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Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how long?

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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Get Real! » Tue Dec 15, 2020 10:47 am

Fellas, I reckon that more than anything else, we all gotta start drinking green tea. I read so many good things about it in multiple scientific reports.

The only problem is that it probably tastes like it smells... dry garden weeds after a dog has pissed on them! :?
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby DT. » Tue Dec 15, 2020 11:28 am

Get Real! wrote:Fellas, I reckon that more than anything else, we all gotta start drinking green tea. I read so many good things about it in multiple scientific reports.

The only problem is that it probably tastes like it smells... dry garden weeds after a dog has pissed on them! :?

Unless this green tea has been maturing in double rum casks in the highlands no thanks.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Get Real! » Tue Dec 15, 2020 11:37 am

DT. wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Fellas, I reckon that more than anything else, we all gotta start drinking green tea. I read so many good things about it in multiple scientific reports.

The only problem is that it probably tastes like it smells... dry garden weeds after a dog has pissed on them! :?

Unless this green tea has been maturing in double rum casks in the highlands no thanks.

It did cross my mind to suggest adding a little scotch to it but I didn’t want to get laughed at... :? :lol:
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Wed Dec 16, 2020 1:44 am

339 new cases today. Well at least the spike from the other day isn't being maintained. Hopefully will get down into the 200s soon. :shock:
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Wed Dec 16, 2020 1:55 am

DT. wrote:Cyprus has pretty much done the impossible and tested the majority of its population with a total cases of 1.5% (15,000) and one of the best mortality rates in the world.

Need to maintain this lest we fall into Australian numbers where sadly it’s just not safe to live as a a senior’d expect they’d have a decent health system but alas :(

Err...your numbers are at USA levels. You should wish you had Australian numbers but that's impossible for you now without a vaccine.

You have a very small population. States with similar populations to Cyprus were also able to achieve near 100% testing. But what is amazing in Australia's case is the speed and ferocity of any response and sometimes the level of the response. It's like watching an American Movie. You will never experience it, but traveling through Australian Airports is quite something at the moment, with police and checks for travel papers, authorizations, and medical checks. It is very strict and controlled.

Now, let's look at the numbers shall we?

Cyprus populations 1,211,000 / COVID Cases 15789 / Death 84 / ACTIVE CASES 13648 / ICU 16 / TOTAL CASES PER MILLION 13,034 / DEATHS {PER MILLION 69

Australia population 25,650,000 / COVID Cases 28045, Deaths 908 / ACTIVE CASES 1451 / ICU 1 / TOTAL CASES PER MILLION 1094 / DEATHS PER MILLION 35

Oh and if the COVID didn't get into the VIC Health Old Age Centres then you can deduct 750 deaths from Australia's total meaning we should have only had about 200 deaths all up.

Plus, COVID is eliminated in Australian community, or so they say. Our handful of cases are mainly travelers from overseas coming back home and in quarantine.

DT, let us Aussies know if you need some help over there. :wink:
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Get Real! » Wed Dec 16, 2020 2:16 am

Paphitis wrote:Cyprus populations 1,211,000 / COVID Cases 15789 / Death 84 / ACTIVE CASES 13648 / ICU 16 / TOTAL CASES PER MILLION 13,034 / DEATHS {PER MILLION 69

Took me a while to figure out you had table data there... I thought you were dividing everything! :lol:

Learn to capture from screens and save as images.

Firstly, what makes you think the population of the RoC (the only party to upload Covid figures to the WHO) is 1,211,000? It's more like 870,000.

Second, what is this “cases p/million” worth, given that different countries have different land masses thereby having a varied dispersal of population?

What chances do little islands have; with their populations sandwiched on a tiny plot, at fairing well here? :)
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Wed Dec 16, 2020 3:32 am

Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Cyprus populations 1,211,000 / COVID Cases 15789 / Death 84 / ACTIVE CASES 13648 / ICU 16 / TOTAL CASES PER MILLION 13,034 / DEATHS {PER MILLION 69

Took me a while to figure out you had table data there... I thought you were dividing everything! :lol:

Learn to capture from screens and save as images.

Firstly, what makes you think the population of the RoC (the only party to upload Covid figures to the WHO) is 1,211,000? It's more like 870,000.

Second, what is this “cases p/million” worth, given that different countries have different land masses thereby having a varied dispersal of population?

What chances do little islands have; with their populations sandwiched on a tiny plot, at fairing well here? :)

I know how to do a screen dump and post images here.

Secondly, I am well aware of the population of Cyprus. However, since I got my data from an official source, I had to use their population figures which probably includes the occupied. The fact that it is a higher population figure of 1.2 million, actually improves the deaths per million and cases per million data. If I used another number like 870,000, you would accuse me of fiddling with the stats.

If I used 870,000, the stats would be far worse.

Now I would also like to point out that I am genuinely concerned for the high numbers. I would like to point out that I genuinely wish Cyprus had similar numbers or better than Australia across the board. It isn’t good that Cyprus is being ravaged.

But since it is being ravaged, there must be a reason why it’s happening. I would love to know those reasons actually. To know how it can get that far out of control.

You mentioned being sandwiched on a small island. In Australia, we have higher population densities in our cities. Think of Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane etc. With all the high rises and apartment living. Densities in these cities are quite comparable to any major city in the world. Even Perth, Adelaide, Canberra are densely populated and COVID could spread there with ease and be a disaster. Take for instance Melbourne. Well Melbourne was right on the cliff edge at one point. 800 new cases per day at the peak. But somehow it was pulled back to nothing. Phew. When it was at its worse I never believed for a second it could be done. I believed we were headed towards a US or European calamity. But fortunately, I was wrong.

The reason why Australia is doing well I would hazard a guess is because of the Governments response. I am against lock downs but it is clear that they have worked well and actually suppressed the spread considerably.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Wed Dec 16, 2020 3:59 am

Plus the outbreak in Melbourne, was massive. And a clear example of Government negligence.

But the response was brutal. And I haven’t seen any country pull off something like that. Chy-na claims to but I think their true numbers are in the millions. They suppress their data.

Australia is more open and transparent. No doubt about that.

So we had a 2 stuff ups, but gee, the response and the results were just amazing. How they did it is just mind boggling.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Wed Dec 16, 2020 6:37 am

Get Real! wrote:Fellas, I reckon that more than anything else, we all gotta start drinking green tea. I read so many good things about it in multiple scientific reports.

The only problem is that it probably tastes like it smells... dry garden weeds after a dog has pissed on them! :?

Drink Chy-nese Jasmin Tea.

It might amaze you but I have developed a taste for great Chy-nese food. Heck I got a taste for all good food. But my 2 very faves right now are Chy-nese and Italians. I’m almost turning into an Italian lately as a matter of fact. :?

But we have Chy-nese at least once a week and in order to neutralise one of the potent nutrients, the Chy-nese always drink green tea which neutralises all the stomach acids as well. It’s very good for you.

And it doesn’t taste bad.
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Re: Still no confirmed Corona cases in Cyprus, but for how l

Postby Paphitis » Wed Dec 16, 2020 6:45 am

Get Real! wrote:Fellas, I reckon that more than anything else, we all gotta start drinking green tea. I read so many good things about it in multiple scientific reports.

The only problem is that it probably tastes like it smells... dry garden weeds after a dog has pissed on them! :?

Btw, doesn’t Zivania just about kill every bacteria in your system if you are coming down with a flu?

Maybe that can kill any COVID as well. Imagine all those cells getting drenched in 55% alcohol or whatever it is.

Like drinking sanitizer. :lol:

It would be worth a try. I always found strong alcoholic drinks to alleviate systems especially when taken early on.

I’m not giving any medical advice to anyone as I could be very very wrong...I’m not qualified to offer any expert medical advice so please bear that in mind as well as the fact that Zivania might not work or worse still may make matters worse. So please consult your doctors.
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