of Boris Johnson's usual moronic PR efforts. One of my Brothers calls tonight and tells me that on his daily drive up the M20 there were miles and miles of primarily French lorries on the other side, bumper to bumper, stuck because their beloved Napoleonic leader had decided to make a grand gesture by shutting his channel ports. You couldn't make it up. :lol:

Yes, I read similar reports on this variant, therefore, I don’t think it will become to be known as the “UK-virus”, but then again, it depends how pissed off Trump might get with Boris since Trump is know for screwing his friends if they are no longer any use to him.

As for the closer of the French border with the UK causing thousands of truck being stranded on the highways on both side of the channel was meant to send a message to the UK on what to expect if there is a “no deal” Brexit. It might be a psychological game being played by Macron on Boris :wink:
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Kikapu » Mon Dec 21, 2020 10:11 pm

Can you believe these pathetic cunts. :evil:

The Independent
Anger as Republican lawmakers who played down pandemic jump vaccine queue

Louise Hall
Mon, December 21, 2020, 4:24 PM GMT+1

A number of Republican US lawmakers who played down the pandemic and undermined Covid guidelines have faced backlash online for being among the first to receive the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine.

The first people across the US began receiving the Pfizer Covid candidate last week, after the jab was given final approval by the US Food and Drug Administration for emergency use. :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: ... 56887.html
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Mon Dec 21, 2020 11:52 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Londonrake wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Kikapu wrote:Some Cantons in Switzerland are in a complete lockdown starting today. No doubt other cantons will follow suit soon.

With the new virus strain in the UK, many countries have cut most transportation to and from the UK. The effectiveness of the new vaccines on Covid-19 may well be very short lived. :shock:

well if that's the case, I think Australia and NZ should keep their borders closed to all the great unwashed.

Our economy is doing really great so we don't seem to need any of you and the last thing we need is to have massive COVID numbers.

Just as well we have lots of ocean. otherwise we would need to start building big huge Trump walls. :shock:

Well, it is reported that the new strain found in the UK has also been found in few other countries, including Australia. :shock:

Lots on this in today's press. Scientific reports that this particular variant was discovered as long ago as last spring in Brazil. Subsequently Australia and South Africa, among others. The idea that it is in some way a British phenomena is primarily a result of Boris Johnson's usual moronic PR efforts. One of my Brothers calls tonight and tells me that on his daily drive up the M20 there were miles and miles of primarily French lorries on the other side, bumper to bumper, stuck because their beloved Napoleonic leader had decided to make a grand gesture by shutting his channel ports. You couldn't make it up. :lol:

Yes, I read similar reports on this variant, therefore, I don’t think it will become to be known as the “UK-virus”, but then again, it depends how pissed off Trump might get with Boris since Trump is know for screwing his friends if they are no longer any use to him.

As for the closer of the French border with the UK causing thousands of truck being stranded on the highways on both side of the channel was meant to send a message to the UK on what to expect if there is a “no deal” Brexit. It might be a psychological game being played by Macron on Boris :wink:

I highly doubt it. Trump has always been a thorough Gentleman when it comes to US Relations with Australia. Nothing has changed. Doubt it will change for the UK or France either. These countries seems especially close.

We had a spat from Trump about a week after he won office but that was because we had him bent over a barrel to take some illegal immigrants. Trump got stroppy because he made election promises and the Aus Government was asking him to honour a preceding bilateral agreement with the Obama Administration. So he got angry and pissed of. But McCain and other Republicans intervened to cool tempers so Trump had a fall out with McCain who did not like Trump.

Everything cleaned very quickly though and within days Trump did call the Aussie PM and told him the US will take the illegals on condition they be vetted by US Immigration which is what happened.

As for closing the channel, I think good on him. The UK border will eventually become an international boundary. As a result, the UK can dictate who comes in and what comes in on their terms. Anything to upset Wonderliar and Hestikastad the EU mobsters is a good thing. :wink:
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Tue Dec 22, 2020 12:04 am

Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Kikapu wrote:Some Cantons in Switzerland are in a complete lockdown starting today. No doubt other cantons will follow suit soon.

With the new virus strain in the UK, many countries have cut most transportation to and from the UK. The effectiveness of the new vaccines on Covid-19 may well be very short lived. :shock:

well if that's the case, I think Australia and NZ should keep their borders closed to all the great unwashed.

Our economy is doing really great so we don't seem to need any of you and the last thing we need is to have massive COVID numbers.

Just as well we have lots of ocean. otherwise we would need to start building big huge Trump walls. :shock:

Well, it is reported that the new strain found in the UK has also been found in few other countries, including Australia. :shock:

Our was a false alarm. They thought it was a new strain and it was in Adelaide a month or so ago but it wasn’t true. Not sure about Sydney.

But either way, it appears they are more than enough in control of the situation here. They call it a rapidly spreading variant.

Either way, if they claim to have a vaccine, it shouldn’t be too hard to replicate the strain of the vaccine to cover the “new variant”. Fundamentally, it’s still a COVID-19 strain.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Tue Dec 22, 2020 3:03 pm

Greece coming back with what looks like an amazing turn around. ... ry/greece/
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Londonrake » Tue Dec 22, 2020 9:47 pm

Kikapu wrote:As for the closer of the French border with the UK causing thousands of truck being stranded on the highways on both side of the channel was meant to send a message to the UK on what to expect if there is a “no deal” Brexit. It might be a psychological game being played by Macron on Boris :wink:

I can't help thinking that, with a myopic eye on his 2022 national elections, Macron is making some serious mistakes at the moment.

I wouldn't be surprised if a significant number of the angry Gaullist lorry drivers, stuck on the M20 roadside - those who aren't already that is - are about to join the ranks of Gilets Jaunes. They already have their French, legally mandatory, jackets after all. Marine Le Penn probably can't believe her luck.

If it ends up no deal, due to French intransigence, Macron will probably be in trouble. Gambling.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby DT. » Tue Dec 22, 2020 10:12 pm

Paphitis wrote:Greece coming back with what looks like an amazing turn around. ... ry/greece/

What’s amazing is how Cyprus per million inhabitants has tested 567K and the likes of Australia have only tested around 418k per million. It’s all about better government and EU standards rather than backwater pacific mayhem I guess. :D
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Wed Dec 23, 2020 4:34 am

DT. wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Greece coming back with what looks like an amazing turn around. ... ry/greece/

What’s amazing is how Cyprus per million inhabitants has tested 567K and the likes of Australia have only tested around 418k per million. It’s all about better government and EU standards rather than backwater pacific mayhem I guess. :D

What’s amazing about Australia is the contact tracing procedures. It’s the best emergency response in the world.

Authorities are quickly able to close the net on any positives. What happens after that is every person that has had contact with those individuals are tested. Every person who had been to the same places of infected people, will be tested. Those places are locked down and suburbs with clusters and surrounding suburbs are locked down also.

That’s the reason why COVID is controlled here.

In addition, they won’t test you here for the sake of it. It’s a targeted approach based on close contact or risk. I’ve had 2 tests. My family have had none. If they text you, you must test within 24 hours. If you are ordered to isolate you must do so.

They can also test about 500,000 people in a day over here. Probably even up to a million if all the testing stations are mobilized. They are not always active.

I wouldn’t say your testing regime is anything special. Surely, it’s the results that matter and testing is only a means to gauging the extent of the disaster. What comes after is control and management of the disaster.

It’s pretty fair to say, and quite sad too, that Cyprus has a disaster on its hands with COVID being widespread and rampant and a menace to the population. Your testing numbers are just a response to that. We don’t really have a need to do the same with only 20 new cases per day. And that’s a spike for us as we have had our first community cases in a very long time in the last 7 odd days.

In Australia, it isn’t really a disaster, but has the potential to still develop into one, however it seems the authorities in Australia have it under control substantially and as it stands today we can all walk the steets and live our lives knowing that getting COVID here is extremely unlikely.

So what is amazing is the response and management in Australia. The response can be draconian too but the results are quite obviously, and I’m sure you will agree, world leading.

So DT, Australia is the country to be in I’m afraid,
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Dec 23, 2020 6:20 pm


...what we learn from this virus, should lead us to larger questions.

Such as it is, the disease is the creation of our own design; as a species we are never too far from plunder.

Mother Earth does fight back.
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