Get Real! wrote:The Covid-19 lab scandal is catching on as more websites slowly appear to be reporting on these criminals… ... t-creator/
Some time ago, you berated RW for posting YouTube videos to support his views, stating they had no credibility, due to their not being recognised and valid sources of verifiable information. Then, to support your paranoid anti-US stance you offer total fantasies from obscure fringe websites. Isn't that a bit hypocritical?

Get Real! wrote:Unfortunately, the plethora of conspiracy garbage propagated on the Internet has drowned any modicum of valid anti-government criticism that may exist out there.
Well, I was in yesterday evening. Tuesdays being it seemed a normal "let rip" (hic!

First, I was a Coup D'etat instigator. Trying - but failing - to steal your forum. Confused? Check out all your posts with "We & Us" in. You are it seems - in your mind - "the" forum.
Then - and forgive me - it got confusing - I became some sort of demented female with umpteen forum aliases, blitzing you with PM's about puppets (please, please post them!).
Then, last week, I was an octogenarian Rambo.
None of which have a shred of truth about them. But, that's show business.
This is a weird forum. Kicks it seems is US/TC/UK, everything you seem to despise. Conversely, I'm a non-entity Brit who just happens to live on an island I love and sympathises with the inequities of the current political situation here. Yet, you treat him as a heart-felt buddy and me as ...................... well, I'm sure folks will have followed your ranting. A fascinating study in chat forum psychosis. Why would I want to leave?