... mic-roots/
...was the virus man-made?
“The genomic origin of the index virus (the strain that infected Patient Zero) has been determined to be a Chinese bat virus that underwent extensive pre-adaptation to humans, including continual transmissibility, prior to infecting Patient Zero. The open question is how, where, and when such exceptional genomic pre-adaptation took place.”
Get Real! wrote:“The genomic origin of the index virus (the strain that infected Patient Zero) has been determined to be a Chinese bat virus that underwent extensive pre-adaptation to humans, including continual transmissibility, prior to infecting Patient Zero. The open question is how, where, and when such exceptional genomic pre-adaptation took place.”
I already gave you that…
Get Real! wrote:Fellas, this lab report claims that "Flavan-3-ol" (look it up) kills the coronavirus and is contained in grapes, strawberries, cranberries, blueberries, cacao nuts, dark chocolate, green tea and wines. ... 01316/full
miltiades wrote:Get Real! wrote:Fellas, this lab report claims that "Flavan-3-ol" (look it up) kills the coronavirus and is contained in grapes, strawberries, cranberries, blueberries, cacao nuts, dark chocolate, green tea and wines. ... 01316/full
Months ago I introduced the real antidote to Korazinoio.
BORED. Bottle Of Red Each Day.
DT. wrote:Cyprus has pretty much done the impossible and tested the majority of its population with a total cases of 1.5% (15,000) and one of the best mortality rates in the world.
Need to maintain this lest we fall into Australian numbers where sadly it’s just not safe to live as a a senior’d expect they’d have a decent health system but alas
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